Saturday, April 10, 2021


i'm not feeling better.

i need to get to the er. like, now.
aristotle was upheld by the christians & muslims as the greek philosopher that was most similar to their worldview. but, that is why he is not great. on issue after issue, aristotle rejected ideas that we now know are true - evolution, heliocentrism, relativity. the greeks had all of these ideas in front of them, but aristotle rejected all of them - and so did we, as a result of it. he singlehandedly set back progress by 1500 years; no single man is responsible for more stagnation, more backwardsness. the story of the enlightenment is the story of the undoing of aristotle. that said, it was his moral philosophy that the religionists saw the most value in, which has itself also been largely undone by later thinkers. so, call him great if you must, but realize that it's the exaltation of backwardsness, in doing so.

think of it this way: he was the philosopher that all of the ignorant, illiterate barbarians picked out of the pile as the best of the bunch. and, his writings reflect that. coherently.