Sunday, May 19, 2019

trump will put those tariffs back in place as soon as it is convenient for him to do so, and we will all look very foolish when he does, won't we?

it may create a different kind of canadian politician in the long run.

in the short run, the government's focus should be on delaying ratification until the next president takes office.
what's the deal with my bike?

well, it was still there, actually - badly rusted, and with a beat up and cracked locked, but still there. i would classify it as unusable, but potentially salvageable.

i unlocked it and left it there; it's probably gone by now, but if it isn't then it's yours if you want it.

i'm just going to buy a new one and keep it inside; i can bring it back and forth under the tunnel, now.

and, that was the afternoon, although i had to stop when i realized it wasn't actually hot and humid out but cold and raining, instead. before the weekend, probably.
it is not possible for bernie to say anything right about abortion.

he must defer at every opportunity.

i'm sure he knows that.
facebook is so painfully slow....

it took all night, but i at least planned a path through detroit on the movement weekend. i am going to be a little obscure, but you may or may not see me at: tangent, el club, marble, the art park, the majestic theatre, the leland club and/or the tv lounge over the weekend. i will not be at the actual plaza festival, but i am planning on being out for three very long side parties over the course of the weekend, not unlike last year, although the venues will not be the same.

and, now i'm sleepy.

i want to get caught up on this by the end of the week. i think i can do that.