Thursday, February 16, 2017

i was more productive yesterday and this morning than it seems.

it's the rightmost column, here, that is what i spend the time on:

the following playlist was updated, concurrently:

it was mostly an augmentation process. so, it was a lot of searching and arranging and downloading. but, it is now much more complete.

i'm going to stop to eat. i do intend to hit the show tonight, but we'll see if i can get out in time or not.
and, no, i'm not calling bill clinton a retard - he knew it was just a front for continuing settler expansion. if you believed him, though...
the focus in israel needs to be on integrating the population to prevent a genocide - and if you ever thought that segregation was a viable answer, then you're a retard.
alright, alright - so he had no idea what he was talking about.

again, though - it would be nice if he meant what he said.

listen: people clinging to this idea of a two-state solution are living in a complete fantasy reality. you've seen the maps demonstrating settlement expansion. there is absolutely nothing left. if you think the israelis are ever going to withdraw...

so, this is not a real option. it's just a ploy the israelis use to avoid real negotiations. it will eventually be discarded as useless; my reaction was merely premature - what i thought had finally happened is what is going to eventually happen, and probably within the next 4-8 years. we're on the cusp of a shift, here. the viability of a palestinian state is long dead, and a generational shift will end the delusion.

even if a second state is somehow arrived at, it will merely continue the status quo. two states are not a solution, they are just a way to further the conflict. a palestinian state will never accept israel, and an israeli state will never end the occupation. it's not an end to anything.

to solve problems, you must get to root causes, and two-states doesn't even get close to doing that.

the actual options in front of us are as follows:

1) the israelis can succeed in ethnically cleansing the region of muslims, which is what they are currently planning around and what will probably actually happen. they've dropped mixed signals: while they used to view the final solution as expulsion, they seem to be open to more grisly approaches, nowadays.

2) or they can give up and succumb to the demographic problem. everybody knows that this is the inevitable result, should expulsion not happen.

the existential reality in front of the israelis makes the future clear: a massacre is waiting to happen. the longer the palestinians pretend that a separate state is viable, the stronger the inevitability becomes.

...and if you're offended, you're clueless, and nobody should give a fuck. stop whining and go educate yourself on the situation.
while it is stated nowhere in the article, deborah coyne was/is also justin trudeau's step-mother.

as for the contents of the post, i would rather support a revolt than reform. fucking reformists, right? but, it's good to see that at least some section of the elite sees the need for reform out of self-interest. that is the only mindset that has ever lead us to real progress.