Sunday, May 26, 2019

these marijuana condensates floating around nowadays can be quite potent. how you react to a "dab" is ultimately a question of tolerance, but there is a possibility that you might overwhelm yourself and need some time to recuperate. 

if you're in a scenario like that, you don't need water, because you're not dehydrated. don't get me wrong: i like water as much as the next person. if you want some water, have some water. but, it doesn't take the edge off of the high; it's not a meaningful solution to anything.

a better idea would actually be coffee. but, there's ultimately not another option besides waiting it out.

so, if you find yourself knocked over after a dab, the reality is that you simply ingested too much thc too fast and now you're just simply too stoned to move and flatly need to wait for your body to process it.

the good news is that you can be quite confident it will pass relatively quickly. you're not likely to lose consciousness, to black out, to lose your memory or to otherwise lose your individuality as a conscious person, to become somebody else. it's more of a frustration than a serious danger, even if your body is clearly putting the brakes on in telling you that it can't process that much thc that fast.

the delivery mechanism is engineered for habitual users that don't get much out of smoking pot anymore. it's meant to be intense, and if you don't have the tolerance, you're going to get knocked down.

so, if you were worried about my well being or otherwise curious about why i seemed in a daze at around 6:00 this just past sunday morning, that's your answer. i wasn't overdosing on anything, i wasn't suffering from exhaustion or dehydration, i didn't need water (although i appreciate the offer) and i wasn't even drunk. rather, i found myself way too stoned after hitting some intense condensate and had to let it pass. that was all.

i recovered fairly well, actually, and was able to keep dancing until they closed marble at 13:00. i was still feeling that dab five hours after it happened though, which is an unusually long period for a marijuana high. so, i got distance from it after the initial intense reaction.

i'm not trying to scare anybody; in fact, i'd do exactly what i did a second time. i'm just reminding everybody that that shit is powerful, and the reaction i experienced is not unexpected. it really was just pot.

i had a good night, actually. actress was phenomenal, and while i wish the night was staggered a bit better i did manage to at least get a bit of everything i wanted to dance to.

23:00-02:00: actress [el club]
02:30-05:00: texture [marble]  [rubinstein, parasole]
05:15-?07:00?: art park  [intense dab @ ~ 6:00]
?07:15?-13:00: staub [marble]

if staub had gone on a little longer, i would have ended the night at one of these two spots:
18:00-00:00: basement & nothing [majestic]
00:00-07:00: freaklimate [salon]

but, the five hour wait was too daunting for me and i opted to get home, instead.

i'll be back out tomorrow afternoonish.