Wednesday, February 15, 2017

this has to be resisted.

i can't find anything on this in the united states or canada.
it's shit like this that i won't tolerate.
actually, these are the kinds of programs that we need to put in place if we're going to bring all of these refugees in. they need language programs and they need jobs - at the same wages that starbucks would pay people that aren't refugees. i don't think that this is socially beneficial for the broader economy, but i would rather bring refugees in and give them jobs at coffee shops (again - for equal wages. i cannot stress this point enough. they must be compensated at the same rate. there cannot be special "refugee wages".) than bring them in and park them on welfare.

and, the truth is that this is the only way that a lot of them are going to find jobs.

i guess the opposition to this is the same kind of right-wing non-logic that opposes abortion, but won't pay out for social services.

i mean, they're here. this is what they need, and what they're not getting in some places. starbucks didn't bring them here. so, i'll applaud them for helping deal with the problem...
i'm not commenting much on this, because i continue to be of the opinion (and that's what it is at this point) that the trump-is-in-bed-with-putin line is essentially a cia psy-op that is being developed to remove trump from office. the real establishment guy here is pence and has been from the start.

i just want to point out that it's playing out roughly as i suggested, which is as follows.

1) do everything possible to stop sanders. he's the real threat. they even let clinton win the nomination - that's how much they feared sanders.
2) but, then it's clinton v. trump, which is crazy v. crazy. it really put the intelligence establishment in a lose-lose situation. trump may have even caught them off guard, when they were focusing on stopping sanders. and, then, it's, like "shit...".
3) so, the plan was to rig the election to prevent clinton from winning, but that meant rigging it for trump. so, they did it in such a way that would allow them to take trump down after. namely, they leaked all kinds of shit and then blamed it on russia. this reading of the situation means that it wasn't russia that hacked the dnc and leaked the file to wikileaks, but the cia that did it - and that they then blamed it on russia, because...
4) the next step is to take trump out. i don't know how this works. do you impeach him? force him to resign?

the scenario could have been different had trump not picked an insider like pence. but, he did. and i'm expecting that pence ends up as president sometime in the next year or two, as trump is pushed out on this russia thing - which is not actually a real thing, but a manufactured cia plot to push him out.

it's easy to call me names and stuff, but it keeps playing out the way i'm suggesting it will. so...
will the alt-right approve or disapprove of this?

it's been clear from the start that trump is not only not anti-semitic, but vehemently pro-zionist.

he will be the most pro-israel president in the history of the country.

that said, this is actually a formality. the two state solution has been dead for years - decades. i've long supported a single state solution based on equal rights for palestinians and jews.

the struggle for palestinians is now, and has been for some time, to break down the apartheid state in favour of one where everybody has equal rights - equal rights to labour, equal rights to land, equal access to religion, etc.

the government, in the end, should be run by neither israelis nor palestinians but by big tent parties that represent cross-sections of society.
i'm expecting the government to backtrack, under the excuse that it can't ensure the safety of the product. what they're doing suggests that they may even pull medicinal herb.

we elected an ideologically conservative leadership on the back of a lot of lies and in direct contradiction to what people made it clear that they wanted.

barring some unforeseen catastrophe, i'd expect an ndp majority in 2019. at the least, it's theirs to lose, right now. all they really need to do is not run mulcair...anybody at all that's able to present themselves as reliably left-of-centre will suffice, really.
even trudeau's feminism is thoroughly second-wave and overwhelmingly conservative :\.
i would suspect that the countries of europe would be more likely to spend more on defense if the weapons were made in europe - either by european firms, or at least contracted out to european labour.

but, i suspect that the pentagon would be less insistent, should that arrangement be presented.
i forced myself to sleep a little longer this morning.

i was a little oozy at first, but i got some glucose in me fast and now i'm feeling pretty sound.

facebook changed the way it deals with events, and it put me in a bit of a scramble. i was primarily worried that i was going to lose my subscriptions altogether. there's about 500 pages in total. i only take about 50 seriously, but it's useful to me to know what's happening. i tend to end up at places on a whim, and then go back. and, knowing late night spots around rock venues is sometimes a necessity. i mean, i'm rarely going to go out unless i'm attending a concert but once i'm there it's fair game...

as an example, i may be planning a two or three day excursion to ann arbor at the beginning of june. there's a noise rock festival at the same time as a sgt peppers symposium. if the timing works out, that could be an awesome weekend. i wouldn't know that if i wasn't checking those sites...

for now, i've got a handle on it enough to put it aside. and, i've accomplished what i've wanted to do: i bookmarked all of the pages before they possibly disappear from my event log.

i'm going to spend the rest of the day getting the concert section up, and hopefully writing reviews for the last two shows i went to.

i didn't take footage of the barely human fest, because i interpreted the bands as djs. apologies if that's insulting to anybody, i guess. but my intent was just to dance. i wasn't there to see anybody particular, and didn't really see the event in those terms.

i'm toying with finally going to the contemporary art institute in detroit, tomorrow.

oh, detroit:

that's legit. not joking.

the performance tomorrow is cage, glass and some local artists, including this:

it's right up my alley. but, i need to check how i'm feeling. and i need to make sure finances are good.

the following show on friday is firmer:
a real left in north america - and i'm aware that this does exist, despite being very small - would be working with resistance groups and accepting volunteers, not opening up pathways to rob the resistance of soldiers.

the orwells and hemingways of the past would have skewered these kids as spineless buffoons.
welcome to the left, kids.

we don't flee fascists, here. we fight them.
you want to fight supremacism? you want to fight the fuckers? you want to take them down?

great. i'm with you.

reality check: the people you're fighting for don't.

otherwise, you wouldn't be fighting for them, because they wouldn't be trying to get out - they would be engaging.
did you leave your grandmother behind in the war zone, sir?

did you flee to the border, while she cried for you to help?

or was that your wife?

or your daughter?
fighting isis is not like destroying imaginary wmds in iraq. this isn't about punishing insolence. this is not a war of colonialism. this is a civil war for control of the near east. and, should the forces behind isis win the day, it is merely a prelude for a global conflict.

if you thought the nazis needed to be stopped, you must support the war against isis, as well. and, you should support tactics every bit as brutal to wipe them out.

providing safe passage for people to flee the area merely plays into the hands of this enemy. they need to be organized and sent back to fight.

and, if they refuse, we should not want them, for they are cowards and bastards.
if the young men of syria and iraq will not stay in the region and fight and defeat isis, who will?

who will organize the resistance against the men that come to steal the children, to be sold into slavery?

who will protect the women from being converted from autonomous human beings into livestock in baby-producing factory farms, raped at will because they are, after all, merely property?

who will stand up for the queers that are under threat of execution for living in freedom?

and, who will rebuild when it is all said and done?