Saturday, September 17, 2016

17-09-2016: strange beautiful music IX (detroit)


vlog for the day:

j reacts to everybody moving to "likely voter" polling at the exact same time

i'm retracting my statement that the polls are tightening. on closer look, i actually think we have no valid data at all.

i'm not joking. look at this:

"The sample of likely voters is modeled among registered voters (N=1,433), assigning each respondent a probability of voting based on their responses. The margin of error for the sample of likely voters is plus or minus three points."

...meaning it's completely arbitrary, and probably designed to manufacture a race where there isn't one.

listen: i get that not everybody is going to vote. but, what these companies are doing is just making shit up. what they're doing makes the polling useless.

this is my honest take on the polls recently.

can we please get a good telephone poll of registered voters that isn't full of manipulated data?

i'm not saying clinton is still winning by a big margin. i'm saying the polling is useless, and we actually have no real idea at all.

i'm not exaggerating. every single one of those polls is trash.

that's all polls, so far, for september.

how's that for cherry-picking?

what they should be doing is reporting decided voters, leaning voters and completely undecided voters separately, not pulling probabilities out of their asses.

remember: the media doesn't care who wins. well...trump is less boring. but, they just want an exciting race. they want ratings.

the effect of this data manipulation appears to be that they are removing young people and minorities from the responses, under the argument that they won't vote. which is almost like they're modelling voter suppression.

of course that's going to inflate trump's numbers....

i mean, you can't even get polled in america anymore if you're latino or black? wtf...

"these polls are going to hurt ratings, so we'll just delete minority opinions. they don't watch us, anyways."

i'm glad i live up here. i really am.

and, with that, i think i'm going to legitimately follow through on my longstanding threat to tune out, which i haven't been able to do up to this point. what's the use in analyzing cooked data?

but, get this: i've been arguing they're both racists. i may have missed the larger point. which is that the system is already racist. and, this fear that electing somebody with white supremacist support is going to be some kind of change is really just willful blindness.

they're modelling voter suppression.

i'm sure the health thing has had some negative effect. but, the reason the polls have changed is because everybody changed the way they poll at the same time. and, it does seem like collusion....

what you're missing here is a class analysis. that is, we still don't know why these words are "bad".

you'll notice that the crude words are all very german sounding, and that they start to develop a crude context around the time of the norman takeover. english is of course a german language (spoken by invading angles and saxons). the norman ruling class mostly spoke french.

so, you ended up with certain words being looked down upon because they were only used by the non-aristocratic classes. to use these words would define you that way. avoiding them was consequently of the utmost importance, to maximize social advancement.

we don't swear like dukes, or duchesses. we swear like sailors.

the flaw in jimmy's reasoning is that, if he's right, what it does is set the stage for the democrats to sweep back into power with a big tent that bleeds into the center right. think of it like this: if you put bush back in power, the end result is that obama gets elected again.

it's an algorithm that pulls the democrats further and further to the right...

there's a video on my channel where i go over this. but, bernie is absolutely right. if you see them as interchangeable (and i do, mostly), then you should let hillary become the villain. the backlash has to be against the democrats, not co-opted by them.

i have the drivers uninstalled, myself.

and the device disabled.