Thursday, September 19, 2019

i don't know any of the names in the list, but i don't have to think hard to figure it out.

the new leadership at wfp are former clinton supporters or employees.

and, that list of people is a bunch of clinton zombies, left over from 2016, out to finish the job.

do the research. prove me right...
listen, i supported kathleen wynne in ontario (for a while), and i might support elizabeth may federally, this time around. i've voted for female mps when they're aligned with the parties in front of me, which hasn't always been the case. that's what i've had in front of me.

i supported hillary clinton over barack obama, but pulled support largely after i saw what she did as secretary of state, which was horrific.

and, i'll remind you that i identify as female.

but, warren is a bad candidate, if you're an ideological leftist.

i actually think i've kept my criticisms pretty grounded and policy oriented, i certainly haven't called anybody any names besides maybe 'neo-liberal', and if anybody's being emotional and absurd, it's you, not me.

but, i ultimately don't care what you think. and, i will continue to rip apart her policies as i come across them, as i feel is reasonable, so long as i don't get bored and tune out.
...but, it won't help her win.

competition is harmful to everybody. that's why firms avoid it - it's why you need a state to enforce competitive markets.
warren is clinton 2.0 - which means she's meaner, more aggressive and has a stronger kill instinct.

and, she does not care about bernie.

at all.

this is how somebody that's a capitalist to their bones acts. get ready for it - it's going to be ugly.
the letter's a shot from the bow, and bernie's campaign needs to realize what's coming next - an organized smear campaign right out of the clinton playbook.

they caught him off guard, clearly - he wasn't expecting this. but, he has to adjust. fast. or get out, and let his movement go to a third party to take her on.
are they willing to publish any specific examples?

it's kind of hard to take seriously, and strikes me more as a bullshit smear against the sanders campaign.
what a horrible ruling.

i hope the crown appeals and holds these idiots accountable for what they did to their child.
i know that there's this dominant christian perspective in the united states that life is "sacred" or something.

and, we're struggling to get past that here, too.

but, this is a taste of how the rest of the world sees the issue:
the best way to understand the language in the ruling, and why the philpot-jwr legislation was so inhumane and flat out terrible, is to ask yourself the following question:

if you suffer from a "grievous and irremediable medical condition", is your suffering likely to be greater or lesser if you can't demonstrate that your death is reasonably foreseeable?

it is the people that can't demonstrate the imminence of their death that are precisely those that need assisted suicide the most!

if you reduce the legislation to saving a few bucks in avoiding keeping people alive longer than necessary, which is essentially what they did, you're essentially putting aside the ruling; you're missing the point.
i may not have explained this entirely.
this is such a complicated mess, and it's particularly weird due to the fact that the greens apparently rejected them.

the reality is that she was an awful ag, and there's not one but several of her laws that are in the process of being struck down, right now. it was these two clowns that were primarily responsible for writing the botched assisted suicide legislation that got struck down last week, for example.

what is elizabeth may's position on assisted suicide? a strange one for an ordained minister, actually:

that is the correct position, fwiw. i don't think that either of the independent members truly agree, though.

so, if this endorsement isn't about the quality of her legislation, what's it about?

rightly or wrongly, and i would say wrongly, she's seen as a leader in the indigenous community. and, this outreach is crucial to the future of environmental politics in this country.

let's just hope that the greens can co-opt jwr before jwr co-opts them.
so, now that bernie has a million donors, is it time to send them each a dollar?

i kid.

and, hey, you know that warren has even more money, right?
would a young stallone doing a kickass muhammad ali be racist?
i'm not defending trudeau, exactly. i don't want to give him another false majority. and, i understand that this is how a logician thinks, and it's not how most people think. they've done studies that demonstrate that homo economicus is essentially only applicable to economics students; maybe there's a similar idea for homo mathematicus that only applies to logicians.

but, careful thinking is important, too.

the aladdin thing doesn't bother me at all - it was over the top, but you need to ask the woman in the photo. maybe she even thought it was hot. i dunno.

the dancing thing is more questionable, but i'd have to see it to know if it was racist. it's an open question. i'm leaning towards it probably not being so good.

but, that just demonstrates the point - it's about the context of the situation, not the action itself. again, maybe i'm just being eurocentric in insisting on mens rea, but i'm not going to change, and i don't want to.

so, if we have a situation where it's harmless and a situation where it's hurtful, let's take this to it's logical conclusion and try a thought experiment. imagine this...

suppose that we have a film where a white actor portrays martin luther king, and that actor does a phenomenal, over the top job. in fact, let's even say it's the best character actor of our time - let's say it's jim carrey. in order to do the job, he would have to wear blackface, right? let's ignore questions about affirmative action here, for brevity. now, if the portrayal is heart-wrenching and brilliant and absolutely respectful, is that racist? or is it just good acting?

i'm just throwing it out there.

again - i suspect the dancing video was probably pretty crude. but, can we all be subtle thinkers, here, and recognize that the racism isn't in the wardrobe, exactly?
but, do i think he should resign, anyways?

this is where the fact that canada has very different demographics fits in. if a governor in a southern state like georgia or, was it virginia?, did that then he'd be pissing off a substantive minority of the population. it's like 30-40% in some places, right?

downtown detroit is about 80% black. you wouldn't want to do something like that there...

but, canada, overall is less than 5% black - i often say 2%, but i think that's an old number. nowadays, it's more like 3-4%. there are some areas, like toronto and montreal, where the numbers are bigger, and something like this may be a bigger issue. but, the actual reality is that there just aren't enough black people in canada for it to really matter.

what about white voters? there may be a general dislike of it in certain circles, but i expect the general reaction to be a shrug.

the usual suspects on twitter, etc will no doubt be in fits, but if this moves the election, you should only expect it to be in the margins, and it might just end up splitting the vote in a handful of key ridings in the 416.

if one of the parties can really take control of the issue, that might change. but, i wouldn't expect this to be the kind of issue in canada that it would be in the united states, because the demographics to make it one just don't exist.
what about polling?

here's the actual most recent nanos data:

as per usual, the media ignores the undecideds, which is wrong in canada.

once you bring the undecideds back in, it's easy to see that the movement over the last few days is well within the margin of error. while the undecideds have not increased (an immediate assumption when conservative numbers go up), the conservative numbers have actually barely moved, relatively to the margin - the distortion comes in the exaggerated swing by removing that ~15% undecided. so, a 2 point swing, which is in the margin, gets inflated to a 6 point one, which looks like real movement, when it actually isn't.

rather, i might suggest that nanos has been overshooting ndp numbers - he has had them higher than anybody else - and that the real movement in his numbers is a correction of something he was overshooting. it's only a few points, but he was an outlier on that. he was also maybe lowballing the conservatives, by putting them in the high 20s. so, i think this is a polling correction rather than any actual movement.

but, you know how the tory media works with this stuff - it's conditioning, it's not reporting.

if turnout is low, expect the conservatives to benefit from it. that's how they win. but, you're otherwise looking at the same basic reality we've had for a long time, which is that the liberals are mostly in a fight against voter apathy, which means they're largely running against their own record.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

the way that trudeau uses the term "diversity" is actually quite similar to the way that upper-class, white southerners, usually democrats, always racist, would use the term "colour" before the 1960s.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

i'm going to line up on the side of people arguing that trudeau walking around in indian robes (do indians even dress like this any more?) is akin to some kind of black face.

as is the case with so much of what trudeau does, this isn't just ham-fisted. it's blatantly racist.
and, i should point out the following as well....

the vast majority of black canadians - i mean like 99% - would actually reject the idea that they have any cultural connection to american history, and thereby reject black history month along with it. that is actually kind of a big deal in canada, rather than black history month, itself. because, the best way to piss off a black canadian is to suggest their ancestors were slaves.

because it's usually not true. and, they want you to know it's not true, so you don't think it is. it's not just an ego thing; black canadians overwhelming expect that you won't treat them as the descendant of slaves. because they aren't. and they'll put you in your place if you suggest that they are.

it follows that trudeau is diving head first into instant death if he thinks that pushing black history month is a way to win votes from black voters. not only is the african american narrative not something that black canadians identify with, it's something that they vehemently reject. it's an insult to them.

trudeau is going to get his teflon suit full of eggs if he thinks he's going to talk about this kind of thing with black canadians and get anything more than a guffaw.

"excuse me. sir, are you implying that my ancestors, and the ancestors of the other people in this room, were slaves? because, if you are, i'm appalled."

and, see, a canadian pr team would know that, too. but, when you go and hire all these american strategists (that may have been born in canada, but are culturally american), they miss things like this.

and, that's the irony, right?

"african-americans, black canadians....they're all the same, right?"


one group descends from chattel slavery and has roots in the united states since the fifteenth century. the other is highly educated, mostly middle-classed and has arrived in canada almost entirely since 1970, either from the caribbean or directly from africa, and largely via scholarship grants.

and, the implication that there is any commonality at all is, in fact, brutally racist, which is what trudeau will be told, when it comes to it.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
and, just to be clear: justin trudeau and jason kenney are both racists, but justin trudeau is way more racist than jason kenney is.

jason kenney is actually the architect of the immigration policies that trudeau likes to take credit for. so, if they want to make the election about "diversity", which is such a ridiculously clinical and racist way to take about immigration from the start, it's the language you hear in a $500/plate fundraiser with a bunch of upper-class old money white people that are trying very hard to hide their racism, i'm going to go out of my way to throw that in their faces.

immigration levels are historically higher under conservative governments, who have been using the process as a way to shift the population to the right and solidify their own voting base, and recent immigrants to canada should support kenney over trudeau - they agree with him more on core governing issues, and kenney likes them better than trudeau does, too.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

kenney has problems with the gays, but his racism is actually quite subtle, as he fully realizes that the kind of socially conservative immigrant that he wants comes from the religious societies in asia and africa, and not the liberal countries of europe or south america. he may be unlikely to accept a coalition with non-white leadership, but he's more open to the ideas that immigrants bring in with them, because they're not very different from his own ideas. so, kenney sees the immigrant as an ally in his quest for a more conservative world, even if he wishes to retain power for himself and his own kind - it's racism lite, a subtler way to be white.

trudeau's racism is more visceral, which is ever the more obvious given that he fucks up every once and again with outbursts of disdain and superiority. there's a list of pretty brutal comments, at this point. the jig is up, really. so, he hides his hate in these choreographed displays of "diversity", using clinical language out of a marketing class. his white supremacy is more absolute, in that he's happy to parade as many different-looking people around him as he can find, but he doesn't have the slightest interest in listening to a word that they actually say, or offering up any kind of position of real authority. how about the bizarre reaction to the raybould resignation/firing, which really had nothing to do with race: diversity only works when it is rooted in trust. what the actual fuck does that even mean? it may appear as incomprehensible word salad on first glance, but it really reveals a fundamentally racist world view: she really was just a token indian in cabinet. so, trudeau sees the immigrant as a voter to control at a distance within a class hierarchy with a white, liberal elite at the top. it's racism with a smile, and you just don't talk about it, because it's not polite.

while the reality is that trudeau is probably defaulting to this because he wants to create a wedge issue with minority voters and can't figure anything else out, that by vilifying kenney as a racist he's essentially acknowledging that he can't compete with him on ideas with immigrant voters and is stuck trying to scare people instead, what you're going to get out of trudeau on this is a lot of projection. most of what trudeau is going to throw out there about his opponents is going to be more true of himself than of them, and it's exactly the reason he's going to throw it out there.

and, a part of the reason that the tories tend to win the immigrant vote in canada is because immigrants can see through this clearly enough. the conservatives are actually willing to accept them for who they are and reflect their actual values; the liberals just pander to them for votes with fake appeals to togetherness, while then passing laws that they stringently oppose.

the liberals are at a dead-end with this. they've tried to build a party around cultural inclusion, only to find out that majorities in all of these different cultures would rather live in a christian society than a secular one, and that the path to multiculturalism is through the destruction of liberalism, rather than the elevation of it. in the mean time, they've alienated swaths of white voters, who are actually liberal and secular in their beliefs.

but, trudeau doesn't live in reality, he lives in a bubble that is curated by his advisors. and, he could very well spend the next six months tilting at these aforementioned windmills, slaying the monster that is the projection of his own inner, racist demons.
the dancing thing is potentially worse than the gala, but it's inconclusive, and, even if you conclude that his motives were nefarious, you have to realize he was a teenager, or maybe a very young adult. who let him go on stage and do that?

again: i'm not sure this is racist, but i'm keen on hoping that the fallout helps take them down to a minority. and, no, it's not a reason to vote for a guy that thinks he has a magic beard.

i am sure, however, that there are lots of far better reasons to call trudeau and his handlers racist, and if you sort through the last four years of this blog, i point out a fair number of them.



call al franken - not to ask him to come back, and not to ask him for support in iowa, although it might help, but to ask him what it's like to get pushed out.

you're not a democrat, bernie. you know that. they know that. and, they dislike you so much that they'd rather pick a republican. ok?

bernie has to get the point and run for a third party before it's too late. fuck that pledge, they've been dishonest with him, and they'll screw him over at every chance.

and, if bernie can't face the facts here, his movement needs to get on with it and organize a third party movement without him.

he needed critical mass, and he's not getting it.
again: i don't care if this guy wants to be a 55 year old pothead. they're all 55, though, aren't they?

but i signed a non-smoking lease because i didn't want to live with a smelly, old pothead.

i have every right to expect him to uphold it.
there's a weak, background of pot tonight. the stench isn't as strong as it was last night, but i'm feeling oozy from it, and i avoided it last night. it's partly where it is; it was on the other side of the apartment last night.

i don't want to be stoned right now. at all. i'm at home. being stoned at home by yourself is boring as fuck.

i'm going to get something to eat and finally get started on what i should have been doing this week.
so, we're going to stop there at the end of period 3.

that is by no means comprehensive or exhaustive, but it's a good teaser (and a good plan) for what i've got in front of me for period 3, which was about 08/2003-03/2007.

most of it is mostly done. there's really just the lost symphony, the throatmotor fragment, the crash and the matlab project....





most of my songs begin as conventional guitar songs before they get ripped apart and demented into various abstract concoctions. that means that a lot of my pieces have two different versions. i've always deferred the raw guitar versions to eventual live performances, but i'm at a space in life where i realize that these live performances are not likely to ever materialize. so, i'm going to compile the live/guitar versions of my larger pieces here.

it's unclear to me at this point where i will space this in my discography, but it will probably be around 2008.



this is the introduction of a symphony i started at the end of 2006 and have since placed on indefinite hold.

this introduction is very noisy, and i'm somewhat impressed by myself listening to at the moment.

but, the second - incomplete and unreleased - section sounds like al di meola jamming with the aphex twin, and that's a better way to describe the overall intent.

this might end up as a tetris release and is probably the end of period 3.



this is the upcoming ninth album. disc 1 is the first two tracks, disc two is the second two.

for now, just fast forward through the three minutes of silence. the lost symphony will be the fourth track; to an extent, xenophanes is just the introduction to it.



this extended ep will be a comprehensive exploration of all of the versions of this recording. i've never been fully certain if this recording is done or not, but i'll have to decide sooner than later.

for now, here is the newest version that exists, which is instrumental (there are vocals.) and from early 2007.



these are actually rock songs, albeit weird ones. i was shopping them around in the mid-00s, and nobody bit. we'll have a compilation demo up here as i found it, but i'm also going to need to actually finish them up.

i didn't want this to be a studio project, but what do you want me to tell you? i can't find anybody to jam with...and i've been looking for twenty years....

the cd-r from 2005 that i have consists of the first eight tracks, and i'm going to publish it that way, as is. i was considering adding a ninth track that i cut at some point, but decided against it - this will come up elsewhere. there is also a tenth demo in this collection that was dismantled into different tracks, and will eventually come up as a part of a similar collection dated to mid-2004.

there are two different types of tracks in this collection. some of these tracks will be worked into the trivial group or proverbs symphonies, whereas others will need to be completed as standalones in the 2004-2005 space, depending on where i think they best fit.

see, i'm tempted to label this proverbs, but don't actually want to. the tracks that weren't put aside for it don't have vocals. but, they weren't supposed to be trivial group, they were supposed to be a band project. i was using the pseudonym "whore to culture" for a little bit, but, in hindsight, i don't really like it - and i never finished anything under the label. i think that was mostly xenophanes, which is definitely trivial group, now.

on the other hand, were any of the trivial group tracks intended to be studio projects? no...they just all ended up that that's less a difference and more a commonality...

and, are these tracks that different than trivial group? not in the form they're in. if i were to just play the trivial group tracks on guitar, they'd be sort of similar, wouldn't they?

in fact, i could conceivably expand this collection by isolating some of the other guitar tracks in the other trivial group stuff, but i don't want to do that, either. i mean, i could take the style way back - this isn't my first demonstration of impressionist jazz punk. i may consider creating a second companion disc that just has the guitar parts from all of the trivial group material, but i want to leave this specific disc exactly as it is, which is exactly as i found it.

these specific tracks were written at various points between 2003-2005 and performed via a line-in directly into my soundcard, with no effects, in my apartment on prince of wales in ottawa on august 21, 2005. a handful of cds were then burned, and left out randomly at various places around town where i hoped a drummer would find them. ripped back to digital on april 12, 2014. uploaded and published without further modification on sept 19, 2019. as always, please use headphones.

cover art by sarah.


released August 21, 2005

j - guitar 


is this inri085?

i don't know. i'll need to do something with this, but i may work it into one of the other pieces...

there's about another 15 minutes to this piece, btw.
again: i'm pretty sure i'm right on this, but you can be mad if you want, i don't really care.

i'm more excited about the ability of taking advantage of some potential fallout.
racism is when you do things that are intended to harm, disparage or attack people of a specific race.

does wearing make-up do that? not necessarily.

stated tersely: i simply don't see the causal connection between wearing makeup and being racist.

now, if you could imagine somebody wearing blackface and portraying africans as particularly ignorant or backwards, more so than would be considered reasonable by a reasonable person, then, sure, that would be racist. but, it's not the make-up that's racist in this scenario, it's the behaviour. i think we can agree that the portrayal would still be racist if that theoretical person took the make-up off, right? so, why is it still racist if you leave the make-up on and stop the portrayal?

and, i mean, you can be offended if you insist, but it's not actually an argument, and it doesn't mean you're actually right.

i don't know the context of the picture, but it looks to me like he went on a date with an iranian woman and dressed up as aladdin, as a part of a gag. i guess you'd have to ask her how she felt about it. but, the premise of being on the date with the iranian suggests that there wasn't any particular level of dislike going on.
i'm just happy to see an opportunity here that the greens, specifically, can take advantage of.

i want a minority parliament. anything that takes trudeau down a few notches is a good idea, to me.
listen - i certainly don't remember donning black makeup as a joke, but it's because it's something i wouldn't do. and, if i did do it, i would probably defend it as harmless - and tell anybody offended by it to fuck off.

i have been accused of wearing cover-up that was slightly darker than my skin colour, but i'm not going to apologize for not bringing my make-up artist to the drug store. to the extent that there may have been a point, it had to do with it being may rather than august, and not having the money to buy different coloured foundation depending on the exact amount of tanning i'm experiencing.

the reality is that i have a lot of brown-skinned ancestors and i get pretty dark-skinned in the summer. if i used pasty white make-up, it would look pretty awful.

if you want to accuse me of anything in the media you see of me, it should be of lightening my skin by using bright lights, but it's never been intentional when it's happened.

but, the reality is that i think this whole thing is stupid, and i'm not likely to take you very seriously, anyways.
i think these constant kneejerk reactions about wearing blackface are, in general, over blown. i don't really see what the big deal is, honestly.

you're going to tell me "that's racist!", and i'm going to say "no, it isn't". and, we can have that debate if you catch me in the right forum, but, for right now, i'm just going to say that i think it's kind of a trivial concern to get yourself worked up over.

but, those pictures are going to piss people off.

and, the people that it's going to piss off aren't going to vote conservative...
there's something else worth pointing out about the canadian election, and i don't know exactly what the best way to parse it is, yet.

scheer - 30-something
singh - 30-something
trudeau - 40-something going on 12
may - 60-something

it's easy enough to suggest that may is an old woman and should retire.

but, i think a part of the reason that she handily won the first debate is because she came off as the only adult in the room.



the very beginning of a long paused project built around the idea of converting ratios directly into music using matlab.

i'm going to leave this as a one-track single dated to november, 2004 and finish the idea, for release in....2020?

this was created for the requirements of math 4822, a course on wavelet theory, at carleton university in the fall semester of 2004. programmed entirely in matlab over a weekend in nov, 2004. uploaded and published without further modification on sept 19, 2019. as always, please use headphones.


released November 30, 2004

j - matlab programming, digital wave editing.