Thursday, September 19, 2019

racism is when you do things that are intended to harm, disparage or attack people of a specific race.

does wearing make-up do that? not necessarily.

stated tersely: i simply don't see the causal connection between wearing makeup and being racist.

now, if you could imagine somebody wearing blackface and portraying africans as particularly ignorant or backwards, more so than would be considered reasonable by a reasonable person, then, sure, that would be racist. but, it's not the make-up that's racist in this scenario, it's the behaviour. i think we can agree that the portrayal would still be racist if that theoretical person took the make-up off, right? so, why is it still racist if you leave the make-up on and stop the portrayal?

and, i mean, you can be offended if you insist, but it's not actually an argument, and it doesn't mean you're actually right.

i don't know the context of the picture, but it looks to me like he went on a date with an iranian woman and dressed up as aladdin, as a part of a gag. i guess you'd have to ask her how she felt about it. but, the premise of being on the date with the iranian suggests that there wasn't any particular level of dislike going on.