Friday, September 8, 2023

- friday: alter-reality
- sat--->mon: period 3 recording
- tues--->thurs: liner note rebuild (and general writing workthrough)

- when i got back from the hospital, i was finished buying gear, my music pc was not functioning properly and i was starting on the alter-reality (as of august 1, 2021).
- politics: election in september, 2021, afghanistan, pandemic 
- asimov

i was spending my time filing when i wasn't re-reading and analyzing asimov, but the computer wasn't working and i frequently went overtime on the reading. so, i mostly did asimov over september.

- dna test in at end of september.
- celiac testing. other dna analysis.
- asimov.
- after testing, realized the problem was hardware acceleration on the old nvidia video card. turned off. works.