Wednesday, May 9, 2018

the smoke in here was heavy tonight (and i'm documenting this for the court date.), but the windows are also completely wide open. the wet weather is helping a lot....

i just finished season 3, which is up to february 8th.

time to eat. and fast.

and, hopefully i get another good chunk in afterwards.
they sound like americans.
today is a good example of how the smoke from downstairs is degrading my quality of life.

i woke up late in the evening, meaning i should have been able to stay awake until the afternoon, at least. but, she started blazing at 7:00, and i was passed out like a rock by 8:00 - and not able to molve again until after 2:00.

i wanted to hit my blood test this morning; i even fasted overnight for it. instead, i wasted the day sleeping.

i wanted to get my estrogen tested, but then i got high.

...even though, i'm of course not actually getting high, i'm just getting a headache and falling asleep.


i ended up leaving in a dirty rush - uncombed hair, unshaved face. like, just gross looking. but, i forgot my sheet, so i had to go back home.

i guess i'll have to try again tomorrow.

i got up to the end of january done last night and i'm going to try and push through a little further tonight.

i need to start looking for a new apartment on monday at the latest.
i mean, maybe she should do a photo op at the cbs.

just so we're all sure.
a think a lot of people probably think that if you prick kathleen wynne, you'll get motor oil or that shit spiderman uses to climb buildings or something.
no. listen.

wynne's problem is that people aren't quite sure that she's human. they like her policies. they like her record. they don't like her.

if ford hits her the right way, it could be enough to drop the alien gloss, or the superhuman veneer, or whatever it is, and remind people that if you prick kathleen wynne, she bleeds too.

it's just a very delicate process. because she can't let it phase her too much, either.

i frankly don't think wynne saw that coming. but, her instincts might have been enough to produce the best possible outcome.

that said, this is subtle. it's tone-setting. you'll have difficulty producing cause and effect, one way or another.
when nazi murderers argued they were 'just following orders', we didn't call them victims and give them empathy - we told them that that's not an excuse, and we executed them.

and, i don't think anything has or should have changed.

if your superiors give you orders that you don't want to follow, you break ranks - you don't just blindly follow, and then claim you're a victim. whether that's about killing jews or having sex doesn't matter.

this is a more important discussion, as it has to with concepts of just and unjust laws, of moral conviction and of individualism and free will. we need to reassert concepts of agency, not pretend as though we're all pliable and malleable buffoons.

i'm never going to buy the argument that you lack responsibility for your actions because somebody above you in some hierarchy told you to do it. that abolishes the individual's agency. it's absolutely foreign to our legal culture; complete bullshit.

....and very right-wing, in broad scope,
this could be two lost seats over an issue that really belongs on the right of the spectrum.
i just don't think there's actually anything wrong with approaching somebody and asking them for sex.

because i'm a liberal. not in spite of it.


the gong show continues.

will they have any candidates left by 2019?

remember that singh himself does not currently have a seat.

i didn't understand the accusations against weir. i understand these a little better, but i'm not sure they're grounds for removal, either.

i just find this whole narrative to be remarkably conservative.
so, i got a message this afternoon denying my request to move the hearing up. what they said was that changes to the process are going to lead to longer delays, and i was simply scheduled as quickly as i could be.

i've looked into the amending process as well, and the person i talked to on the phone seems to have misunderstood what i requested.

i can't walk into a hearing on july 5th with the possibility of severing the lease on august 1st, and hope it's extended until september or october. that's insane. i could end up homeless. i mean, i should have more faith in the system than that, but i'm not into taking stupid risks.

so, the realistic options i have in front of me are to withdraw & resubmit or to negotiate an exit to the lease, and use the hearing strictly for the purposes of requesting damages.

i don't think that the owners are going to have a problem with me giving them notice.

i've decided that i need to move. there's no way around it. now, the hallways are full of shit again, too; this place is disgusting. no, let me be more clear: this place is full of disgusting people. if i don't get damages, i'm going to need to move, anyways, even if i have to leave some furniture behind. so, i'd might as well just give them 60 days.

i need to get my bloodwork done tomorrow. i was hoping to spend the day working, but i should get a few hours in, at least.

and...i guess i should start looking for august 1st asap.

this sucks. but there's not a better answer.