Sunday, May 2, 2021

i'm sorry to be a jerk, but i'd say the most likely cause of death is via opioid overdose. she may have needed one of those naloxone injections, and it may be the nobody caught it. i mean, hey, if you're a 17 year-old forced to self-isolate for two weeks, it's a good time to experiment with drugs, right?

but, this particular case aside, which i fear may be politicized to argue for free market healthcare, as though the family could have paid more to have the ambulance arrive faster, as though that makes any actual sense, there are going to be some percentage of young people that just don't react to the virus at all. now, she should have tested positive if that was the case. but, in cases where your body just doesn't realize that this thing is a virus, you get no immune response at all. and, it just ravages your insides out and turns it to mush. these unlucky people that can't recognize the virus are going to die horrible, ebola-like deaths. and, this doesn't sound that far from it, either.

the sad reality is that it's not clear what an ambulance could have done for somebody suffering multiple simultaneous hemorrhages due to their immune system utterly failing to identify a pathogen. that person would need something like immediate antibody treatment, which is probably not available on immediate notice in rural alberta, quite yet.

i know it's easy to think the kid would have made it with immediate care; she's young, she's strong. right? but, it's the opposite - the fact that the virus totally overwhelmed her, for whatever reason, suggests her prognosis was very poor, regardless.

but, i mean, the negative test. yeah. sounds like opiates....

i had to settle for this:

800-pound threatened hominid from africa that cannot be mentioned in youtube comments or the algorithm will remove your post 
i mean, that's the only reasonable conclusion i can come to - that other hominids never existed, so they don't need to be talked about.
they also seem to have banned any discussion of chimpanzees.

are they creationists, or what? what the fuck?
he's talking like the point isn't for the americans to be an 800-pound threatened hominid from africa that cannot be mentioned in youtube comments or the algorithm will remove your post and distort every relationship in the country.  divide et impera - and if it's taking too long, they just need more divide. the policeman is there to preserve disorder. a functioning, stable, competitive afghanistan is the last thing that anybody in washington wants.

so, why is biden doing this? i think it's a personal grudge he had against obama. i think he got overruled and smacked down and resented it. and, now he's trying to undo it. and i think that's the actual point.

that said, conflating the end of this war with the removal of troops is a false equivalency. even when or if this war ever ends, american troops will likely remain in the region, unless they're actually driven out - and nobody thinks the taliban can do that. the chinese, maybe. but, nobody wonders when we're going to withdraw from japan anymore, and the long term goal has to be that kind of under-the-radar occupation that just never ends, whether there's a war to justify or not...

in fact, it won't even let you post gorilla in quotes.

the term i'm using is "800 pound gorilla", and i'm using it because the person i'm responding to in the video used it. 

gorillas are real animals, kids. this is dystopic - there's no other description.
youtube has also banned the word "gorilla", unless put in quotes. i suppose that gorillas no longer exist in the millennial safe space fantasy reality. and, i thought the thing threatening gorillas was species extinction through habitat destruction.

list of scientific terms that you can't post in youtube comments, that i've found:

- homo economicus
- gorilla
a blanket ban on international students would certainly be a downward push on the price of low-income housing, but it won't reduce the spread of covid-19.

i'd rather see more low-income housing built, but i'll take it.
today's post is the curious george single, inri040.


this track was taken from the then lost curious george suite (now inri037) and loaded up with samples to raise awareness. the impression i was trying to create was that bush wasn't going to be a president who was particularly concerned with civil liberties because he had stated as much rather clearly. this is still pre-9/11, it was right before the election, and i still had no idea what was coming. i was just conscious of the fact that this is a guy that isn't going to stand up for anybody's rights, have much interest in maintaining the rule of law (international or otherwise) or have much respect for the democratic process. 

even listening to it today, a lot of it is really surreal. at the time, i was focusing a bit on the irony. for example, his "people who are going to commit crimes shouldn't have guns" quote is cited in reference to himself - by that logic, he should have overseen an american disarmament. "this guy's not elected, he just took over office" quip was also meant to apply to him. i think it's largely forgotten that the news of a possible attempted coup hit before the 2000 election did. there was a buzz on the internet that the people behind bush (military contractors) weren't going to let him lose. the "court battle" in florida wasn't a completely surprising turn of events. it was gore's disinterest in fighting the legal battle (because it would "destabilize" the country) that hit people by surprise. 

i've split this into it's own space because it belongs in it's own space. deny everything (inri041) has been converted into abstract instrumental music; the samples don't belong there. it also seems disingenuous to insert it into the lost suite. 

i think i need to be careful in stating that historical hindsight inoculates me in explaining what i hoped was obvious: that this is a thinly veiled call for the assassination of bush before he takes over. a tree fell in a forest here. alas. 

recorded in april, 2000. samples added in oct, 2000. album version reverted to original mix in sept, 2006. released as a single on jan 14, 2014. expanded & finalized on oct 9, 2016. as always, please use headphones. 

the album version appears on my fourth record, deny everything (inri041): 

this release also includes a printable jewel case insert and will also eventually include a comprehensive package of journal entries from all phases of production (2000, 2006, 2014, 2017). 

released october 13, 2000 

j - guitars, effects, drum programming, sampling, sound design, digital wave editing. 

there are no synthesizers used in this track.