Friday, August 28, 2020

i'm not one of them. i bitch about the smoke, but i hate the country side, and want to live in the city.

but, i'd be happy if the wealthy fled the city, and brought rent back to earth.

so, good riddance.

we get the leaders we deserve, in the end.

maybe we shouldn't have done what we did, but we did...

and, now, everybody is going to be on welfare for the next ten years - even if they remove the laws tomorrow. the damage has already been done.

the government needs to realize this and shift it's role.

they might actually save money with a ubi.
this is an artificial recession caused by draconian laws that restrict people from spending money, and it will last as long as the laws do.
what i'm going to say is that economics as a psycho-social theory needs to be approached very carefully right now.

things that would normally work might not, and things that would normally fail just might work.

but, my basic position is that the government should be less concerned about getting people to spend and more concerned about making sure they don't get evicted. the economy remains largely closed, and stimulus should not be the focus until it's fully opened.

i mean, i'll take any checks you want to give me, sure. just don't be surprised if i put the money in the bank and wait until the mask laws are overturned.

and, if they never get overturned, i may never spend that money at all - because i don't want to hang out in a room full of people with masks on.
yeah, i'm not exactly a fan, but this woman's career trajectory is particularly exploitative, from the start - from child actor to legal prostitute and everything in between.

the court should have probably put a restraining order on her father, rather than give him custody over her as an adult.

there's such a long history of this kind of abuse in the music industry. your favorite female pop stars were essentially all slaves to the men in their lives, going back to the 1930s and no doubt longer.

she should be granted control of her own finances, for better or worse, in a country that is supposed to be about the pursuit of happiness.
i impress myself sometimes...

this is a mix tape i put together in 2015 of material initially recorded before the year 2000.

use headphones. please.
i'm actually going to do something a tad different with this.

i completely lost track of my train of thought some time near the beginning of august, so i'm rewinding to the start of june and carefully rereading it. as ideas come back up, i'm going to pick back up on them.

there's two things i was doing, directly.

1) i was reformatting the published documents, and doing final edits on them.
2) i was reposting 2014, and getting ready to repost 2015.

if i start in june and incrementally move forwards, i'll pick up on my thoughts in order without skipping anything.
if you told me this is permanent would i spend more money?

on what?

even if i were to buy some clothes, there'd be nowhere to wear them.

right now, there's not any gear i can think of on the list.

i'm a concert person, but it's not just the concerts. you can't see a play, can't see a movie. can you even go swimming? what can you actually do? where can you actually go?

you can go to a restaurant, if you wear a mask and don't talk to anybody, but who wants to do that?

so, if this is permanent, i'd expect a recession. i guess we might figure out different ways to spend money, eventually. but, right now, i couldn't figure out what to even do with free money if you threw it at me.
so, the weather today is making potential fan shopping impossible. i don't want to order it online and wait a week, i want it when i want it. i'll need to wait to go tomorrow.

i spent some time this morning cleaning in here and it helped a little.

the temperature is turning over outside, so the temperature in here is going to fall quite a bit, and that's ok. i might have to put some clothes on, but i can handle that, it's more the refrigeration technology with the air that gets into my bones and drives me nuts.

i'm going to try to do some catch up, but i'm feeling myself nodding off again, so who knows.
i would guess that most money handed out for stimulus right now will just end up paying down debt.

they should wait until things are running more smoothly.
as an aside, there seems to be a lot of fear in the financial press about freeland being a spender, which i'm finding rather baffling.

i'm still expecting a vicious austerity budget, and i realize i'm talking to strawman.
if you give me a lot of money, i'm not likely to spend it, because there's nowhere to spend it.

so, i'd be focusing less on economic recovery right now and more on ensuring that people have basic needs to survive met - which i'm ok with, due to odsp being probably the most stable check in town.
i just want to point out that i have no apprehension about going out of the house and doing things.

it's just that anything i'd want to do has been cancelled, or restricted to the point that it's not any fun.

so, i smoked too much pot (about the only thing that didn't get canceled) and burned myself out, to the point that the sight or smell of the stuff is making me sick. and, now, i'm going to sit at home and wait it out, instead. i'm basically starting my yearly winter hibernation in mid-august, out of sheer boredom.

i don't know how representative i am, but i know that nothing much is going to change with me, personally, until you actually loosen the restrictions in the economy.
as is so often the case, they trick you by defining the narrative in a fucked up way before the debate even starts.

they want you to play off "globalization" v "nationalism", which is bullshit in every conceivable way. these trade agreements were always about maximizing return on investment, and nationalism was always a trick that the bankers pushed down for that reason.

rather, we need to get back to defining conflicts in terms of class, and seeing nafta for what it was, which was an assault against workers. it is only once we can clear our minds a little, and refocus, that we'll be able to see that the way to oppose nafta is not via nationalism and protectionism, but rather via internationalism and increasing globalization.

workers of the world unite!
as an aside, i've been saying for years that the best thing american workers can do is fight to organize unions in mexico; the system is designed to take advantage of the labour disparities, and the agreements will always reflect it. but, if mexicans had unions, this catastrophe would end.

the reason that the bastards won is that they were able to trick us into seeing each other as competition, and that's what needs to be undone. american workers need to stand in solidarity with mexican workers, against their common enemies in capital, not compete against each other in a race to the bottom. and, we need that mindset, or we'll keep losing.
i don't always agree with sam seder.

trump's still nailing him on that, if you look for it.

"biden supported nafta"
"biden cost jobs"


the msm won't touch this, don't expect them to.

but, biden is absolutely mum.

and, history repeats itself.
why did the 5% swing?

they weren't racists; they voted for obama, but not clinton.

so, were they all sexists? i'm sure a few were, but not that many.

was the vote suppressed? those numbers seem too big for that...

in wisconsin, and michigan, the 2016 election was about nafta, not identity. that was the swing...

and, i don't think it's particularly outlandish to ask the democratic party to address the labour issues that are losing it votes. otherwise, what is the party even for, anyways?
you don't need a major swing in wisconsin for this to kill biden.

you need 1%. that's it. that's how many pissed off white liberal voters you need to undo 100% black support.
so, the progressives on the fake left are whining and complaining that they don't care about white voters in the midwest anyways, and it doesn't matter what they think. they're not in the club; they don't want their votes.

first, i think you should listen carefully to what these people are saying and actually process it. do you really support that?

but, why are they wrong?

the argument seems to be that white people don't matter any more, and you win states like minnesota and wisconsin by sending ohan ilmar out to stir up the muslim vote. like, i'm not joking; this isn't sardonic. that's what they say, go listen to them.

they seem to think muslims are the in thing, and being a fundamentalist religious bigot is cool.

and, then they point to the fact that the margin in 2016 was small enough that they could have won if they had just increased black vote by a hair, regardless of what white voters did. ok.

then, worse, they argue that the decreases biden is seeing in support are demographics that didn't vote for them in 2016 anyways, so it doesn't matter.

why is this all basically retarded, from a numbers perspective?

if you look at the numbers in 2016 v 2012, the decrease in the black vote was (1) fairly small and (2) a lot less than decreases in other demographics. i've been pointing out for years that it's just flat out foolish to base your hopes in a region on winning 99% of a marginal demographic within it. yet, here we are again. you have to expect a little wandering, and that the only way you're going to hold that many black voters is by putting a black person at the top of the ticket.

will harris fix that and get black support back up to 99% in wisconsin? well, biden's numbers seem to have gone down in these areas since he announced, so it doesn't seem to be adding up that way, no.

even if it does, the opposite argument holds: the margin of difference was small enough that even getting to 99% of the black vote is unlikely to be enough to hold off a backlash, if it sets in with white voters. you could win every single black voter in these states, and still lose due to a minor shift in the white vote.

but, the really dumb part of the argument is how you could look at those numbers and come to that conclusion. the swing in wisconsin from 2012 to 2016 was well over five points, and blacks are only roughly 6% of the total voting population (and much less of the swing in the last election). if you intend to go from 90% of the black vote to 99% of the black vote, you are increasing your total vote count by .5%. max.

so, we're talking about something like a 0.3% swing in a state that you just lost more than 5% in. and, you apparently don't care about the other 4.5%. because you're a racist.

that 5% just voted for obama a few years ago, they're not too racist to vote for biden, now - and your insistence that they are is just rooted in your own politics of exclusion and priority.

and, when an equally small swing of white voters, .3-.5%, looks at the situation and says "i'm not racist, but enough's enough. this has to stop.", that is going to wipe out even the most hopeful gains in black voters.

and, you can yell and scream that you're with us or against us, and if you don't vote for us then you're racist and blah the fuck blah, but if people decide they're sick of the stupidity, it's not hard to delete and block...

winning back wisconsin by increasing black turnout was a bad strategy to start, and it's a worse one now.

there's nothing biden can really do. it's not his fault, it's just bad luck. but, let's be real here, and not stupid - this is going to help trump far more than it's going to hurt him, and you need to wake up if you can't see it.