Wednesday, December 18, 2019

i am feeling better, absolutely.

rather than constant coughing and raw throats, it's more like periods of hacking. it's still bad, but it's better.

my sense of smell is coming back, and there's an odour, but it's not here yet, and i'm not sure how to describe what i'm smelling. the sewer has mostly cleared out, i think. now, i'm wondering if i'm getting some exhaust from the gas heater, or maybe burning the pipes. it seems to get worst when i run the hot water. i turned the temperature way up to fight the bacteria in the tank and never turned it down....maybe i could give that a try.....but i also kind of like the increased supply of hot water.

what next, then?

i'm going to take a nap. and get to reimaging after 19:00.
but, just to finish my thought...


those hip-hop fans probably don't want me around, either. i don't bother showing up because i don't really like the artform, but i know they'd actually largely rather i don't show up.

again, i don't want to paint with too broad brushes. but, trans people get killed in detroit relatively frequently, actually. my disinterest in it aside, that's not the best scene for me to hover around - they wouldn't want me around, and i might actually get hurt.
ok, so we have an unlikely solstice party on saturday night that it probably makes no sense to go to. it's an info line. it depends entirely on where it is, and how i'm feeling, and last minute updates to the forecast.

very low likelihood.

same thing for next saturday, and on new years, i'm essentially not scratching them out yet, because i might change my mind. but it's almost certain that i'm in for the rest of the year, at least.

the weather down here, at the southernmost tip of canada, is actually not that bad for the next two weeks. there's a cold snap that clears out tomorrow night, and then we should be mostly above freezing until new year's day.

it's starting to look like a timid winter here, actually. it's still too early. but, an early spring is looking more and more likely...

i'm just south of the jetstream, though. even toronto is experiencing something rather different right now. i think that even london is getting hit, right now.
why don't i go see hip-hop shows, though?

well, i'd challenge the premise just a little. i saw actress not that long ago. it's rare, though.

stated tersely, i think hip-hop is boring. that's the flat out reality - it's slow-moving, musically simplistic and, usually, boring as fuck.

but, you'll also notice that i almost never go to macho rock or metal shows, either, because i have some issues with the misogyny in the music. i don't go to see these like pro-capitalist guitarists like ted nugent, either. and, broadly speaking, i don't like the politics promoted by most hip-hop. even when it's acceptable on a political level, it's still a pretty bro-ish genre of music.

so, let's be clear about the reasons:

1) musically, i find almost all hip-hop to be boring. there are rare counter-examples, but it usually ends up being instrumental music, like burial.
2) politically, i find most hip-hop to be drastically lacking. it's staunchly pro-capitalist, and it's usually pretty broish.

so, if i don't like the way it sounds, and i don't like the ideas it's disseminating, what exactly would my interest in the genre be?

don't misunderstand me - i'd like to keep an open mind. if you think there's a hip-hop artist i'd love, suggest it to me. i've dabbled in some of the anticon stuff, and it's at least politically closer to what i want, even if it doesn't get close to what i need, musically.

but, it's not a young genre, anymore. in fact, it's probably mostly already run it's course - the best hip-hop is probably behind us. and, almost none of it has been good enough to excite me.

you'll see me at jazz concerts, and you'll see me at techno concerts. but, you'll almost never see me at an opera, and you'll almost never see me at a hip-hop show, either.

we can't all like everything, and hip-hop's in the list of things that doesn't do much for me.
so, what do i even do today then?

something i can do on the chromebook is take advantage of the faster facebook, in order to clear out the rest of the month.

i don't actually know when i get paid this month, other than that it's soon. i'm hoping for friday morning, but might have to wait until saturday. and, the fourth business day before christmas is actually tomorrow.

i don't plan to go anywhere as of right now, but let's see.
so, something is happening that is going to severely harm the bourgeois left in this country, and i'm torn on what the right reaction is.

if i search for something like "canadian politics" at google news, i realize that the following sites have paywalls:

- the globe and mail
- the toronto star

....whereas the following do not:

- the sun franchises

so, i'm getting right-wing garbage for free, and have to pay for more thoughtful journalism.

"you get what you pay for.", you say.

well, ok. but, there is absolutely no possibility that i'm going to pay for a subscription to the toronto star, which is not that thoughtful. if it's worth something more than the sun, it's not worth a whole lot more than it.

it's maybe consistent with the bourgeois left's full embrace of neo-liberalism - you plebs now have to pay for your own propaganda, and if you won't pay for it then i guess you'll have to escape it. scary threats from the bourgeoisie, folks.

hey, they always said that capitalism would cave in on itself, right?

the liberal party can't have every one of the two or three soft-left papers in this country behind a paywall, that will annihilate them in a matter of months.
so, what are the timelines?

- the application was sent to the respondent on the 16th. she has 35 days to respond, which gives her until jan 20th to respond. in a real sense, i can do very little before then.
- however, if i get no reaction, i will file for a request for deferral immediately on the 21st, as i do believe that it is proper to allow for the legality of the arrest to be determined, beforehand.
- if i get a response sooner than that, i'll file for deferral sooner than that
- i'll have to apply to reopen the case within 60 days of the divisional court ruling, unless i (or they) appeal it.

- i will also need to file a reply to the response within 21 days of receiving it, if i receive one. i will, however, want to do this asap.

- i will then get a confirmation of hearing, eventually.

- it will presumably be a good ways out when i get it, more than 50 days, because i will need to start producing documents 45 days before the hearing. the cops are going to love my access request when it comes, but this means i won't have to worry about it until at least early in the year.

and, i think that's what i needed to know.

so, i'm waiting for a reply or non-reply before i ask for a deferral.


30 days, apparently.


Where an Application is delivered to a Respondent who does not respond to the Application, the Tribunal may:

  1. deem the Respondent to have accepted all of the allegations in the Application;
  2. proceed to deal with the Application without further notice to the Respondent;
  3. deem the Respondent to have waived all rights with respect to further notice or participation in the proceeding;
  4. decide the matter based only on the material before the Tribunal.


    i *think* i need to wait for her to update an address because i don't have consent to email her anything. and, if she doesn't update the address, or reply at all, she's essentially forfeiting her right to be served.
i should be back up on the laptop by the morning.

for now, i'm going to spend the next 9 hours or so sorting through this here on the chromebook:

and making sure i understand what the next steps are.
yeah, it came up but the firewall is dismantled, like it was before.

so, that's what this thing does, whatever it is:

1) somehow installs via firefox
2) there is a hard reboot, at some point
3) uses windows update to install some kind of active directory service
4) shuts down my firewall, from the active directory

and, i don't know what it does after that.

i'm not interested in undoing what got done. rather, as mentioned, i'm going to format the machine and put the clean copy in. but, i'm going to make a few tweaks, and we'll see if it helps or not.

given that it seems to be the active directory that they're using, dismantling the active directory seems to be the best thing to try next.

obviously, i'd rather the attacks just stop, but i'm not a network person. i have no academic background and no experience doing networking in any context, whatsoever, at all. i have a math degree, not a computer science degree, and what i did study in school that was computer-related was 100% programming. as the only reason i did it was to get a job, all i know is what they taught me. so, i don't know anything about networking, i don't know anything about hardware and i don't even know anything about smart phones. not only am i not really very interested in computer science, but i'm not even really that interested in technology, in general, except in the context of sound recording. it took me until 2017 to buy a smart phone, and i've only turned it on a handful of times. i made a mistake, and i realized it a long time ago. remember: i spent my last years at carleton studying law, actually.

i have more work experience doing windows troubleshooting, and that's the part of this that i'll actually be able to figure out. i'm far more likely to succeed in locking the machine down locally than i am to win some kind of war with some gamers. in context, the smart thing for me to do here is to recognize my ignorance and play to my strengths.

i don't have the money to buy expensive routers, either, which might be what the issue actually comes down to.

so, i actually don't think i'm capable of blocking the attacks at a network level, and if that's what somebody is expecting then they'll be sorely disappointed. i would need to ask for somebody's help to do that, so i'm throwing that out there - if anybody wants to take some of those servers down, please do it.

rather, i'm going to focus on eliminating the functionality, locally. in the end, whomever is doing this - be it the cops or somebody trying to "pwn" that kid in new york - will probably still be able to hack into the machine. i probably won't be able to stop that. but, hopefully, they won't be able to do anything when they get in.

or, we can keep reinstalling every couple of days until they got bored and find somebody else to bother.
so, it seems like the thing that's being installed is related to the active directory.

there's a consistency at play, here.

so, let's try to delete the active directory drivers and go from there.

if the machine doesn't come back up after this reboot, i'm going to leave it off and do the tribunal research this afternoon, then reimage tonight.
Dec/18/2019 08:03:34
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Dec/18/2019 07:34:43
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Dec/18/2019 07:33:44
 DHCP lease IP to      jessica-PC   00-1f-16-d4-07-de
Dec/18/2019 07:33:37
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Dec/18/2019 07:32:38
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 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::50137 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:26:35
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2372 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:26:27
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::4012 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:26:22
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3366 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:26:16
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3690 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:26:12
 Drop UDP packet from WAN src: dst::5060 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:25:46
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::8080 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:25:03
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::37032 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:24:59
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::9001 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:24:26
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::4038 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:24:03
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::55557 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:23:57
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::39228 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:23:48
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::593 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:23:37
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::59386 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:23:30
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::18504 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:23:29
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::43389 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:23:26
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::55550 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:23:16
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::10021 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:23:11
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3389 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:22:59
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::6511 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:22:51
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::36103 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:22:47
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::17692 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:22:26
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::33335 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:22:02
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::35691 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 07:22:00
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::57000 Rule: Default deny
to make another point clear.

this is a low end laptop that was manufactured in 2006.

it does not have a webcam in it.

i didn't disable it. i didn't rip it out. the machine was simply not shipped with one in it.
and, now, i'm wasting my life fighting with some pieces of shit over the network.
nobody changes anything in the system of bourgeois politics. you can at most stop them, if you're lucky. but, it's not an algorithm for meaningful change.

i'm an anarchist, i want spontaneous revolution from the ground up. i don't want you to vote for me. i don't give a fuck.

these people are wasting their lives...
about the only way i'm ever going to run for office anywhere is if i determine it's the only way i can pay my rent.

and, i'd do it for the least amount of time possible, and cash out on the pension asap.
and, to be clear: if you think i should have trademarked the name or something, then you're taking me way more seriously than i'm taking myself.

i'm not a politician. i'm a guitar player.

i don't care if people want to steal my handle, a priori. there's a level of frustration in people being unoriginal, granted. but, i don't, actually, really give a fuck about having a unique username or something. it's not important to me. remotely.

but, i don't want to get caught in between somebody's stupid video game argument, and if that's what is happening then it's having a wide variety of unintended consequences.

i do not play video games. at all.

leave me alone.
Dec/18/2019 06:11:40
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::1285 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:11:21
 Drop UDP packet from WAN src: dst::5060 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:10:43
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3598 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:10:40
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::8332 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:10:25
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::58296 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:10:07
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::22 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:09:43
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::5000 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:09:03
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::61820 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:08:54
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::8089 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:08:54
 Drop UDP packet from WAN src: dst::3283 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:08:51
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::9943 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:08:42
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::1433 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:08:31
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3415 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:08:26
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2610 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:08:05
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::6632 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:07:18
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::65158 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:06:53
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3155 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:06:18
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::4013 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:06:14
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::44443 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:06:04
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::5223 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:05:41
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::9080 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:05:31
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3389 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:03:16
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::44448 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:02:48
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::18280 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:02:24
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::23 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:02:03
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3394 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:00:54
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3323 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:00:48
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::39999 Rule: Default deny
this post was unpublished, appealed, republished and unpublished again. i am appealing it to republish it again. is this going to happen over and over?

i don't know why it's been flagged. there is no malware in this post, it's a router ip traffic log.


Dec/18/2019 06:03:16
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::44448 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:02:48
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::18280 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:02:24
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::23 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:02:03
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3394 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:00:54
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3323 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:00:48
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::39999 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 06:00:04
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::23 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:59:09
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::59623 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:58:28
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::16799 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:58:27
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::32863 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:57:37
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::56455 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:57:18
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3347 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:56:09
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::24802 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:55:43
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::10030 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:55:32
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::42211 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:55:19
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::44569 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:55:02
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::31388 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:54:44
 Drop UDP packet from WAN src: dst::5060 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:54:20
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::18847 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:53:57
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::39669 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:53:22
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::660 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:53:20
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::23 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:53:01
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::52716 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:52:59
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::10019 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:52:11
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::10004 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:52:04
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::5672 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:51:59
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::9300 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:51:34
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::156 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:51:33
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::873 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:51:10
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::6748 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:50:56
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::40250 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:50:45
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::35251 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:50:38
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::4403 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:50:33
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::23 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:50:20
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::33482 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:50:17
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3345 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:50:06
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::33891 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:49:50
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::624 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:49:15
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::9000 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:48:33
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::63333 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:48:26
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::58888 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:48:17
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2401 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:48:00
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::5003 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:47:50
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::10755 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:47:42
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3774 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:47:41
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::60023 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:47:32
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::25054 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:47:25
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::8785 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:47:23
 Drop UDP packet from WAN src: dst::996 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:46:55
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::9000 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:46:32
 Drop UDP packet from WAN src: dst::123 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:46:28
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3373 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:46:24
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::4179 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:45:56
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::55554 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:45:54
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::49999 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:45:52
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::25000 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:45:49
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::44589 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:45:13
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2159 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:44:03
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::443 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:44:03
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::10185 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:44:03
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::41494 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:43:56
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2300 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:43:36
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2969 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:43:34
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::8545 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:43:05
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3389 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:42:59
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::37777 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:42:58
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::9001 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:42:26
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::37258 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:42:24
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::23 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:42:18
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::1433 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:42:15
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::61111 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:42:12
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::4014 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:42:11
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::61375 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:42:05
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::5659 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:42:04
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::35555 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:42:01
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::5005 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:41:50
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::63293 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:41:48
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::5555 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:41:38
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::56030 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:40:47
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::60806 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:40:46
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::16475 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:40:26
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3330 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:40:13
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::22 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:39:42
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::10007 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:39:23
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::706 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:39:07
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::9134 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:38:42
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::12389 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:38:20
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::47386 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:38:16
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::1433 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:38:14
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::6614 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:38:04
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3397 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:37:40
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::9009 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:37:19
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2767 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:36:32
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3324 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:36:03
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2860 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:36:01
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::52005 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:35:58
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2222 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:35:41
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::57407 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:35:25
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::1433 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:35:23
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::5529 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:35:17
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::9489 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:35:11
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::23 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:35:08
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2525 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:58
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::20909 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:49
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::628 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:44
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::8080 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:40
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::4851 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:32
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::63670 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:14
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::55555 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:13
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::1076 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:13
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::44085 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:06
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::53419 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:02
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::4975 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:00
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::5591 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:33:57
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2519 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:33:01
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::622 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:31:58
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3390 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:31:51
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::8545 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:31:51
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::35611 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:31:22
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::1433 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:31:11
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3742 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:31:00
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::40672 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:30:51
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::5010 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:30:21
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::50996 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:30:09
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::4904 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:29:36
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::37912 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:29:27
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::49389 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:28:47
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::35937 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:28:08
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::1156 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:28:05
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::16380 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:27:59
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::4521 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:27:51
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::8443 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:27:27
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::5555 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:27:19
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::23 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:27:14
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::16652 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:26:59
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::34713 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:26:54
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::7799 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:26:44
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3389 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:25:48
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::12030 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:25:34
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::36066 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:24:53
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::19565 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:24:33
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::11335 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:23:55
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::6605 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:23:04
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::6623 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:52
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::16070 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:46
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::81 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:43
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::81 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:20
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::12361 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:00
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::63390 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:21:13
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::6668 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:20:37
 Drop UDP packet from WAN src: dst::5353 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:20:27
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::33892 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:20:26
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2619 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:20:19
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2376 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:19:59
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::35234 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:19:54
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::9132 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:19:48
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::10255 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:19:45
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::650 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:19:38
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2922 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:18:45
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2990 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:18:14
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::33390 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:59
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::26 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:58
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::64339 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:53
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3389 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:42
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::1433 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:39
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::44446 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:28
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::44441 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:25
 Drop ICMP packet from WAN src: dst::0 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:24
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::53537 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:16:40
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3597 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:16:04
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::23 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:15:56
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::8545 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:15:48
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::42436 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:15:38
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2801 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:15:32
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::23 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:15:31
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::1108 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:15:01
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::51111 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:14:49
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::21022 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:14:43
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::16386 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:14:42
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::60958 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:14:38
 Drop UDP packet from WAN src: dst::158 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:13:12
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::53427 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:12:26
 Drop UDP packet from WAN src: dst::389 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:12:05
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::37957 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:11:53
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::56419 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:11:26
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::8545 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:11:03
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::6224 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:10:52
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::2934 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:10:31
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::24798 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:10:29
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::32408 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:10:27
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::23 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:09:34
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::4653 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:09:24
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3405 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:09:07
 Drop UDP packet from WAN src: dst::5060 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:09:02
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::653 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:08:55
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::64287 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:08:53
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::41031 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:08:26
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::3306 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:08:14
 Drop TCP packet from WAN src: dst::605 Rule: Default deny
why did that kid steal my handle?

i don't know.

but, go bother him.
what do i actually think of gaming?

i think it's a waste of time. and, while i suppose everything else in late capitalism is just as much of a waste of time, i have absolutely no interest in wasting my time killing things.

i just have absolutely zero interest in the premise of walking around with a gun and killing things. that doesn't excite me. that's fucking boring.

i'd rather do just about anything else.

that's obviously building up very quickly.

i have to figure out what this is doing. but, in the mean time, if somebody could help in taking some of these servers down, that would help.

again: i wouldn't know how to do that, if i would want to.

i strongly suspect that i'm caught in between some kind of gamer bro turf war or something.
Dec/18/2019 05:15:01 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:14:49 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:14:43 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:14:42 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:14:38 Drop UDP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:13:12 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny

Dec/18/2019 05:15:32 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:15:31 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny

Dec/18/2019 05:17:24 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:16:40 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:16:04 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:15:56 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:15:48 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:15:38 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny

Dec/18/2019 05:17:28 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:25 Drop ICMP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny

Dec/18/2019 05:19:48 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:19:45 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:19:38 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:18:45 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:18:14 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:59 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:58 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:53 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:42 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:17:39 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny

Dec/18/2019 05:21:13 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:20:37 Drop UDP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:20:27 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:20:26 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:20:19 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:19:59 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:19:54 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny

Dec/18/2019 05:25:34 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:24:53 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:24:33 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:23:55 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:23:04 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:52 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:46 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:43 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:20 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:00 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny

Dec/18/2019 05:24:33 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:23:55 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:23:04 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:52 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:46 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:43 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:22:20 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny

Dec/18/2019 05:25:48 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:25:34 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:24:53 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny

Dec/18/2019 05:26:59 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:26:54 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:26:44 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny

Dec/18/2019 05:29:36 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:29:27 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:28:47 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:28:08 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:28:05 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:27:59 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:27:51 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:27:27 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:27:19 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:27:14 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny

Dec/18/2019 05:34:13 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:13 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:06 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:02 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:34:00 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:33:57 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:33:01 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:31:58 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:31:51 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny
Dec/18/2019 05:31:51 Drop TCP packet from WAN
 Rule: Default deny