Friday, January 31, 2020

i'll remind you that this is the sum total of all communication that existed between myself and ryan myon, who later later claimed he was caroline chevalier (something i'm not entirely convinced about).

and, i don't care what ignorant or stupid people think, if they're wrong.

i'm interested solely in an objective analysis of the facts, and ensuring that the facts are made clear in the matter, and dishonest statements are not allowed to be made, unchallenged.

so, i passed out this morning and it was a hard pass out, due to a brutal migraine. i'm still suffering, but i'm not tired, so i'm going to try to eat.

i've got the documents emailed at least, although i'm going to have to get to the court on monday before i can mail them. 

after explaining it to her every day this week, the dumbass coordinator appears to have finally realized that she didn't send me the information i need to canvas the respondents, and sent it to me over the phone. i suspect that she should have done that two weeks ago. now, i may have to wait until the fall, due to her overwhelming incompetence.

i've done everything i can to get the process moving in a timely fashion, but i'm surrounded by morons who are slowing me down at every turn. but, i'm at least over the hump on it.

i have a lot of stuff to do this weekend and may not make it to poppy. i'm not sure i really feel like it, as well. we'll see, still, but i'd consider it very unlikely. it was always an excuse to get out and put on make up and go dancing, and that doesn't work if i'm dealing with headaches.

i need to eat, first, and clean, and hope it helps.
they got the fax yesterday, but i can't fax what i need to send next.

so, this is what i have to do.

1) email the documents to the oiprd.
2) go to the courthouse here and get an affidavit of service.
3) mail everything to toronto.

am i going to get this done by the end of the day? i require a nap. we'll see.

can i email attachments here?
they might actually expect me to just paste the cases into the document.

the headache came back today, and i actually think i have a fever, but i want this dealt with this morning...
i actually think i'm done.

but, now i'm confused.

do i file another book of authorities?

do i file an addendum to it?

let me look this up.

their arguments are really quite awful. i'm glad i finally got something out of them, but the truth is that this is a disingenuous and poorly written document that was not hard to rip to shreds.
that's actually not the case i want to cite.

there's a list of five conditions, of which an objective concept of fear is one of them. you need that to file or prosecute harassment in canada, and a competent cop has to know that before he makes an arrest under 264. i'm going to want to find the case that first laid them out....
the case they cited was about an actual stalker, and still upheld the need for an objective analysis to demonstrate that a reasonable person would interpret a conscious intent to instill fear in the victim. they took a line out of context. it's actually pretty brutal, really.

and, i was hardly catcalling somebody - i would never do that. i'm frequently on the receiving end of this bullshit, actually. i'd never talk to somebody like that.

but, this is a more useful precedent.

i will cite both cases, though.

i'm mostly done, already. this was pretty quick, because it was pretty easy.