Saturday, May 10, 2014

that was a pretty self-deprecated laugh.

hillary's such a shell of her former self. there used to be talk of her needing to "sound tough", and it was all written off as politics. maybe there was some truth to this. i have to admit that my major concern in '08 was that she was going to warp into an extreme liberal interventionist, and blow up half of africa to protect minority rights. it was a question of somebody that seemed to actually believe the rhetoric, rather than somebody using it as an excuse to advance an empire, as is usually the case. i mean, her foreign policy resume used to consist of helping to negotiate the good friday peace accords, and little else. but, nowadays she's just another member of the neo-con cabal. totally brainwashed. but, sadly, a willing participant. to "advance her career".

but, she also tends to speak from a position of knowledge. this is arrogant and pompous (rather than 'tough'), but it's not bullshit. the consequences of russia's insolence are being seen right now in ukraine...

the one thing the americans cannot tolerate is insubordination. they'll allow debate, and large amounts of autonomy, but actively disobeying them is always punished.
separating between the demos and the ethnos is absolutely the most imperative step, and must be the beginning point in creating meaningful local governance. and, from that realization two further points are necessary to point out.

1) nothing that's happening right now would be possible if such a separation were axiomatic to the general population, which is why all of the states involved work so hard to infuse these ideas together into a single, inseparable concept of nation-state. the states of the world want you to believe that you are a member of a nationality, and that that nationality defines who you are as an individual. a mere moment's reflection realizes the contradiction in the idea that individuality is defined by collective identity, but that kind of clarity of thought is very effectively repressed. it is only when you identify as a member of the collective that you can be manipulated into behaving the way people are behaving in ukraine.

2) the ethnos does not exist. the science is now clear on the point that any random sample of self-identifying ethnic russians is going to contain backgrounds from pretty much everywhere in the world. you can identify mutations, but they make up fractions of the population. the fact that russians and ukrainians are ethnically indistinguishable does not imply that ukrainians should not have local governance. an educated populace would go beyond the point of rejecting a tyranny of the majority to acknowledging that the majority is itself actually a fabrication and move beyond. i'd like to be optimistic about that, i would like to declare nationalism dead, but i don't have any good ideas about getting there.

so, you have these two things in contradiction to each other: the nationalism that the state enforces as a means of ownership and the biology that discards it as nonsense. as is so often the case, this is a battle between information and authority.

but, the sooner that we collectively realize that the ethnos is a myth means the sooner that we break free from statist control, and avoid the particularly profound idiocy of ethnic violence between genetically indistinguishable people - be it in ukraine or in palestine or in ireland.

so, posting here has decreased dramatically. i'm mostly only paying attention to news when i'm eating, which means i'm interacting with youtube more than facebook. i just don't have the interest to sort through rss feeds right now. i've got a large watch later playlist that i'm several weeks behind on. it's also a better way to draw traffic to my music, as the site is wide open.

this is a trend that is likely to continue. i'm not abandoning this page (it's still where i'll rant about articles) but if you're looking to follow my analysis with any real intent you're going to have to follow me on youtube.

you can also subscribe to me on youtube if you'd like, but all you're going to get in the feed is original music uploads. i have no desire or plans to be a video blogger; it's far faster and easier to type than it is to make videos, and it keeps the illiterates out of the audience.

the music is my actual passion. but it's not news analysis.

the way to actually follow the youtube postings is to add me in google+. i don't use google+ as a social network, and don't plan to, but it's a useful way to archive the youtube posts. that is, it's a one-way flow of information. but it's where this page is being slowly moved to.

you'll have to tolerate some music rants...