Sunday, March 4, 2018

and, i'm going to state this flat out: the reason i'm confusing to you, on point after point, is because the idea of free will has become foreign to people in this society - foreign or native born.

i'm not full of contradictions at all; i'm really quite consistent.

you just don't understand what agency is.
and, so i would rather flip the situation around and request that muslims refrain from appropriating the local winter clothing as some kind of religious symbol, when it is nothing of the sort.
you can find these for a couple of dollars at pretty much any store, around here:

maybe i should make this clear.

i have a ski mask. two of them, actually. i bought them for bicycling in subzero weather. but, it gets cold in canada, so sometimes i wear it to just walk around in.

i am not a muslim, and do not wear a hijab.

nor would i wear one in solidarity, as my solidarity would be with the women that throw away the hijab as a tool of oppression.
i was kind of hoping she was muslim. she's jewish...

but, i would encourage sports illustrated and others to reach out to muslims to start broadcasting this particular message, because it's true.
i apologize for the untrustworthy source, but they cite their research well enough
science: we have a major obesity epidemic that needs a serious public education campaign to prevent us from actual decreasing our average life expectancies.

third-wave faux "feminists": but, what about attractive upper middle class white teenage girls obsessed with the male gaze and that spend more on fashion magazines and make-up in a month than they could even make on minimum wage?
and, in no-fucking-shit news...
it boggles my mind that anybody could be so blind and/or daft as to not recognize obesity as an eating disorder.

but, when you live in a society where 60-70% are overweight, and those numbers are increasing, maybe it's at least easy to understand how people can't see their own disorders when they look in the mirror, and mistake themselves for being healthy when they're not. after all, they're the same size as everybody else around them, right?

of course obesity is an eating disorder. and, it dwarfs anorexia in terms of the number of people affected as well as the costs to society.

so, i'm not at all interested in hearing people argue that we can't address a problem that affects 70% of the public because doing so might upset 1% of it. that's just irrational.
daca remains an issue that can only be solved by congress.

but, nobody wants to solve it - especially not the democrats.
it may depend on what's true on the ground.

brian masse is less objectionable to me than cheryl hardcastle. we'll see who the liberals run...

...but, right now, it looks look i'll probably stay home and lob missiles at everybody from my misanthropic perch over the detroit river.
i mean, i'm not going to vote for conservative economic "policies" just because the liberals have given up on policy; an absence of policy from the liberals doesn't make the enemy seem appealing, all of a sudden.

and, the ndp are still the stupid party...if anything, they're dumber than ever...

canada's system doesn't have primaries, so it's not likely to produce a sandersesque saviour. the flip side of that is that we have almost no restrictions on party membership, so it's a lot easier to create a new party. but, that means that we get movements on the ground, or nothing at all - which is better in the long run, but takes time to build.

i mean, you could argue that what the system here does is make the false hope presented by a populist sanders style jesus impossible, and rather forces us to build the kind of movement bernie really wanted in the first place - which is harder, but more effective. do we have the attention span? and the will? and the resolve?

a backbench revolt would be easier.
they've given up on policy; they're going to run on trudeau being a celebrity.

and, i'm going to make sure to hammer them on it...

...but i'm not going to say it's a losing strategy, because the other options are terrible. it should be a losing strategy. but, that's not clear.

i really wish the green party had spent the last four years preparing for a serious run in 2019, rather than on continuing to be a vanity press for elizabeth may (who is unacceptable as a serious candidate).

and, this is the problem: i want trudeau thrown out of office, and the door slammed on his ass as he's pushed out. but, i can't endorse anybody else to replace him.

so, i'm going to say it again: the best hope we have right now is a backbench revolt in the liberal party.
i have no problem looking a jew in the eye and saying "you stole this land from the canaanites, and you should give it back to them."

but, god said...

"that's not a valid argument. sorry. do you not admit, yourself, that you stole this land?"

...despite the fact that i know that's not actually true.
as i've said before: the actual true owners of the levant are in fact...

...the neanderthals.

but, the best we've got, today, are the non-arab components of the lebanese.

everybody else around there are invaders, and most in the historically documented period.
a greater persian empire would not be complete unless it included afghanistan.

it's a province of persia...

that was the point, right?

and, just about the only counter-argument that anybody around there is going to come up with that makes any sense is to partition the south into pakistan.
it's 8:00, and what's going on?

well, i'm feeling alright. the sum total of the smoke inhalation yesterday afternoon appears to be that i'm a little tired - and that i have a rash on the inside of my arm, that may be due to some nasty perspiration.

the remaining smell i'm getting is that smell you get when you cross a mild dish soap with heavy grease and let it sit. so, imagine using dawn to let a pot full of hamburger grease sit.

they could be doing dishes.

ugh. let's just hope it's gone by tomorrow.

once again, i would have liked to get more work done today. there's still some chance i could get a second wind.
i just have no interest at fiction at this point in my life; i can't interpret sitting in front of a tv set as anything more than a waste of time.

that applies equally to the entire genre of film.

you could make a movie about me, and i wouldn't even know it exists.....

it might be a really good show. sure. i can still think of a million other things i'd rather be doing...
when somebody talks about a tv character named 'dexter', i think of this.

i don't want to have to be a narc, but my health is more important than their freedom...
that said, i'm starting to adjust my understanding of what's happening downstairs.

the smell has shifted this morning to a very strong chemical smell. so, i'm starting to think that i may be on top of a meth lab, and that the seemingly ridiculous amount of pot smoke may actually be intended to cover up the smell.

well, it's canada. pot will be legal here, soon.

this is a different sort of problem.

but, i'd still rather wait until tomorrow and hope they just clean up and set up elsewhere.
i need to remind you that i haven't watched tv since the 90s, and i have no concept of popular tv shows that have existed since then, at all.

i've had random people suggest to me that i remind them of a character named "dexter", but i simply don't understand the reference. and, that's all i have to say about it; i can't deny or affirm something i don't understand.
i mean, i'd like to know how often it happens that kids taken away from meth addicts are then prescribed meth to deal with the symptoms created by their parents being addicted to meth.

it's fucking insane...
...and don't even get me started about the absurd idea of giving meth to kids to fight a condition that doesn't even exist.

that's a type of abuse that boggles my mind.
i just want to point something out, though: i've run into the pcp problem before, i'd say on average every six-ten months, but this is the first time i've been convinced that i've run into meth-laced marijuana, and i'd have actually been the first to suggest that such a thing doesn't exist, if somebody had presented it to me before last week.

i'd be skeptical if i were you, too.

but, i'm good at logic, and i'm pretty much convinced that this is what we've got, here.
moments after i published the last post, i got bombarded with what felt like a chemical weapons attack: smoke coming from every room of the apartment at the same time, with an especially powerful concentration in the kitchen, which is a few feet away from any window and consequently almost impossible to neutralize without letting it air out.

it seemed both co-ordinated and intended to upset me.

the one thing you can do is try and steam it out by running hot water and burning water on the stove at the same time. but, the hot water was out - strangely. this is twilight zone shit, really.

about an hour in, i started to freak out: i had been drugged against my will yet again, and there was nothing i could do but escape. but, i couldn't was coming from every direction...

as somebody who has hotboxed many things, i would hazard a guess that there was roughly ten grams of pot released into the air over that hour. this wasn't a j or two. this was an they were burning open leaves as incense...

once again: i didn't feel stoned, i felt agitated and angry. i wanted to smash something in. the headache was creeping back (and is still there, nine hours later).

what does meth do? well, some of the literature focuses on the hormones, but this isn't really what a user actually experiences, despite the drug industry propaganda. the only hormonal reaction i'm getting is a headache, which is probably an acute withdrawal symptom. but, i don't want more drugs, i want to detox

what meth (also called speed) does is give you a really short burst of energy, followed by a really terrible crash. if you're dancing, you might look like this:

do they look that ridiculous?


because they can't dance like that. rather, they flop their arms around and stamp their feet like children having a temper tantrum. it lasts a few minutes - twenty at the most, but usually more like five. they can be easily identified by how obtuse they appear. and, then they zoom off the floor and go pass out somewhere.

the sensationalized media portrayal of meth is just that. most people at the rave really actually just have a few drinks, maybe a few tokes. mdma is fun, if you can find it. if you're of legal age, you probably know better. balloons are quite popular, as well. and, the people taking uppers that last the night are mostly taking very small hits of actual cocaine up their noses. these little spoons they carry around...

the speed addicts are really rather rare, and are the isolated losers; they don't last on the floor very long - because speed isn't an endurance drug but a short burst and a long crash. the effects of the drug might last you 12 hours, but the high is only a few minutes, and you'll spend most of the night struggling with the come down in the bathroom or outside by yourself. as addictive as it is, you often hear things like "i made the mistake of trying that once....never again...."

that's if you're dancing.

what if you're having an awful fucking day? then, that burst of energy is going to manifest itself as anger, as violence. and, that's what i've been going through repeatedly with this: the smell pisses me off, and then the effect of the drug takes over, and i get very uncharacteristically angry. i yell and scream for a few minutes, it passes through my system in an hour, and then i sleep it off for ten-twelve hours.

and, i don't want this to happen again. ever. there is no reason at all that i need to tolerate being drugged against my will - and arguments that i do are ridiculous. if you think that being a liberal means getting stoned because your neighbour is, you don't understand liberalism so well.

today, i stormed downstairs and banged on their door and demanded they cut down their intake. and, it seems to have had enough of an effect that i'm starting to clear it out of my system.

so, i'm going to give them a grace today, tomorrow.

but, i'll be at the clinic early monday morning if this happens again tomorrow night.

i've also decided that i need to apologize. i don't yell at people like that. it's deeply uncharacteristic. i need to explain that i believe my behaviour was a consequence of second-hand smoke exposure, and that what they're smoking is clearly laced with something. i'm going to present meth as the most likely culprit..

but, how much smoke is getting up here?

1) enough that i can see it in the apartment. clearly. a stranger walking in here would assume i'm a smoker just via what they can see with their eyes.
2) enough that it's frizzing my hair out.

it's a lot...