Thursday, June 2, 2016

02-06-2016: rabble rabble - full set (detroit)

their music:


vlog for the day:

"The most likely outcome is that Trump would be neither good nor disastrous as president, but simply bad. For example, he might mismanage the country's finances, needlessly inflame racial tensions, undermine the rule of law, confuse and antagonize our allies, and hurt the economy through erratic policies that punish and reward investors based on his political whims."

hrmmn. sounds like obama.
this argument is actually particularly egregious given the circumstances, which is itself an argument to re-engineer society to abolish markets.

the general way to prevent scalping is to prevent people from exceeding their ticket quotas. but, i have no problem with sending cops out to arrest them, confiscating their tickets and distributing them on a needs basis.
send this viral before the 7th.

j reacts to marxists rejecting sanders (what of historical materialism?)

see, i can make this argument because i'm an anarchist. but, this is a strange argument to hear from a socialist.

socialists aren't immune to political grandstanding or opportunism. they can throw around bullshit with the best of them. and, it might sway a few kids. but, the problem is that when people that understand the theory get wind of it, it exposes them as bourgeois and kills their credibility.

there's a kind of difficult truth at play, here. sanders is not actually a socialist in any meaningful way, and anybody on the left has a responsibility to point it out. but, it necessarily follows from pointing that out that it makes more sense to support him than it does to support a small third party. the reason is that historical materialism is incrementalist in nature.

now, i'm an anarchist, so i think historical materialism is a lot of nonsense. but, anybody that is walking around and calling themselves a marxist, a trotskyist, a maoist - anything of the sort, really - should be supporting sanders as a necessary stage in transition.

again: i can duck out of that, because i think hegel is a pile of anti-scientific nonsense. i reject the idea of the state reforming society. i want decentralized co-operatives. but, no marxist can get away with discarding the logic around supporting sanders. and, if you hear it from them, they're being disingenuous.

i mean, there's not even a health care system.

j reacts to the shooting of the gorilla at the zoo in ohio

this isn't going to go away for a while, is it?

gorillas are individuals. the way they will react to different situations depends on their personality, which is in turn a function of their life experiences.

think of it like this. let's say the situation was flipped and a gorilla fell into the human pit. would you say "humans aren't dangerous, it's fine."? that would be an error, wouldn't it? many humans would bludgeon the gorilla almost immediately. but, it would be no less of an error than saying "humans are vicious monsters, shoot it!" - as plenty of humans would take the time to care for the child. put tersely, you would shoot if it was jeffrey dahmer in the enclosure and shrug if it was mahatmas gandhi. right?

while you can probably be pretty sure that the male gorilla in ohio would not have eaten the child, as a distant onlooker you and i are simply not qualified to say anything else of any value. in order to make a worthwhile decision, you need to be familiar with the personality of the animal.

this is a situation where experts are experts because they are experts, and everybody else is not because they aren't.