Thursday, July 21, 2016

1:50. i'd rather something other than a fucking elf, but it's good to go.

this is absurdly racist.

i've been saying for a while that trump = gadget.

it's like gta.

but, what i'm looking for is a screen shot of those swirly eyes that comes up whenever somebody gets under mind control. point me to the right episode, if you can?

Cheyenne Cook
I think you are thinking of episode 10...A Star Is Lost where Claw wants to use superstar Rick Rocker to make a record that can control minds

naw, that's not the one. but i found the screen shot i wanted in a christmas special, where they brainwashed the elves.
again: at some point the rnc will need to pull it's head out of it's ass and realize it's own voters don't even want what it's pushing. i agree that cruz probably walked in there setting himself up for the next cycle, and that's the narrative that cruz wants, that the banks want, that the koch brothers want - that this whole constellation of big money wants. but, he got booed. at the convention. it's truly absurd. rather, that may be the breaking point that the party "intellectuals" need to kick your coulter types to the curb.

the future of the republican party is not in "movement conservatism", but in right-wing libertarianism. you get all the market fundamentalism, but you drop the christianity and you drop the racism. this stuff dies with the boomers. they're going to look back at this cycle and realize they blew it. this very well might be the symbolic end of the reagan era.

dude. how many of those eight hour speeches in congress were with prompters?

i wanted to make an abstract algebra joke, but the etymology of the term got the better of me.

all black sub-groups are isomorphic, no doubt.

the indians must by cyclic.

but, i'll wait to see his decomposition before i go further.
the ceo never does any work. big bonuses, lots of golf. hey, you told us that you wanted government run like a business, right?

Jeriel Baker
<tips hat>

you believe everything the media you, don't ya?

i'm pretty skeptical, actually. but, you don't need a lot of critical thinking skills to realize that trump couldn't tie his own shoes. he makes chewing gum and walking at the same time seem like a practicable skill.

refinalizing confused (inri007)

hidden track added to inri007. audio permanently closed.


so, how exactly does one go about being transgendered, anyways? i mean, like anything else, i guess you have to come to terms with it, first. then, what?

it was the "what next?" part that took me a very long time to grapple with before i was able to come to some kind of course of action. i don't remember exactly how old i was when i realized that i was more like a girl than a boy, but i will state that my thought process was always that i was like a girl, rather than that i was a girl. i have to be blunt: i was a precocious child. i understood the biology of sexual organs at a pretty young age. i knew which organ i had, that it was the same as the one my dad had and that it was different than my mom. i never felt as though i was in the wrong body - that's not how i'd articulate it. i knew i was male. but, all my friends were girls. i preferred to do "girl things". so, i realized at a very, very young age that i was more similar to the girls in my life than to the boys, despite being well aware that i was genetically a boy. it functioned more on the level of social inclusion and conscious choice of gender role than it did on the level of anything biological. am i really that atypical? i don't know. but, i know that i never had any difficulty at all, whatsoever, in separating between sex, gender and gender roles. so, for example: i have very early memories of asking my mom to let me wear lipstick, and of asking to get my ears pierced (3,4 years old) but i don't attach those memories to feelings of gender dysphoria. i didn't see any reason why boys couldn't wear make-up. further, nobody really "corrected" me on it. so, i grew up without any shame or second thoughts attached to being a boy that was more like a girl, and consequently without any particularly strong urges to become a girl. my very early life actually finds it's best explanation in the theories of radical feminism: because the gender binary was never enforced on me, i never felt oppressed by it. i have to argue for a very healthy early upbringing.

what screwed me up and set me back a good ten years was the school system. when i got there at the age of four and a half, i wouldn't talk to the boys. i wanted to skip rope and play hopscotch with the girls. well, all my friends were girls. i didn't know how to play with the boys. what's a marble? i just didn't know. i got stuck with a fossil of a kindergarten teacher that actually flat out banned me from skipping rope. worse, she banned me from reading books. my absolutely docile and clinically rational temperament at that age probably worked against me. but, i had two choices: i could play with the trucks with the boys in the corner or i could go to sleep.

in fact, i slept a lot.

but, gradually, the system socialized me as a male. or, at least it seemed like it did.

my path through elementary school didn't really ease up on the gender segregation until the seventh grade, at which point it was essentially too late. the system had successfully prevented me from socializing with girls, but had never taught me how to socialize with boys. so, i had spent the last twelve years of school in social isolation, usually without any friends at all. i'd lost the opportunity to have all the gendered experiences one associates with childhood - which means i was deeply socially stunted. i was still pretty smart, academically speaking. however, i was operating at the social level of a much younger child because the school system had arrested my social development through segregating me into a gender role that i didn't understand how to fulfill.

by the time i got around to writing this song at the age of 16, i'd just become entirely stoic about the whole thing. i knew i was more like a girl, but what exactly was i going to do about it? i guess i had the perspective, at 16, that life was largely about managing misfortune and you just have to deal with shit, whether you like it or not.

rational? perhaps, from a certain perspective. it gnawed at me, though. the trauma underlying the track was the realization that i was a good part of the way through puberty, without ever having signed up for it. this was by no means unexpected, either, and i didn't ultimately feel that i had any recourse of action in preventing it. but, i felt like i'd been cheated out of something and was being forced into something i didn't remotely want.

as with the rest of the early tracks, the lyrics here are at their core the exploration of a morbid fantasy. i'm taking things too far, i'm taking any excuse i can to keep taking things too far and i'm enjoying watching you squirm when i do it. in one sense, it's a sarcastic allegory on the question of thinking with one's cock, which is a bio-chemical problem that all testosterone producers are forced to come to terms with at some point. in another sense, it's a transgendered teenager carrying out a sort of morbid fantasy and desperately looking for a way to prevent the masculinization of my body.

it took me another five years or so of internal struggle before i could get to the point where i saw hormone therapy as a realistic option, rather than a kind of utopian fantasy that would be perpetually out of reach until i finally expired.

this is the only period 1 piece that was further expanded through the addition of some bass and piano sequencing near the start of the piece. the vocals were also brought back in without redaction. so, this ep starts off with a full reconstruction of the piece that is only available on this single. the ep further comprehensively documents all other released versions of the track.
initially written in 1997. recreated in feb, 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reclaimed july 5, 2015. remixed july 12, 2015. electronics added on july 16, 2015. compiled on jan 4, 2016. sequenced on jan 6-8, 2016. finalized on july 10, 2016. hidden track added and refinalized on july 21, 2016. as always, please use headphones.

j - guitars, effects, bass, vocals, synthesizers, drum programming, drum kit, sequencing, sampling, digital wave editing, production

released february 6, 1998

j reacts to the laughable notion of trump as authoritarian

regarding trump making decisions...

would you listen to a word he says?

he has no leadership ability, because he doesn't command any respect. even if he wanted to tell people what to do, nobody would listen.

j reacts to the 2016 cycle being a battle for yesterday

some themes are starting to develop from this cycle.

i think that what people are going to determine from this cycle in the long run is that it's the last gasp of the baby boomer generation. the republicans are stuck in the lalaland of the reagan era, and the democrats are stuck in the cold war.

well, both of the candidates are 70 years old. they should be retired, not vying to run the world. they're both out of touch. they both live in a world that doesn't exist anymore.

it kind of ties into the broader narrative of american decline. this is american democracy? this election belongs some time in the 70s.

whoever wins is going to be worse than a lame duck. they're going to be irrelevant before they're even sworn in. the country is going to be looking beyond either one of them before there's even a vote to be held. and, nothing either of them pass will last more than a few years.

it seems like i've been waiting my whole life for the boomers to just go away already. it's clear that they're not going to. but, whatever the outcome, this is their last gasp.

i don't feel like this is republican v democrat, or right v left. this is old v young. it's past v future. and, as it has been for most of their lives, the boomers have already won due to sheer numbers without any serious debate. but this has to be the end...

i'm already looking at 2020. and, i really hope we see some generational overturn all around. they won't survive another boomer. america may not survive this one, whoever it is.

j reacts to hillary clinton's insistence on turning the clocks back to the cold war

is this the election?

what year is it?

i miss jon stewart. what a fucking joke.

i don't care what vladimir putin does in europe. i want my american brothers and sisters to have access to universal healthcare.

no. listen.

zero fucks.


is it a conscious formula for voter suppression? i don't think so. i think she's really attached to running on her "foreign policy experience

it's the economy, you fucking dipshit.

yeah. that's right.

and, don't forget health care.

20-07-2016: clean-up on inri005 and inri009

tracks worked on in this vlog: