Sunday, December 8, 2024

unfortunately, israel might be the only power left that can save syria from collapsing into afghan-like backwardsness and, in fact, that might have been the plan.

i hope that israel takes these fuckers on directly and wipes them out.

unlike the coast of lebanon, damascus is outside of any reasonable sphere of ancient israel and, in invading damascus the israelis would be pushing it beyond any acceptable point, but i'd rather have the jews seize the city and enforce some modern concept of law than see it governed by thugs out of the back of a koran.
over the upcoming weeks and months, the reality in syria is going to resemble the initial taliban takeover over afghanistan. if you have any buddhist statutes in syria, get them out while you can.

i would hope that the canadian consulate would indicate it's willing to evacuate people, especially women, from the country while they can get out, as one of the oldest centres of civilization in the world collapses into unmitigated barbarism.

this is a sad day for syrians, a sad day for the region and a sad day for the world.
the loss of syria to brutal muslim barbarians is another black mark on biden's deplorable foreign policy, and let us hope it is the last pathetic mistake made by this horrible administration.

the people that just took over syria are a turkish proxy group, but they are an off shoot of al qaeda and morally equivalent to isis. isis basically just won in syria. 

this brutal takeover of the syrian state by backwards barbarians is a horrific catastrophe for syria and for the syrian people and will potentially put an end to a relatively moderate period of rule by a secular state and usher in decades of oppression by a brutally backwards theocratic state, similar to the despotic barbarism that rules over saudi arabia.

the west should be thoroughly embarrassed that the russians had to prop up the last vestige of civilization in the region for years, and in the end had to sacrifice it to protect it's core interests in europe. 

everybody in the entire world is worse off for this disaster.

these barbarians are worse than the taliban, and the syrian people should expect an outcome worse than taliban rule. the syrian state itself, under islamic rule, will unquestionably become a source of terrorism in the broader region.

i hope that there are immediate sanctions placed on these barbarians, and i hope the russians haven't completely abandoned the people of syria to the depravity of islamic fundamentalism, which they do not want, and which is a fate worse than nuclear war.

fuck you joe biden. may you rot in hell, with your worthless dead children.