Thursday, February 23, 2017

the reality is that a lot of the people that voted for him don't know the difference between marijuana and heroin. drugs are drugs.

marijuana is, of course, more like alcohol than heroin - and according to most studies actually far less dangerous than alcohol. one of the reasons i support marijuana legalization is that it will hopefully reduce alcoholism, and all of the social and health problems associated with alcohol use.

but, you'll never get that across to the christian right - and that's who spicer is talking to, here.
what about states' rights, guys?

that argument is always disingenuous.
i guess i slept all day.

the truth is that the headache never really went away. but, the sinuses haven't cleared, either. so, i still can't say whether i'm dealing solely with a virus, or with a virus + a concussion or even with a virus + allergies + a concussion.

if the virus doesn't go away soon, it might last so long that the concussion symptoms disappear, too - in which case, i'll never know if i had one. shrug.

as with last month, the editing process (i have to write up the blurbs...) is being slowed down by externalities, but i should be able to get it all down after i eat and back to finishing the concert listings. it's easy to blame the slow down on the detour, but we can all see that it isn't the problem....

as of right now, it does not seem likely that i will go out anywhere on the weekend. the weather is also set to turn. but these sicknesses tend to rapidly reverse themselves, and the timing of the fronts is hard to say, as well.
btw, my reaction to hate groups supporting me would be that i'd be happy for them to allow me to use them as useful idiots to promote a far left ideology through. i'll gladly co-opt them. and, if people can't figure out the reality of things, i don't really care what they think.

i mean, if they want to read my criticisms of property or my takedowns of racism, great - maybe i'll convince a few of them. that's ultimately what everybody wants, right?
and, of course, the tory wells misses the point that the crux of the problem is centering the economy on albertan oil, in the first place.

they need to invest in diversification. if that isn't obvious, yet...