Saturday, January 11, 2020

so, that took a lot longer to rebuild than i want to see happen again. i was multitasking by sorting through shows...

i ran a full chkdsk this morning in addition to the reformat. i reinstalled. and, i copied the known good back over, with the updated files.

i'm going to take yet another nap, because i never really fully recovered from that event yesterday. then, i'm going to get something to eat and take a shower when i get up. and, if everything is fine, i should boot into a stable install that i intend to be on for the next several days. 
see, i'd like to give those protesters in iran some air support.

i's overly simplistic.

but, i would.

i'll double down.

maybe you can't see yourself in the mirror. maybe you don't realize what you actually look like.

but, if you honestly think that gord fucking downie belongs on the $5 bill, you look a lot like bob and/or doug, or julian and/or ricky, to me.

that is what your average tragically hip fan was like - pickup truck driving, beer swilling, low iq, white bread retards.
or, maybe we can put julian & ricky on the $20.

the queen's almost dead, anyways.

fuck, why don't we just put julian's shot glass on the front, and a giant blunt on the back.

somebody needs to write a defence of laurier. he belongs there. these other clowns don't.
hey, after we put gord downey on the $5, maybe we can put bob on the loonie and doug on the toonie.

you fucking hosers.
laurier is probably the best leader that this country will ever have.

it will be a sad, backwards day in this country's history if you replace him on the five with an overrated rock star that wrote trite garbage and trafficked in the worst cliches imaginable.
i've still actually never heard of viola desmond, or know why she's on the bill, other than that she was black, and they wanted a black person on the bill.
i think laurier should stay on the bill.

but, i think mackenzie-king should have stayed on the $50, too.

they should take that piece of shit borden off the $100...

i was very, very tired.

i don't know if it had anything to do with the seizure/attack this afternoon. i'm still not feeling very good. 

pollution kills people. smoke = death. it's not required to make this argument again in this space. but, if i can't escape the smoke, i'm going to die from it....

the machine is reformatting one more time, i know this isn't final, but i'm hoping to at least avoid rebooting the machine for a long while.