Wednesday, May 3, 2017

the liberal party has begun using the term "snitch line" to describe a proposal by the conservative party to set up a telephone line to report human rights abuses, as though there is nothing wrong with slicing off a little girl's vulva, or it's perfectly acceptable to kill your gay relatives - and it's these snitches, these uncle toms, that need to be pushed back against.

this probably reflects polling done in communities that seek the "freedom" to continue to carry out gross human rights violations in impunity, and resent government interference into what they see as a sacred realm.

these arguments are preposterous. a liberal rights activist needs to be on the sides of the little girls and the queer folk, not on the side of the conservative institutions that want to oppress them. there is not a serious discussion to be had, here. these practices are wrong regardless of context, history or culture - and, if you disagree, you're sitting on the wrong side of the aisle. no self-respecting leftist could possibly exist in this space of cultural conservatism, or refer to rights activists as "snitches". it's beyond orwellian; it lacks the subtlety of orwell.

it's just farcical.

i've been over this before: it's a sad day in canada when the conservative party is the only political entity that is interested in human rights.