Saturday, November 3, 2018

you don't get it, ahmed.

i don't care about refugees. at all. what i care about is housing.

immigration is not a ballot question and will not affect my voting decisions. but, access to housing is an important election question for people living on the margins.

it is true that the housing problem already existed. but, it's also true that the existing housing problem made housing the influx of refugees next to impossible, and turned an existing problem into a full-on crisis for the native-born population. it's perhaps not the refugees' fault, but that's not a reason to stop them from flowing in - whether they're to blame for it or not, their presence is continuing to exacerbate the problem. i'm not interested in assigning blame, i'm interested in finding a solution. and, you can't deport canadians to make way for nigerians, even if i suspect that's what you'd really like to do.

so, i don't want you to launch a pr campaign to help soften the image of refugees; i want you to fix the social housing problem. and, nothing short of fixing the housing problem is going to change the perception that they're creating an unwanted strain - because it happens to be an objective fact that they actually are.
yeah, it's that damned light bulb - not twice as much, but five times as much. and, there were no spikes yesterday evening, so we'll have to see if it stays that way.

presuming there are no unaccounted for spikes, i should be able to keep the bill under $50 by keeping the usage low for the next week. and, the oesp kicks in on the 26th, meaning i should get about half the month covered.

as of right now, i expect that i'll pay the set up cost and push the rest over. and, if i can really keep to an average of 4 kwh/day for the winter, it should be paid down by the new year.

i didn't check my email yesterday, but i finally got a response from the police complaint i made in mid sept. they are launching an investigation under the lead of the windsor police; i responded back with a request for an independent review, as there's a conflict of interest on the file. we'll see how they react to that.
that being said, i can deal with placing that $25 under court order costs, as the reason i did all that laundry was to wash the smoke out of my clothes.
regarding the smoke down here.

i dunno.

i'm still cleaning up the dust from having the dryer on for the last two weeks. i'm coughing as a consequence of something or other, but i can't get a clean signal, yet.

it seems to get better when i lysol the surfaces around the bed - and it's certainly picking up a lot of dust, of unclear origin (although the dryer is a clear partial source).

i have no clear determination yet, but that's something else i'll be checking for over the weekend.
now, regarding how i'm going to deal with this...

i had a $270 credit in the last apartment, and i'm not sure if they should have cut me a check or not. they didn't. i'm going to have to call the program on monday to find out. but, it indicates that i shouldn't expect to be paying much for hydro, if anything at all, once i get used to where the costs are in this unit. i expect to rebuild that credit.

in the short term, i need to figure out whether i am really paying for hot water or not. if i am, i'm going to have to change the terms of the credit to the intensive service, which is an extra $20 a month.

regardless, i'm going to behave as though the credit is retroactive, even though everybody insists that it isn't. so, if i ended up with a $70 bill, and i think i'm paying hot water, i will put in a payment for $2 and wait until the credit builds up to take care of the costs - or $25 if i'm convinced that i'm not.

if i'm not on the hot water circuit, i expect the bills down here to be in the $30-40 range, so it will take a few months to catch up. otherwise, i guess i'm expecting it to be in the $50-60 range, and will need to get on the appropriate program to adjust.