Friday, April 11, 2014

this is a topic i don't know a lot about (my concept of history is euro-centric), and i'm happy to take the time to learn.

but i just want to point out that authoritarian dictators can be and have been popularly elected repeatedly. it doesn't resolve the (really not-so) confusing alliances, but it clarifies the language.

well, see this is where this guy gets confusing. i don't need to hear the propaganda.

but, here's this thing: these security groups aren't marines. in fact, they're most certainly not marines! this isn't about bringing americans in, it's about kiev being unable to trust it's own police force to stay loyal to it.

this is unexpected.

his legacy is catastrophic. we know he's a liar from how he cooked the books in his time at queen's park, but we don't yet know the depth of his dishonesty from his time spent in ottawa. it's a virtual certainty that whomever takes over is going to find all kinds of accounting fraud. with a record as crooked as his, how he managed to get the job in the first place is really befuddling.

it's going to be a shitstorm, that seems clear. makes me wonder if somebody put something in his toothpaste.....

humans are idiots.

it's not afraid of the leaf. the wind (combined with his snorting) has confused it into thinking it's a moving animal. to a dog, a moving animal is food. because dogs kill living creatures by crushing them in their jaws, then eat them.

yet, the leaf isn't reacting. no chase is about to happen. so, the dog is really confused that the leaf isn't expressing any kind of fear, and doesn't really know how to go about killing it.

but, idiot humans would rather anthropomorphize scooby-doo in than deal with the homicidal nature of their pets.

the dog would have reacted very similarly to a dead mouse.

well, of course they banned them. it's a racist policy in disguise. the monitors would quickly figure that out, and there would be an official international reaction to something everybody already knows.

generally, the result of these sorts of complaints are changes to canadian laws. the government we've had in power since '06 has no interest in disobeying american dictates, but that hasn't always been true. even so, our sovereignty only goes so far as it contradicts the will of our hegemonic masters. wait for it...