Thursday, April 22, 2021

but, we have to get the point, ok?

we don't have this broad tax base funded by good union jobs anymore. that's gone.

now, we have a sharp division between the rich and the poor, and if we want a social system then there's no choice but making the rich pay for it.

nor are these good union jobs coming back any time soon, without serious shifts in global economic policy.

and, if you don't like that, you need to reflect on the policies that brought us here - you hollowed it out, it's gone and we have to adjust.

but, of course it's the same people that brought us neo-liberalism that won't adjust for it. they want it both ways, and they need some sense knocked into them - they can't have it both ways. they won, their policies were enacted and the consequences of them - the elimination of the middle class - are upon us. now, we have to change.
no, i'm going to double down on it - we need a change in attitude.

we don't have these vulnerable, poor old folks that need extra help anymore, we have filthy rich seniors that control almost all of the wealth and won't share it.

and, we have to claw it back. it's the only really serious solution.

they're not the majority any more; we can do this. and, it's about time, too.
a nice boost in property taxes would go a long way to ensuring that the boomers pay for their own healthcare.
i mean, everybody's concerned about how you pay for the retiring boomers.

but, there's really a very simple answer, if you look at the data - make the boomers pay for their own care.

and, i'd rather do it via progressive taxation than via market liberalization, as nobody wants seniors dying on the streets.
i want to be clear that i am in favour of tax increases, just not sales tax increases, which are a regressive way to raise money because they make everybody pay the same percentage. the focus should be on getting people to spend more, not on punishing them for doing it. this is an idea called "flat taxation" that is generally championed by political conservatives, but is really preferred by the wealthy more than any particular political grouping.

rather, it's the people at the higher end of the income spectrum that should be carrying a higher burden, by paying higher income and property taxes. this is called "progressive taxation" and is the type of taxation that liberals and socialists prefer, as it takes the burden off of working people.

now, with the pandemic, we're exiting a period of neo-liberalism, so what this article by the tory media represents is a sort of confusion about where the economic doctrine is moving in the future. this idea of "broadening the tax base" was a part of the washington consensus, but that's been left behind, now, as we return to a softer kind of keynesianism.

we're going to have to push back against it, clearly. but, if politicians are concerned about winning re-election, they want to avoid flat taxes or sales taxes. we didn't like the gst - you might even remember that. rather than broadening the tax base, politicians in the future are likely to be concerned about broadening their voting coalition, and progressive taxation is the smarter way to do it in a country where the middle class has been ripped apart.

put another way: it may have been true thirty years ago that raising taxes on the rich was politically dangerous, but the result of that policy has been that a generation of people has found themselves with declining amounts of wealth, as a small elite makes off like bandits. that has now flipped over - that source of income has now been raided for all it's worth, and the only politically feasible way to balance budgets is to undo this historic shift of wealth upwards and go after the rich.

so, yes - taxes have to go up, and i agree with it.

but, we should be increasing taxes on the rich, and not on consumption. let's boost property taxes, income taxes, corporate taxes, inheritance taxes...that kind of stuff. that's where the money is. and, it's where the popular will is, now, too.

...because things change, and policies have outcomes; history is still unfolding, after all.

this is actually weirder than i thought.

this email was sent to kickstarter:



i sent you something via the website form not too long ago, but i've
found this address in my other mailbox and i need to followup on the
initial request.

so, i am the rightful owner of both &, amongst other addresses. they are both
old accounts at this point, although the former actively forwards mail
to my newest account. i thought the latter did as well, but i'm
realizing that this hasn't been true for quite some time. that may be
a sign i got hacked.

i'm realizing that somebody seems to have gotten into the second
account (jessicaambermurray) around february of 2020 and tried to get
into the first account ( around april of that year.
the *only* reason i'm realizing that is that they set up fake
kickstarter accounts - a strange thing for them to do. so, i'm very
curious as to any information you can provide to me regarding what was
done, apparently using my email address.

if you check your records, you'll see that i contacted you in april,
2020 about a "marge batson" using that's a
fake name. you concluded that they didn't have information about my
bank account, etc. ok.

but, after sorting through this older address, i see that they had
already set up a fake account in february, 2020 using this address,
and i've only deleted that account as of today. they may have removed
forwarding from the account.

so, the chronology seems to be:

- they set up a fake account using on
february 11, 2020. the name they used was rosalie walkner, which is a
completely fake name.
- they also set up a fake account using on
april 29, 2020. the name they used was "marge batson", also a totally
fake name.
- my legal name is not jessica amber murray, but it is the female name
i use. i'm a transgendered person.
- i caught the second fake account almost immediately, and had it
deleted. i contacted you over the website form, and you sent me the
following email on april 30, 2020 from (and
note that i carry on after the pasted email):


Your request has been updated. You can add a comment by replying to this email.

Kickstarter Trust & Safety (Kickstarter)

Apr 30, 9:42 AM EDT

Hi there,

Thanks so much for reaching out and alerting us to this activity. We
can confirm the account  associated with your email address has been

Though this account was created using your email address, rest assured
that it does not appear that any of your personal information (your
personal email account, credit card information, etc.) has been

Thanks again for notifying us of this, and please let us know if you
have any other questions or concerns.

Best regards,
Kickstarter Trust & Safety

Apr 30, 5:00 AM EDT


i recently received a "welcome to kickstarter" email, despite the fact
that i did not sign up for kickstarter. when i realized what had
happened, i changed the password on the account (that i did not
create.), and learned that the account was unverified.

the account was created under the name "marge batson". that is not my name.

i have since deleted this account. but, i would appreciate it if you
would permanently ban this address from setting up any further sort of
account. i don't want this to happen again.

i live on disability and could not accept any money raised in this
manner, unless it has six or more zeroes.

thank you,


why would somebody hack my account in order to try to set up a
kickstarter account other than to carry through an illegal transaction
and try to pin it on me? and, why would they be so insistent as to do
it twice if the outcome was benign?

so, my questions to you are as follows:

- was the account at (that is, this
address) ever verified? that can help me understand if the email
account was ever breached and how i ought to respond to it. if it
wasn't, i might wonder if it's more likely that somebody is trolling
me. i have a sprawling internet presence from years worth of message
board participation, and i've drawn attention to myself from places on
the internet i don't otherwise interact with.
- can you tell me if any financial transactions were ever made using
the account? i have no reason to think that my own bank account was
compromised, and actually don't use that address for financial
transactions. but, i'm concerned that somebody might have done
something shady and used my name to do it. i'm even concerned that
somebody may have raise money in my name.
- can you tell me the last time somebody logged into the account,
besides today when i deleted it? this can help me understand how
recent the breach was.

i've changed all my passwords, but i've suspected i might be being
cyberstalked for quite a while, and any help getting my head around it
would be useful.



i've also sent the following to


like many people, i have a lot of old gmail accounts that i barely use, and i'm realizing that one of them,, may have been hacked quite some time ago, and potentially taken over by somebody. but, if so, it's very strange what they've done.

i do remember signing up for, because i was doing research on my diet and i wanted to download a paper on flavonoids. i used this old address becuse it was my facebook account's address. i also recall reading some papers about betaine. so, i definitely set up this account, myself.

but, when i logged into the account today, i found a fake name attached to it, and it's the same fake name i found attached to a fake kickstarter account. this is suggesting that somebody with my password logged into the account i set up and filled in fake details about it. it's very hard for me to understand why somebody would do that, unless they were broadly impersonating me in multiple ways.

i have deleted this account, because i'm concerned about being hacked and it was registered under a name that is not mine. no offense to

but, i'm wondering if you can send me a list of dates that this account was logged into, before being deleted, today. this can help me understand the nature and depth of this breach of this address.

i have changed my password, but i need to understand why somebody would do such a bizarre thing.


and, after i get some breakfast, i'll have to spend some time logging into old accounts and figuring out who's been in what.
in fact, i had set up mail forwarding there in may, 2020. but, it didn't seem to implement. weird...

i've changed all the passwords for everything, now.

well, i've been concerned about some kind of cyber attack for years, now. but, it never made any sense - i don't have anything to steal. even my identity is worth $100,000 in student loan debt. so, it makes you wonder. what's the point? it's gotta be the cops, then.

but, what if somebody's been quietly logging into my account for years? what if they set up a fake kickstarter account? 

it's weird, at the least.

there's nothing funny at the carleton site. and, i actually seem to have signed up for the site to research flavonoids in september. they used that site because i signed up via facebook. so, that's ok.

but, i'm sure i had forwarding set up - it wasn't. i had to turn it back on.

so, i'm reducing potential suspicious activity to the kickstarter site, which is fishy enough as it is. that's actually twice, now, that somebody set up a fake kickstarter site from that address - once with the name "marge batson" and the other time with the name "rosalie walkner". 

so, i sent an email to kickstarter about it. i can't see any evidence of taking part in any kickstarter projects, but it's unsettling.

i've changed my facebook password as well.
alright, so i've got all of the takeout stuff dealt with, and even organized my google drive shares a little.

in the process, i'm realizing that somebody may have hacked an address i use only rarely: this person seems to be using the fake identity of "rosalie walker". as one example, they set up a fake kickstarter account that i've since deleted. they also set up an account at that i've deleted. and, they subscribed to ezra levant, which is sort of embarrassing - that's not something i'd subscribe to. at all.

i had to change the password.

i have no evidence that this person is doing anything damaging to me, or any clues as to what the point of hacking into my email address might have been. that address is not associated with my bank account, for example...and, it's not as though there's much in there. this only seems to have started happening about september of last year.

in fact, that address is associated with my facebook account, only - an account i basically don't use anymore, and may end up deleting. i got off facebook because the ui was awful, and it's just gone from bad to horrendous.

the one extra thing i want to check is my carleton accounts.
i also need to insist on testing for lead, specifically. this is definitely all consistent with lead poisoning, something this city has a history of.

this is a very old house (definitely built before 1950), but i was told the pipes in here were recently replaced with pvc. i guess a blood test will determine how true that is.
ok, i'm awake, let's get to doing something.
i don't have any soreness around my abdomen.

i'm not having trouble breathing (except from the pollution being spewed by the drug addicts in the neighbourhood - it's asthma, not something interfering with my lungs expanding and contracting).

the thing that's scaring me most is the spleen. even if i have cancer, i've probably got some time. and, i mean, i'm not immortal - if that's what gets me, so be it. but, if my spleen is fucked, death is potentially imminent.
so, i'm going to ask for a rec for a hematologist.

i still think i'm looking at poor absorption, but i should be rigorous, and they may have some insights for me.
the one type of cancer this makes sense with is leukemia or leukemia-like blood cancers.
i remember my grandmother telling me once that she had an underactive thyroid.

but, that would mean there's two issues here - something blocking iron absorption and an underactive thyroid. and, if i can get the iron back up, i can probably manage the thyroid.

so, i mean, i'll ask about it, but it's sort of a canard - it doesn't address the actual issue.
Sudden or unexplained weight gain and bloating may be a sign of ovarian cancer. 

well, that's the one cancer i'm sure i don't have.
again, though - the weight gain is an unusual symptom with somebody with anemia-like blood test results.  it seems to rule out a spleen problem. and, it's just weird in general.

my doctor has already expressed a lot of confusion at the results. for example, i have large rbcs. but, i have low iron and sufficient b12. large rbcs are usually caused by low b12, and low iron usually causes small rbcs. 

none of the obvious things really seem to add up.

whatever it is, in the end, is going to be obscure - that much, i'm sure of.
if i were to guess, it's this - the iron pills aren't working, my stores have depleted and my thyroid is malfunctioning. so, my metabolism is decreasing and i'm gaining weight.

we'll see what the doctor says.
i obviously don't want to hang out at the blood testing lab, and they won't want me there. but, i can predict what's going to happen - i'm going to pass out when they take a sample. that is, at this point, becoming obvious.

so, do i go back to the er? again - let's see if the coffee works or not.

and, this dull pain in my left shoulder won't go away....but i'm gaining weight, which means my breast size is increasing, and it might have more to do with that.
i mean, i eat almost no meat.

that right there rules out most forms of intestinal cancers, which are pretty unambiguously directly caused by meat consumption.
so, the only way i can prove that the iron isn't working is to take a blood test.

but, if i'm right, and it isn't, i'm going to need injections.


why can't i just take a hepcidin test?
today's post is the first mp3 archive.


purchasing this release does not come with a download. 

inri000: originally released dec 25, 1996. remastered oct 30, 2013. finalized june 26, 2016. 

inri001: originally released jun 1, 1997. remastered nov 8, 2013. finalized july 3, 2016. 

inri002: originally written and recorded over 1996-1997. sequenced and mildly modified in dec, 2013. released dec 11, 2013. finalized on july 3, 2016. lp000. 

inri003: created in mid 1997. sequenced and converted to stereo in november, 2013. released on nov 9, 2013. corrected in september, 2014. finalized on july 5, 2016. 

inri004: originally written in 1997 and first created in 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. finally reconstructed in the summer of 2015 and extrapolated upon over the first half of 2016. released on july 4, 2016. finalized on july 5, 2016. 

inri005: initially written in 1997. recreated in jan, 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reclaimed july 1, 2015. deconstructed dec 18, 2015. released on jan 4, 2016. finalized on july 6, 2016. lead track added and refinalized july 20, 2016. 

inri006: originally created in 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reconstructed in the summer of 2015 and then manipulated further in the summer of 2016. released & finalized on july 7, 2016. hidden track added and re-finalized on july 18, 2016. 

inri007: initially written in 1997. recreated in feb, 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reclaimed july 5, 2015. remixed july 12, 2015. electronics added on july 16, 2015. released on jan 4, 2016. sequenced on jan 6-8, 2016. finalized on july 10, 2016. hidden track added and refinalized on july 21, 2016. 

inri008: initially written in 1996. recreated in feb, 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reclaimed june 29, 2015. remixed july 15, 2015. released on jan 4, 2016. finalized on july 11, 2016. bonus tracks added and re-finalized on july 18, 2016. 

inri009: initially written in 1994. first full recording in 1996. recreated in mar, 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reclaimed & remixed on july 18, 2015. released jan 7, 2016. sequenced jan 6-8, 2016. finalized on july 20, 2016. 

inri010: initially written in 1996. recreated in april, 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reclaimed july 12, 2015. vocals added july 15, 2015. sequenced, released and finalized on july 22, 2016. 

inri011: originally created in april, 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reclaimed july 4, 2015. remixed july 15, 2015. vocals added jan 6, 2016. released on jan 6, 2016. finalized on july 23, 2016. 

inri012: initially written in 1996. recreated in the spring of 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reclaimed june 29, 2015. corrected to control for malfunctioning electronics on nov 26, 2015. sequenced on jan 10, 2016. released & finalized on july 24, 2016. 

inri013: written and demoed from 1994-1998. initially constructed in this form in june, 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. sequenced on jan 6-7, 2016 from parts that were rebuilt over 2013-2016. released jan 7, 2016. finalized on july 29, 2016. symph001. 

inri014: initially written in 1996. recreated mostly in feb, 1998 (schizoid, terrorists) but also partly in june, 1998 (abusive). sequenced in this form in june, 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. "terrorists" was reclaimed june 28-29, 2015 & remixed july 15, 2015. the main mix was corrected on nov 19, 2015. "schizoid" was reclaimed on july 12, 2015 & reprogrammed on dec 31, 2015. the main mix was corrected on jan 3, 2016 and remixed repeatedly jan 3-5, 2016. the lead track was sequenced on jan 5, 2016 and split back apart on jan 8, 2016. released on jan 5, 2016. audio permanently closed on aug 1, 2016. release finalized on oct 9, 2016. 

inri015: written and demoed in multiple stages from 1994-1998. initially constructed in this form in june, 1998. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reconstructed and resequenced jan 6-10, 2016 from parts that were rebuilt over 2013-2016. re-released jan 10, 2016. audio permanently closed on aug 10, 2016. finalized on oct 10, 2016. lp001. 

inri016: created in the summer of 1998. released as a standalone ep on nov 16, 2013. audio permanently closed on oct 12, 2016. release finalized on oct 27, 2016. 

inri017: initially written over the course of 1997. recreated and expanded over the course of 1998. lead track first sequenced in this form in feb, 1999. further remixes generated over the course of 1999. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013, and another in late 2015. remastered in november, 2016 from various sources, 1997-2015. finalized & released on nov 17, 2016. 

inri018: initially written in 1997. recreated and reconceptualized in late 1998. salvaged somewhat at the end of 1999. remastered in 2013. compiled & released on nov 13, 2016. finalized on nov 19, 2016. final album version added as a bonus track and refinalized on dec 15, 2016. 

inri019: written and demoed from 1996-1999. initially constructed in this form in january, 1999. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. compiled on nov 13, 2016. sequenced on nov 22-24, 2016 from parts that were rebuilt over 2013-2016. released on nov 24, 2016. release finalized on nov 27, 2016. symph002.. 

inri020: initially written in 1993. first full recording in 1996. recreated in dec, 1997 and again in jan, 1999. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reclaimed on july 2, 2015. remixed on july 15, 2015. reconceptualized & remixed repeatedly over november & december, 2016. released & finalized on dec 13, 2016. 

inri021: written and demoed in multiple stages from 1993-1999. initially constructed in this form in feb, 1999. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. reconstructed and resequenced over november and december, 2016 from parts that were rebuilt over 2013-2016. finalized & re-released on dec 15, 2016. lp002. 

inri022: recorded over 1998. compiled and remastered in late 2013. released dec 27, 2013. corrected to normalize for stereo in september, 2014. expanded incrementally between dec, 2014 and dec, 2016. merged with inricycled b and then finalized and re-released on december 16, 2016. 

inri023: constructed over 1998. compiled and remastered in late 2013. released dec 27, 2013. the first two tracks were corrected to stereo in sept, 2014. the last two tracks were added for re-release as a remix lp in dec, 2016. re-released & finalized as lp003 on dec 17, 2016. 

inri024: initially written and recorded between 1996-1999 and remixed over the summer of 2015, with a lengthy pause due to malfunctioning electronics. final compilation date is jan 3, 2016. finalized dec 17, 2016. lp004. 

inri025: this idea was developed in parallel to the inriclaimed project over the summer of 2015 and first compiled on nov 27, 2016. released & finalized on dec 17, 2016. lp005. 

inri026: initially written in the fall of 1997. recorded in the winter of 1999. remixed in late 2013 and again in early 2014. this track was separated from my second record in january, 2016 but the single was not completed until it was remixed one last time in sept, 2017. released & finalized on sept 10, 2017. 

inri027: streamed to disk in one take on the afternoon of march 9, 1999. ripped back to wav format from cd-r in late 2013. released as a one track single on nov 21, 2013. release finalized on sept 12, 2017. 

inri028: constructed over a few days in april, 1999. ripped back to wav format from cd-r in late 2013. released as a one track single on nov 21, 2013. release finalized on sept 12, 2017. 

inri029: recorded over 1997-1999. constructed in this form in june, 1999. published on november 30, 2013. re-released (with new hidden track) and finalized as symph003 on sept 13, 2017. 

inri030: initially created in sept, 1997. remixed and reimagined repeatedly over 1998 and 1999. a failed rescue was attempted in 2013. partially reclaimed dec 8, 2014. rebuilt and resequenced on jan 9, 2016 out of material that had been remastered over 2013-2016. reimagined again on oct 26, 2016 out of material that was created in jan, 2016, but not released (and finalized) until sept 13, 2017, in order to properly fit into sequence. 

inri031: recorded over the spring and summer of 1999. originally released on inrimake in october, 1999 (with an accidental phase reverse). the first section was modified further at the end of 1999. minimally altered and split into it's own ep on january 3rd, 2014. spliced further, appended to and remastered over sept, 2017. re-released and finalized on sept 28, 2017. 

inri032: recorded sporadically, and without cohesive intent, over '98 and '99. originally compiled in the fall of '99. augmented and minimally altered in january, 2014. released on jan 3, 2014. finalized as lp006 on sept 21, 2017. as always, please use headphones - but note that they are especially mandatory for this recording. 

originally created from 1996-1999. this compilation is dated to nov 1, 1999. slowly remastered, reconstituted, compiled, reconstructed, released and finalized from 2013-2017. compilation finalized on sept 28, 2017. as always, please use headphones. 

released november 1, 1999 

j - guitars, effects, bass, bass synth, keyboards, synthesizers, piano, orchestral & other sequencing, drum programming, drum kit, percussion, pick scrapes, metronomes, vocals, vocal relics, mic noises, tapes, found sounds, paper, sampling, vocoders, octavers, cool edit wave synthesis, windows 95 sound recorder, noise generators, noise reduction, soundraider, hammerhead, sound design, strategies, light-wave synthesis, digital wave editing, digital effects processing, loops, text-to-speech synthesis, remixes, reconstructions, reinterpretations, chance, a broken tape deck, production. 

the various rendered electronic orchestras include piano, organ, electric guitar, orchestra hit, pizzicato strings, synth pads, violin, viola, cello, contrabass, electric bass, sitar, tubular bells, tinkle bells, synthesizer effects and flute.

i was supposed to get to my appointment yesterday morning, but i had to cancel due to anxiety about going out. i just couldn't force myself to leave the house yesterday.

instead, i fell asleep for the afternoon. i was up briefly in the evening to eat some fruit, but i've been asleep almost non-stop since yesterday around noon. can i wake up now?

fwiw, the weight gain is stabilizing a little, but the fact that i'm gaining weight since i went on the iron supplements (whatever the reasoning.) strongly suggests that i don't have any sort of stomach cancer, or probably any sort of cancer at all. weight gain and cancer don't go well together.

rather, it seems like my metabolism just crashed. which is making me wonder more about my thyroid. the levels were tested recently, but that was before my stores hypothetically depleted (we'll see what the next test says). so, it might just be consistent with the idea that the pills just aren't working.

i don't know, really. i know i'm going to try to wake up and get back to what i was doing.