Monday, June 18, 2018

i was hoping that that apartment was a few floors up, but it was essentially on ground level, and had easy access from the back door.

it was a little small, sure. but, the real issue is that i need something more secure than that. it's a shame, as the location was really ideal.

clock's ticking...
no new apartments up this weekend.

have a lead for something might really like, though.

remember: this is either going to the tenant board to get costs or going to the hrc to get costs. the tenant board should be a faster process...
as is always the case, this is taking a little longer than expected, but i've got the list updated from the time i moved to windsor until the time i started up the vlog, now.

what i was intending on doing was making sure the facebook page was properly archived, but i decided i had to update the concert reviews in order to comprehensively do that.

i'll be carrying through with this until i get up to 06/16 - so a little less than a year. then, i'll be keeping it up to date as i catch up.

anything before the move to windsor will come up in the alter-reality.