Friday, May 6, 2016

j reacts to west virginia polling, and what a surprise sanders win *actually* implies

there's some polls coming up in west virginia, and they're kind of splitting the difference - the racist models are suggesting he should win in a landslide (because there are few blacks), where as i actually think a better projection ought to be clinton by about 10-15. the polls i've seen are in the margin of error, suggesting a split, but they're also small samples and wonky sources...

forget how many blacks are in west virginia. it's a boneheaded way to go about this. instead, let's look at how she did amongst whites in the neighbouring states - all of which were open primaries.

virginia: 57% of whites voted for clinton
ohio: 53% of whites voted for clinton
tennessee: 57% of whites voted for clinton
kentucky: hasn't voted.

so, given that west virginia is mostly white, why exactly would you expect sanders to win?


but, i'm data driven. so, i'm going to suggest a way out, and it's this - shit happens. people change.

again: i think some skepticism is in order with the polling. we don't have anything really solid right now. but, if sanders does win west virginia, what i would suggest is that voting intentions in the south have shifted since march.

this is likely a fruitless request: if you were to do some rigorous polling in tennessee or virginia, today, what would the results be? because if sanders wins west virginia (after winning indiana), and is then at least competitive in kentucky, it's hard to see how the results from the early primaries can be current.

again: if you want to take the information you have and apply it to west virginia, you should get a big clinton win. if sanders wins, it strongly suggests that southerners, or at least white ones, are actually abandoning clinton.

let's not get carried away, though. i actually still expect clinton to win in west virginia. and kentucky.

my response would have been something like "well, if you don't like the food stamps program, i can always start a riot and burn your house down and steal the food out of your fridge instead.".

welfare isn't charity. it's a way to prevent class warfare and ensure that the property rights dictatorship is not overwhelmed with sheer force. it was understood some time in the last century that the best way to stop the poor from taking what they are entitled to, by force, is to give them enough to survive on. it's a bribe.

if people like her want to get cocky about it, they'll eventually have to deal with the consequences of it.

j reacts to "self-driving cars"

i can't imagine there's any kind of market for this.

i bet the nsa would love it if they had control of your vehicle, though.

why aren't we building more electric vehicles? this is idiotic.

05-05-2016: wasted day....

tracks worked on in this vlog:

j reacts to the new radiohead single/video

predictable attempt to relive lost glory years after fading into irrelevance; a little paranoid android, much, eh?

it's good that thom has realized that he does require jonny to make a good record. but, this is egos clashing - it's not collaborative. thom is really doing everything he possibly can to drown out the strings. an epic mix manages to save a catastrophe. although, i'm sure there's more than one patch on that processor? we've heard quite a lot of that one.

this isn't going to turn out well if the process is that thom shows up after jonny's done all the work, like it's just another side project, and howls out some half formed nonsense. he couldn't even be bothered to write a second verse. a band is supposed to be a collaborative affair. i don't know how a band can go more than a decade without remembering that.

i'm not disappointed, i'm just jaded; cynical, even. i've been soooo over this band since 2003. really.

but, there's a bit of a tease here: this is actually new material, not just the same recycled sound they've been stripping down forever, to the point of parody. but, if he wants to go down this orchestral path, i wish he'd be a little more aspirational. i mean, it's not like it's avant garde - listen to eleanor rigby. or how to disappear completely and never be found. this just seems pedestrian, in comparison.

but, if moaning about radiohead were an olympic sport, i'd be competitive.

shit hillary said vol 51