Thursday, July 12, 2018

sobriety is pretty cool.

you should give it a try.
and, the first step is admitting that you have a problem.

i'm going to acknowledge that it's very unfortunate that the industry has created this class of drug addict that has been taught to deny their addiction, under the cover that it's not actually a drug but a medicine.

this is the kind of denial of reality that we generally associate with joining a cult - which is the argument i'm going to make for the human rights commission if i have to do it. it really is. there really is a kind of "cult of pot".

well, that's pretty human really - i've argued that much of religion is a ufo cult, but the other dominant component of religion is drugs. the dominant christian ritual appears to have come from a greek wine cult - a 'mystery religion', perhaps that of dionysus - where one is initiated by getting shit-faced. as religion becomes more conservative and institutionalized, it tends to drop these associations, which appear to be deeply indigenous. rainforest tribes tend to centre their religion around psychedelic use. it's kind of a human universal...

so, it's unfortunate.

but, its not the first time this has happened in human history. and, we need a public education program that stops this absurdity in it's tracks, reverses it and teaches people that it is wrong.

that is going to be hard for some people, but sometimes the best medicine is tough medicine, right?
further, i've always argued that habitual smokers ("potheads") are in fact drug addicts and do in fact need counselling.
i support legalizing the recreational use of marijuana in a social setting.

i categorically reject the medicalization of marijuana.

and i strongly oppose smoking either marijuana or tobacco in any sort of enclosed area, whatsoever.
fucking loser...
i bet she's watching friends.
smoking drugs in your apartment by yourself is not "cool".

it's just about the fucking lamest thing that a person can possibly do.
why would i want to be stoned, in my apartment, by myself, at 10:00 pm on a thursday night?

but, i am. against my will. in violation of the security of my person. in contravention of my basic rights as a human being.

if that sounds like "fun" to you, you need a psychiatrist. it's hellish.

all i can do is drink coffee and hope something acceptable comes up soon.
this is going to be a frustrating night.
and, as soon as i post, she starts blazing again.

on second thought, i do think she's still down there, because the air conditioner is still in, and i can smell what i think is third hand smoke.


it's kind of a measure of how much this woman smokes that i can smell her coming in from downstairs. it's more of a measure of how bad the floors are, though.

the third hand smoke is dangerous, still - but it's not getting me stoned, at least.

if i could pull out a pay check and transport myself somewhere else, i'd be gone by now.

i don't care about money. i don't care about "winning".

but, i don't have the resources to do that, so they're going to have to pay for their negligence in helping me get out of this place.
there is no question that the ideal outcome of the previous move would have been to stay here; i'll take the payout in lieu of it, but what i really want is stability.

that's clearly not an option, as i'm being bombarded with smoke from every direction and nobody seems to care.

so, i have to make the best of a bad situation and accept compensation for negligence; but, sure, i'd rather people weren't negligent, and i'd rather people were respectful of my rights to breathe carcinogen-free air and not get randomly stoned when i'm trying to read. yeah. sure. that's too much to ask of these people, apparently.

but, i can't repeat the same mistake of moving into a smoky apartment, either.

in the end, i'm not concerned about "winning". this isn't a game. there aren't "winners" and "losers" in most things in life, that's a bunch of fucking neo-liberal stupidity, there are compromises and consequences and adjustments and settling for reality.

and, what i want is stability, at some point, in the end.
if they want to be stupid about it, i should get interest on top of it, in the end, too.
i've stated before that i don't really expect this company to actually pay me the court's order.

and, so, maybe i should take the fact that the market is so slow with a bit of positivity - as, if i'm here until october, it will at least help me recoup two months rent.

....because the court order will surely allow me to withhold rent until the debt is paid down.

that is obviously not what i want. i want to be gone on august 1st, and send the company to collections if they won't pay. 

but. the other upside of this possibility is that it will allow me to move immediately, which is what the market seems to want. if i don't pay rent for august, i won't have to wait until september to move, because i won't have already paid rent for august. and, they can try and sue me on a per-day basis in the end if they want, but they'll have a hard time winning that argument if they're in arrears, and that would be preferable to paying the whole month, in the end.
people want to believe in backwards republican economics, so what they're doing is inflating a bubble via unjustified "consumer confidence".

it has nothing to do with global trade. investors really, honestly believe in the economy right now. somehow, trump is a great salesperson for financial stability.

...because most people are complete fucking idiots. you really can't understand the situation in any other terms.

you can't create money and destroy money at the same time, that's a contradiction.

it's a bubble that should have burst by now. i'm surprised it's taking this long, but so be it. and, we'll see how long it takes, in the end. but, understand this - the longer it takes, the worse it ends up.

you can't destroy money and create money at the same time.
this just isn't that kind of site.
if you thought i was interested in posting about thai boys, you had me all wrong.

i strongly suspect that the pothead just moved out.

if true, now what?
i don't want to waste energy or expend thought at work.

i want to save it for the discography.
so, what kind of jobs would i apply for?

- cashier jobs
- survey jobs

basic, entry level stuff that requires no energy, no thought, no effort.

...although, i don't want to work in fast food, it's too draining.
no, i need to be clear.

if i'm going to take a job, it's because i don't have another choice. if there was any way out...

so, i'm not looking for advancement.
i'm not looking to "climb my way up".
i'm not looking to save for retirement.
and, i'm certainly not looking to get off of odsp.

i'm just looking to minimize the amount of time i have to waste as a slave, for the shortest amount of time possible.

it's just a trick for the rental applications. 

i would turn down a promotion if offered.
i would reject full time hours.
i will not attend social gatherings with staff.
i will not socialize with staff on breaks.

it's just in & out with the least amount of energy expended possible - the bare minimum.

because i don't want to be there. at all.

but i understand that we have to do things we don't want to, sometimes.

i just want to stress the have to. as in - being forced to. being coerced to. against my will.

& until i don't have to, any more.