Tuesday, February 4, 2020

i would also suggest to ms. warren that if she can't win a single county then she should go back to washington and stay there.

this was actually, honestly the last communication i had with erin, aka esa, aka shelley teagan. i think i made my point clear enough.

ok, that post came through after, but the delay suggests somebody pushed a button.

i'm growing increasingly uncomfortable about the sanctity of the data, here. there appears to be some kind of law enforcement agency or other type of unwanted filtering process sitting between me and the posting output, and if it doesn't cease and desist immediately then i'm going to have to strongly consider shifting platforms again. 

i have no interest in being moderated and simply won't be.
i flipped the cmos battery this morning, so it's been draining all day and should be clear when i turn it back on.

but, all i can do is sort through what's here and see what evidence they left and hope it wasn't too disruptive. as though everything else happening isn't overwhelmingly disruptive :\.
they're out of control. i go out to mail a motion to toronto on a police brutality case, and the cops break into my computer when i'm gone. how much more absurd...
everything else aside, having somebody strip the password off of your cmos is invasive. i feel like i just got raped, basically. the password was there because i don't give random people that are in my apartment without my knowledge permission to snoop through my files, if that needed to be stated. and, i strongly doubt they got a warrant for that, either.
but, if i understood what the point was, i could maybe take some steps to prove the point to get them to fuck off.
there's obviously some kind of misunderstanding, if they think they can find something on my hard drives. there's nothing to find. really.
their remote surveillance was bogging down and crashing my machine, which is too slow to run the software they were pushing down and still be functional as a gateway device.
it would really be useful if i could figure out why they're coming in here like this.
so, i just had my first censored post here. let's try this one at a time.
it would really be useful if i could figure out why they're coming in here like this.

their remote surveillance was bogging down and crashing my machine, which is too slow to run the software they were pushing down and still be functional as a gateway device.

there's obviously some kind of misunderstanding, if they think they can find something on my hard drives. there's nothing to find. really.

but, if i understood what the point was, i could maybe take some steps to prove the point to get them to fuck off.

everything else aside, having somebody strip the password off of your cmos is invasive. i feel like i just got raped, basically. the password was there because i don't give random people that are in my apartment without my knowledge permission to snoop through my files, if that needed to be stated. and, i strongly doubt they got a warrant for that, either.

they're out of control. i go out to mail a motion to toronto on a police brutality case, and the cops break into my computer when i'm gone. how much more absurd...

but, all i can do is sort through what's here and see what evidence they left and hope it wasn't too disruptive. as though everything else happening isn't overwhelmingly disruptive :\.

i flipped the cmos battery this morning, so it's been draining all day and should be clear when i turn it back on.
so, i got a final cancellation on the tenant case in, took a shower and woke up to dry air. let's hope he's not being an asshole about this....there's nothing stopping me from filing again....

things were relatively good. really. the problem is that the air is so ridiculously dry, but it's not clear to me what the cause of this is. it's not clearly from smoke like it has been in the past. i dunno.

i took a very long shower this afternoon, because my hair needed it.

and, then i napped, and woke up to iowa results, which were about what i deduced.

i think i'm still sleepy. but, if i can get a final confirmation on the court date in the morning, i can get some tickets and move on. let's try to keep napping until about midnight before i get up and try to put things back together again....

knowing that somebody physically removed the cmos password makes me wonder two things:

1) what are they looking for?
2) did they fuck with anything?

so, i'm kind of...not looking forward to turning the pc back on, under the expectation that something may not be quite how i left it.

it's just underscoring the importance of ensuring that the police are held accountable, so i can get the constitutional case in and be compensated for their abuses.
in raw numbers, sanders got roughly half the support he did in 2016.
i had three likely outcomes:

1) biden gets out the base.
2) sanders works up the fringes
3) buttigieg emerges as consensus

1 & 3 were mutually exclusive. 3 turned out to be the right one, and 2 happened too.

this is buttigieg's chance, and he'd better make the most of it because it is indeed obvious that he doesn't have the appeal to southern blacks that barack obama did.

but, we may be seeing a break in the "obama coalition", a sort of chicago connection, between educated, northern whites and uneducated, southern blacks. sanders doesn't pull from either side of that, remember. but, that was always a shaky union.

if buttigieg can salvage that coalition, he will win. if he can't, if it factions and picks separate candidates, then sanders can come up the middle.

biden will have a hard time winning if he's lost northern, educated whites to some combination of buttigieg and warren, even if he sweeps the south.

and, it's time for klobuchar to go home to washington.
when i come home after a lengthy period and there is specifically no password on my bios anymore, that indicates that somebody physically entered the unit and removed the cmos in order to strip it.

if there's any ambiguity that i'm dealing with anybody besides the cops...
also, there's somebody smoking up there again.

so, that was a lengthy detour of several days.

- early thursday morning - finished updating the existing liner notes
- thursday afternoon: wrote, served and faxed a motion to toronto.
- thursday evening: received a factum and read through it
- thursday night into friday morning: wrote a reply factum & served it
- friday morning: passed out with a migraine. i got paid on friday, too.
- friday evening: finally got the list of hearing dates from the coordinator after trying for a week
- friday night into saturday morning: ate. cleaned. napped. tried to catch up on blogging. etc.
- saturday morning into the afternoon: grocery shopping
- saturday afternoon: slept
- saturday night into sunday morning: put groceries away into tupperware
- sunday afternoon into monday morning: lots of sleep
- early monday morning: cleaning. did taxes.
- monday morning: checked up on court stuff. canceled landlord tenant board hearing, motion needs affidavit. can mail reply factum with second affidavit. almost finished hearing canvassing, but no response from city.
- monday afternoon into evening: got affidavit, printed & mailed reply factum, finished grocery shopping.
- monday night into tuesday morning: ate. napped. finished cleaning. napped again.
- tuesday morning: finished hearing request form, hearing set to jun 23rd.

i skipped a poppy concert on saturday and intend to skip a tauk show tonight. debussy, mid-month, remains likely.

but, i think i'm ready to get started on inri015, finally. i'm just weighing whether i want to do it on the pc or do it on the laptop. and i'm leaning towards the pc.

i have a new usb keyboard but i kind of want to get these things done first before i toy with it.

and, the password in my bios got stripped, indicating there was somebody down here when i was gone.
sanders obviously has a better chance in new hampshire.

but new hampshire is also the kind of state where biden's support could move to buttigieg fairly readily - more so than south carolina, for example.

so, we might have both narratives happening at the same time - and it might turn out to be a two-way race.
i don't think they're trying to rig it.

i think they're trying to stop iowa from becoming a giant queer party, and basically waiting until everybody leaves, first.

"is that a stick of corn in your pocket?"

no. honestly. it's a conservative state. and, there's actually a reasonable concern about safety, it's not just old people being uptight.

but, this is why pete buttigieg is a scary entity to a leftist campaigner - it makes his opponents look like out of touch dinosaurs. and, i really wish that sanders would have embraced the cultural liberalism rather than brush up against it.

but, i mean....i'm used to being disenfranchised. this is pretty normal for me.
"fuck it, i'm voting for trump."
"he's racist!"
"they're all racist. fuck, i'm racist. i'm racist against gays and jews and girls."
but, is that the field? bernie v buttigieg?

i said over and over that if biden can't hold on then buttigieg will take his place.

if biden got convincingly leapfrogged, buttigieg is the guy now, and you need to adjust. but, it's not clear if that holds up.

i don't think black voters are going to like any of these candidates.

"hey, leroy. you can vote for the jew or the gay or the woman. or the chinese guy."


i should wait for results before i speculate further, given that the difference between winning and losing is going to be marginal.
what do i do now?

bernie is the better candidate, broadly, but he's 100 years old and thinks like it sometimes, and he seems to have some real problems with the queers, of which i happen to be one.

buttigieg is an obvious foil, being that he's gay, but he's basically a republican, and a fucking christian, too.

go greens....
the app doesn't work, guys. i'm getting this error code:

error 69: proposed winner is gay.
i don't know for sure. i'm just deducing.

but, this is a conflict point that's been building in the democratic party for quite a while now. and, we're going to have to have this fight, because for every religious or ethnic voter that won't vote for the gays, there's a secular atheist that won't support the religious or ethnic agendas.

we're seeing the same conflicts play out in canada. it's schismatic, but it has to run it's course.

i would call on the party to release the results and let the people decide.
it seems like the party doesn't like the results out of iowa.

my best guess is that buttigieg won. and they don't like it. and it's clear why.