Tuesday, July 9, 2019

also, this is a very old picture of me (blonde, white shirt) at a night birds show at the house of targ, in ottawa.

credit for the picture: marc gaertner. this is something he does, apparently.

admit it, you wish you were there.

and, i actually just stumbled upon this right this moment.

i'm going to get something to eat.


if you're unclear about something that i've said or done, please go ahead and ask me questions about it. understand that i'm an unusually honest person that has been surrounded by incredibly dishonest people for the last several years and the filters that you've been receiving information from are simply not good sources of information. so, please ask me directly before you jump to conclusions, and realize the following point: i would take the position that if you're not going to even bother asking me for my side of the story, then your opinion is not valuable enough to be worth concerning myself with.