Friday, May 22, 2020

call me an eco-fascist.

it's the lockdown that's hurting people, not the virus.

and, if you want a sense of shared loss or shared sacrifice, it's going to come in digging ourselves out of this very substantive economic mess that was neither necessary nor asked for, and will take years and years.

i care little for these dying boomers that destroyed the planet and ate themselves to death in the process.

my concern is for the young, the living - the future. not the past...

and, we are under attack - not by the virus, but by one last dying gasp of baby boomer neo-liberalism, that is carrying out a scorched earth policy on it's way out.
if america is under attack by anybody or anything right now, it's under attack by it's own government.
in 2011 and 1941, the country got attacked.

in 2020, it shut itself down to stop the common cold from killing geriatrics and extremely unhealthy people - and largely failed to even do so.

the responses are incomparable because the situations are incomparable.

america did this to itself.

and, it seems to want to just move the fuck on.

i'm not feeling so good...

is it possible that somebody put something in my coffee when i was out?

if they find me dead, don't let them tell you i killed myself. i am not suicidal, at all.