Tuesday, August 14, 2018

they're actually still going to give me $700+ a month, after i move out.

i'm going to mostly eat in homeless shelters...they can cram their religion up their asses, but i'll take the meals. fuck, it should be secularly run. i'll tell 'em to fuck right off if they try and proselytize - dump the soup in their goddamned faces. but, i'll eat it, and keep coming back until i figure it out...

and, if i stay at an air bnb here and there to take a shower and do laundry, i can claim that on the $489.

but, regardless, i'm going to have a lot to spend on storage. $500+. that is without eating into the savings, which i'll need to use to actually move.

obviously, i want to find something as quickly as possible.

but, i should be able to fund this indefinitely.

so, let's dispense with the "lessons learned". i may even enjoy the backpacking.
surely, i can find somewhere in this province where i'm free from second-hand smoke...
hey, i didn't have thousands of dollars in the bank for the first three times...

i'm in a far better position than i was then.

it's part of being an anarchist.
in fact, i believe this would be my fourth time homeless.

i'll work this out. i always do.
second-hand marijuana smoke is not a small concern, or a minor annoyance - it is a serious health hazard, and a dangerous risk factor for the onset of early dementia.

i am constantly sick, living here. i can barely ride my bicycle down the street without coughing...

further, there's not a lot of use in sitting in an unhealthy environment for the benefit of my gear, if i cannot secure access to a sober state in which to utilize it with.

meaningful artistic creation is impossible under the influence of drugs.

i need the space for the gear. but, i can't do anything in the space - i can't record, i can't read, i can't exist. all i can do is stumble around like a retard, under the influence of my neighbours' drugs.

i would have to become like the people around me, in order to exist here. and, if that is my fate, i would rather be dead - inexistence is preferable to an existence of waste.

i'm sorry if you're too stupid to understand any of this. but, my options are escape or death - death as an individual, death as an artist, death as an entity.

for, that is what drugs do to a person - they destroy our minds.

i could continue to live here. but, i would be dead, inside - as dead as the people around me.
and, why don't you take the flight yourself, john?

oh, that's right.

they'd decapitate your dumb ass.

so, i mean, it's not like i'm going to take the cash i got from the court case and go on a trip to vegas or something.

that purpose of this fiasco was to ensure i'd have access to sufficient housing.

it will be spent responsibly.
what i'm getting at is that if i'm overpaying in the short term anyways, that $30/month doesn't really matter much....or at least it doesn't if i have enough in the bank to compensate for it....

30*12 = $360.

i have more than that available for this purpose. it's just a question of budgeting it.
i expect that the sad fact is that there's going to be a lot of evictions in the next 2 years.

and, it's going to drive rents back down again...

i mean, the boost isn't being driven by an increase in wealth, it's being driven by a decrease in supply. and, that is why it's unsustainable. you can only squeeze poor people so far, before there's nothing left to squeeze, and you have to throw them out - but then the opposite problem happens, and you end up with empty units that nobody can afford, unless the rents come down, which is what should have happened in the first place, rather than the eviction.

1) the low vacancy drives the rents up
2) the rents become unaffordable for poor tenants
3) these tenants get evicted
4) because there is no wealth creation happening, the vacancy rate increases. 
5) rents fall back down again

but, how long does that take?

and, am i even going to want to stay here post-discography, anyways?
they would take me seriously if i had enough to pay them the year in advance...

sign a year lease, pay it down at the signing - then, who cares if i'm on disability, it's already paid, right?

with what i've got, i'd be looking at 3 or 4 months. and, unless i sign a 4 month lease - not enough time - it's of little consequence.
of course, i'm pretending that i would have ever seen that money, too, right...

the fact that it's two months rent on two months' notice is probably as best as i could have hoped to get.
it's just that i have to think that what's happening in windsor is short term.

the basic problem of there not being any jobs here has not changed. we're probably on the brink of even losing auto jobs. at some point, the flow into the city is going to dry up - or we're going to end up going bankrupt.

is it worth trying to find my way into a penthouse suite for the next year or two to wait it out? can i get anybody to listen to me long enough to show them the budget?

i don't need money for the opera. i need a place i can breathe in.
if i had won an extra $2000-3000. this argument would be a lot easier to make...

$3500 is not a lot in the bank. it seems like it is, to me - it'll take a long time for me to get through it. but i'm not winning a lot of arguments with a $3500 nest egg.

$5000+ is more serious, but still thin, in context.

i've been planning long term.

is that a mistake?

well, i need to complete my discography, right? can i do that in two or three years?

if i change my mindset a little bit, and consider that i have some cash in the bank,should i be looking at more expensive units with the argument that i'll eat away at it, and intend to move in a few years?


i could make that argument with a local landowner, not with a property management company...

i don't want to lose money, at least.

it would give me $950 as max - and i'd be breaking even every month, with no spending money.

then, at the end of the term, when i'm done the discography, i'd have to sell my gear and move on what i make from it.