Sunday, September 29, 2019

so, the travel blog is updated.

next thing to do is to distribute the files into the more comprehensive, running documents.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
the noise trade link for the october, 2013 archive of the travel blog is now up...

now,  i need to actually post it to the blog...

unfortunately, noise trade did not work out as a hosting solution, and i never got a clear answer as to why. but, i decided in the end that the site was full of ads and unworkable, anyways.

the readable version of the october archive for this blog is now available as a standalone in the music journal package at bandcamp:

...or as a component in the full first reconstruction phase archive, available in the following places:

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
i still have the travel blog to do, and then i'll need to do a first pass on the liner notes for inri000, which i've committed to posting at the drive.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
the noise trade smashwords link for the 417 page pdf of the october, 2013 archive of this blog is now up...

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
but, i will repeat: it is a better idea to focus on degrowth, and relinquish control back to the natives.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
here's a research project for you, if you insist on it.

back in the 1800s, canada faced a major problem trying to populate the "frontier", by which i mean the prairies provinces, stretching all the way from the rockies into northern ontario. no matter what we tried, we couldn't get anybody to settle up there, because it was cold and dark (for much of the year) and isolated. so, we became paranoid that we were going to lose control over the western provinces to american settlers, which probably wouldn't have happened because it was cold and dark and isolated, but which was a consuming fear by the british authorities, nonetheless.

when i talk about may's insistence on settling saskatchewan being a commitment to settler colonialism, i'm not talking out of my ass. it's exactly what she's talking about, except that she doesn't seem to have learned the lesson - even with climate change, it's still cold and dark and isolated, and still incredibly difficult to settle.

african-americans didn't want to live in rural canada in the nineteenth century, and african climate refugees aren't going to want to live in rural canada in the twenty-first century, either.

the british eventually realized that the only way they'd manage to settle the region would be to find migrants that were acclimatized to the weather. so, instead of trying to attract freed american slaves or even german settlers, which migrated in large numbers to the much warmer united states, they made a broad appeal to northern europeans - norwegians, finns, ukrainians, russians, swedes and even the damned scots. while there are still the descendants of french settlements across the west, large swaths of the prairies are, today, majority northern european in ancestry.

you can say what you want about this, but the lands would not have been colonized any other way, for better or worse.

nowadays, these northern european countries have some of the highest standards of living in the world, although i wonder why nobody's talking about air-lifting ukrainians into saskatchewan. these are rural people that are used to a cold climate. it might actually work. the ukrainians aside, these countries are not likely sources of mass immigration into canada any time soon.

but, if the goal is to people or repeople the frontier, some thought needs to be put into finding people that will stay there.

so, that's the research project: where in the world are there people that are being threatened by climate change, that are used to living in rural communities (rather than cities) and that can handle cold climates?

the only thing i can think of is japan.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
one of the data points, if you care to analyze them, that's come out of the mismanagement around the syrian refugee file is the realization that a high percentage of them actually just want to go home.

there's a lesson there - all of that money may have been better spent on foreign aid.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
to be clear - i'm not taking a fiscally conservative position on this. i don't care about the public purse, or "taxpayers' dollars". print the money. fine.

but, when you don't fund your humanitarian schemes, when you just leave it up to the market, those schemes will fail and, when they fail, they will have unintended and unimagined consequences for everybody else. that's what this looks like.

look at the data on the syrian refugees that trudeau brought in. do we want to repeat this colossal catastrophe? 

if not, then let's make a choice: if we're going to do this, let's make sure we do it right by funding it properly, and if we're not going to pay for it, then let's think up something else. 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
i would rather see the greens come out with a policy that says "we're going to bring in this number of refugees, and we're going to build this number of houses to compensate for it, and the existing housing crisis", rather than pretend they're going to settle them in rural saskatchewan, where everybody knows they won't stay.

as it is, the correct way to read into it is that they're not planning on properly funding the social services required to facilitate their humanitarian goals, which is the same failed strategy we've seen from the liberals.

and, again: i would rather see the foreign aid budget increased. we talk about these foreign aid goals, then never meet them. this is better seen as an opportunity to do that than it is as a way to uphold the settler-colonial process...

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
"but, i don't care about the poor."

that's right, you don't.

so, stop pretending that you do. 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
so, what is the right way to interpret the green party's pledges on immigration?

it's a commitment to canada's ongoing existence as a colonial state. that's how you work this out - the message that they're broadcasting is that the colonial process remains paramount, that immigration takes priority over degrowth, and that the state will carry on, as before.

and, depending on which angle you're approaching it from, you can either interpret that as the greens being less scary than you thought, or them essentially being another status-quo neo-liberal party that's carrying on with the process of settler colonialism like the rest of them.

a serious, long-term environmental strategy is going to have to get the growth rate down, and that's going to mean accepting relatively low levels of population density. a solution to this comes when the rest of the world looks like canada, not when canada looks like the rest of the world.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
so, how do you "save atlantic canada"?

you don't. you accept that the economic base in the region is relatively small due to the geography and the climate, you let the region exist as a low-rent haven for artists and retirees and you give control back to the indigenous groups, where requested.

the best thing that the government can do for this region is back off and leave it alone.

and, if climate change opens up more economic opportunities in the long run, people will come on their own. 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
you can't improve the economy via immigration. that's reaganomics, and it's the kind of thinking that has caused the problems we see in these communities, as it is. you need stimulus, and then the people will come on their own, when employers ask them to.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
canada has been trying to "save atlantic canada" via immigration for decades.

they just move to toronto as soon as they can. it's an empirical question, with little ambiguity around it.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
this is delusional.

they're going to go to toronto, montreal and vancouver and drive up the cost of rent - and further contribute to the climate crisis.

you don't grow an economy via immigration, that's supply-side economics, and backwards right-wing style thinking. the reason these areas are economically depressed is because there is no existing economy. if you airlift thousands of people in, they'll just starve. but, they won't starve, they'll leave. you need to create the economic opportunities first, then bring the people in.

if she wants to offer canada as a safe country for climate refugees, she should be more honest about what she intends to do, and what that will look like in the end, and then let people vote for or against it, if they're so inclined. the reality is that such a plan is going to necessitate massive amounts of social spending, and they are at least talking about a gai, however they should be more explicit about the social costs involved in this kind of thing, and the consequences it will have on the existing poor.

but, the idea that you're going to populate the empty areas of this country by settling "climate refugees" in them is moronic and should be treated that way. 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
it's a 400 page document, this is a long and dry process. i'm 75% done, but i need to stop here and there to breathe and refocus.

i want to release that fragment under the throatmotor moniker, but it wasn't my band. it was supposed to be throatmotor. but it doesn't sound like throatmotor.

i'm going to need to contact trevor about it, and don't actually know how to.

he has a soundcloud page up, actually. i'm the redhead in the lennon shirt in pic #2 (mr. angry). that was at the pride festival in ottawa, 2004.

i just played bass live as a favour to the guitarist. i didn't record anything with them. my bass parts were a little more...busy....which you can pick up from my own stuff. 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
with the onset of climate change, you can't be the party of big oil and the party of rural canada at the same time.

there's a contradiction, there.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
actually, i pointed out months ago that it would be expected that the conservatives would have problems in the areas of ontario that were flooded earlier this year, and that's exactly what the polling is pulling out.

these people just lost their homes. and, the conservatives just want to lay pipelines in the carnage.

there is a potential for a long term shift in voting patterns, here.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
i just checked my fan on a lark and it's back to working again. that'll save me $20. good.

i'm not going to pretend this makes any sense, but i guess something must have overheated.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
and, yes, i know there are some old people that aren't rich, too.

so, you redistribute it. simple.

it's the most obvious thing in the world, and the only reason you're insisting on immigration instead is that you want to win elections. but, they're not the majority, any more. we don't have to be held hostage by them any longer. it's over.

if you're concerned about the social instability being caused by mass immigration, which you claim is necessary to pay for the boomers, then just give up on it and tax the boomers instead. i'll vote for you... 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this
the crisis here is not one of demographics, it's one of entitlement in the older generations. 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this
and, then, just stand back and let the population fall on it's own.

it's laissez-faire. you should like that. 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this
for all the talk of self-sufficiency and privatization under neo-liberalism, it's funny how the me generation constantly gets a pass, isn't it?

retirees have all the money.

let them pay their own way.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this
i have a wonderful idea: why don't you tax the fucking boomers to pay for their own services?

they're the ones with all the wealth. 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this
if the government thinks it has this problem in front of itself with low birth rates that it needs to solve via immigration, then it needs to question the premise.

it's not just a climate issue. it's food security. it's pollution.

the fact that advanced economies have low growth rates is a good thing that we should be trying to export to developing countries, not a bad thing that we should try to fix.

and, this is the liberals. i'm not supposed to have to explain this to them....

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.
but, it's also just a reminder that you're essentially just livestock, to the state - cattle to tax.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this
everything else about the bizarre liberal student loan policy aside, it seems designed to incentivize people into having more children when the role of the government at this stage in history should really be emphasizing degrowth.

and, that's my actual takeaway from it - it's just another terrible climate policy that's going to make it that much harder to get emissions down.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this