Sunday, September 29, 2019

it's a 400 page document, this is a long and dry process. i'm 75% done, but i need to stop here and there to breathe and refocus.

i want to release that fragment under the throatmotor moniker, but it wasn't my band. it was supposed to be throatmotor. but it doesn't sound like throatmotor.

i'm going to need to contact trevor about it, and don't actually know how to.

he has a soundcloud page up, actually. i'm the redhead in the lennon shirt in pic #2 (mr. angry). that was at the pride festival in ottawa, 2004.

i just played bass live as a favour to the guitarist. i didn't record anything with them. my bass parts were a little more...busy....which you can pick up from my own stuff. 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.