Thursday, July 20, 2017

it's a good thing the government is putting off decriminalization to focus on youth safety.

a good example of kermit getting stressed out and having an episode.

i've seen enough old muppet show episodes to know that "bitter victim" is a better description of the original kermit than "compassionate muppet leader".

kermit was constantly stressed out by the people around him. he tried to make the best of it, and always gave people a second chance. but, they usually just continued to take advantage of him. and, once in a while, he'd get pretty withdrawn and upset.

in a way., he's kind of like a character in a kafka novel: he doesn't know how to deal with the absurdity that's constantly thrown at him, and is consequently constantly on the brink of a total breakdown.

i hope that they don't turn kermit into a smurf or something. that would be very sad.
this government doesn't care about international law. this is consistent with it's support for bombing syria, for example.

the united nations is dead.

i'd rather they do something about it. but, what this government is doing is following the lead of the americans in just abandoning it.

i would not expect so much as a letter to the un to explain it's position. they just don't care about the treaty at all. and, i would expect this government to continue to flout and ignore international law in other avenues, as well.

this is not your father's liberal party.
i want to stand in solidarity with individual rights and free expression, not with traditionalist conservative cultural ideas.

and, i'm the one that's consistent - you're the one that's stuck in a set of contradictions.
let's see what actually happens.

it's a positive development, if it pans out. but, i'm skeptical.
MCCAIN: We're not trying to involve ourselves in Mr. Schiavo's private and personal life. We're trying to save a life. This young woman has a loving family, a mother and siblings that want to take care of her for the rest of her life. I would hope that Mr. Schiavo would allow them to do that, without having to go through all this.
it's not about too soon, it's about too late.

hey, listen. if he does go through with the assisted suicide, it will at least give him a second chance to pick a better running mate.
the media coverage is kind of priceless, though.

i don't believe in heros. fuck your idols. this one's for you, senator mccain.

from canada.

this is what nailed my dad a few years ago.

it's a horrible, drawn out, excruciating way to die. he'll need surgeries in between chemo to remove parts of his brain, because it will keep coming back, and which will inevitably leave him mentally retarded. the growth will eventually prevent his brain from sending signals to the rest of his body, shutting down his autonomous nervous system. it literally slowly squeezes the life out of you.

i pleaded with my dad not to fight it, and he excommunicated me for it. he was going to beat the odds, he said. of course, he didn't; he instead spent the last two years of his life in unthinkable agony, planning around a future that all medical knowledge and subsequent deduction told him was impossible.

i would strongly suggest to senator mccain that he should consider assisted suicide.