Thursday, July 20, 2017

this is what nailed my dad a few years ago.

it's a horrible, drawn out, excruciating way to die. he'll need surgeries in between chemo to remove parts of his brain, because it will keep coming back, and which will inevitably leave him mentally retarded. the growth will eventually prevent his brain from sending signals to the rest of his body, shutting down his autonomous nervous system. it literally slowly squeezes the life out of you.

i pleaded with my dad not to fight it, and he excommunicated me for it. he was going to beat the odds, he said. of course, he didn't; he instead spent the last two years of his life in unthinkable agony, planning around a future that all medical knowledge and subsequent deduction told him was impossible.

i would strongly suggest to senator mccain that he should consider assisted suicide.