Wednesday, March 8, 2017

i actually think that this is missing the point.

let's take a step back and understand that obamacare was exactly what the insurance company wanted, which is why they gave obama so much money. more people have health insurance than ever before. insurance premiums are going up. ka-ching!!

the mandate may be unpopular among some buyers, but the sellers couldn't ask for a better system. it's a law that forces you to buy their product...

so, trump's promise to drop the mandate is an immediate threat to the insurance industry because it threatens to take away customers - and in fact threatens to take away the most profitable ones, the healthy ones.

the penalty is merely designed to stop people from dropping the insurance, that is to prevent the insurance companies from losing customers. this is how government actually works: the parties collude with capital to fuck people over. so, the democrats are just passing the baton, here. obama signed them up, and now trump is locking them in.

somebody has to do the actual procedure, though.

i'm going to call the office back in the morning, explain to the secretary that the doctor may have been operating on old information and set up a second appointment to give him an opportunity to correct himself. i'll bring in the relevant documents.

i'm not infallible, either.
ok. ok.

i'm probably not wrong.

but, the current funding/approval regime is only a year old, and the urologist could simply be working with out of date information in terms of understanding how this works. i should have done the research and brought that information with me, and should take a little bit of responsibility for being unprepared.

i still think it's gotta be up to the doctor to know this.

but the end result is that i don't think i need the specialist. i think i can just print the papers off and go from there.
actually, i'm not sure that i even need to see a urologist at all.

it doesn't specify it.

if i can get the gp and the psychologist i saw for disability to sign off on it, it's up to the ministry to determine funding...

it would require some paperwork, but the doctor was a liar that was clearly just trying to avoid the topic. and, i don't have the time or interest to push back: i'm just going to ask to see another urologist. and then another. and another. until i find one that will do it...

orchidectomy is clearly listed in the approved procedures. gender dysphoria is signed off by three doctors on my disability papers (2015), but i could just as easily get my gp and the specialist to do it - that's not a substantial hurdle. i suppose the ministry could be stupid about it, but that's a different issue altogether.

so: the doctor was lying. he's probably actually just a no good fucking christian, and operating on a basic concept of religious patriarchy. and, you wonder why i'm constantly pushing back against the so-called left's permissiveness towards religious backwardsness?

it's clearly listed. he's clearly full of shit. i should go after him. i have better things to do...

this is still happening, it just might be a little slower. and, i'll be sure to print that page off for future reference.
yeah. i went for a walk today and while i didn't see any smashed cars, i did see a lot of shingles and a lot of branches.

it's weird because there's no rain. at all. it's just the cold wind coming in...

i was considering several shows this month, but none of them are particularly compelling and the turn towards colder weather is probably going to land me inside. i'm getting warm days when the schedule clears, and cold days when i want to do something...

maybe i'll end up buying some wood and building those shelves. or maybe the next few months will be that much more eventful.

my head is basically fixed, and i'm leaning strongly towards the aspirin thinning the blood out. just to follow up on that: i haven't taken any all week, and i'm not feeling any symptoms returning. but, i've passed a substantial amount of dried blood through my nose, which is upholding my narrative about what was happening. this isn't like dry air; it's thick, and clumpy. it's been a few days since that happened, now, even...

i saw the urologist today, and he told me that my request is rational and he'd even like to help me but he'd lose his license if he did it. i'm not convinced that this is true, and think it's just a pc cover, so i'm going to have to follow up on his statements on my own and go from there. i have a checkup in april, and will have to ask for a rec to a different urologist. but, i'm actually considering challenging the college. i should have autonomy here, and the college should be pushing back at him for denying me access, not punishing him for facilitating it. i mean, what's the value in forcing me to keep the testicles if i don't want them? that's irrational...

i should be tired, but i'm not and i feel like i'm up for the night. i had a two hour nap this morning and a two hour nap this afternoon, but am otherwise running on about a 36 hour day with no real end in sight. i have actually been making progress on the concert page, i just keep adding components, and should have an update soon.
this comes up every once in a while here, and is a good example of the kind of demagoguery we routinely receive from the conservative party.

what's happening is that the province is opening new schools and then shutting down old ones that are half empty or falling apart. the conservatives then grasp on to the number of schools that are closing and say "look! they're closing schools!". they make it seem like the students are being trucked off to the gulag, or something, rather than being bussed into newer facilities with broader options.

consider something like a music class. the province can't afford to put a music class in every school, and can't staff it, either. but, if you have less schools then you can focus resources more effectively, allowing for greater access to more specialized topics.

but, that's not even what i wanted to say. what i wanted to say is this: when are we going to talk about abolishing the catholic schools? i'm willing to make today all about that. and tomorrow. and the next day...
this is the debate you should be having, but won't have.

you could always scour it for points and tactically insert them in order to try and steer the debate towards the fundamental problem, which is that markets cannot deliver healthcare efficiently due to the nature of the product, itself. the rest of the world is aware of this....

i'm not going to get involved in a debate between trumpcare and obamacare. they both suck. and, i'm not going to lend rhetorical support to groups standing up for obamacare, either.

at the end of the day, i don't expect that trump's healthcare plan will be much more than a glossy tweak over the existing one, because the existing one is basically what the republicans always wanted in the first place. the media narrative is going to seek to divide people along partisan lines, and exaggerate minor differences in order to do so. lots of people will fall for it. and, mainstream democrats will, in the end, push down the line that the party supports obamacare....

just get out. the party is actively attempting to manipulate you into supporting a policy you know is shit. you shouldn't fall for this. and you shouldn't settle for it...

if the democrats surprise me, so be it. but, if they keep pushing obamacare, then this ought to be where they meet their end.
the day without women thing is a little bit different than the day without immigrants thing because at least the issue can be openly discussed without fear of deportation.

regardless, one has to realize that a day of action is not a strike. strikes are not effective because they appeal to a sense of morality or uphold a concept of righteousness, they're valuable because they deny productivity to capital, or, better, because they shut down production altogether.

if this day of action were a prelude to a general strike, i'd heartily endorse it and actively organize for it. but, that is not going to be what happens.

this is consequently at best a waste of time.

but the reality is that there are going to be ununionized women that are going to get fired, and they will have few legal options at their disposal, if they can afford them. you have to weigh a complex of things together, including long term pr issues and even the views of the employers. but, if anything, employers are going to have less incentives to not fire women that walk out because they don't have to worry about getting busted hiring illegals.

people that want to talk about free speech don't understand what free speech is.

co-ordinated strike action is necessary. but, that isn't what this is, and it's absurd to think it is.

my suspicion is that this is another government sponsored sting operation, and that it's being organized as an opportunity for capital to fire women that walk out. if you walk out and get fired, you've fallen into a trap that was set for you.

but, hey, weigh your own risks and come to your own conclusions.
feminism is about abolishing the hetero-patriarchy and replacing it with a system that does not implement a systemic bias. but, you wouldn't expect a yoga teacher to promote abolishing would expect a yoga teacher to uphold outdated concepts of the traditional family. this co-option of liberalism by forces that want a return to traditionalism (i.e. conservatives) has been sneaking up on us for years, you've just been in denial about it because you want liberals to be the anti-thesis of conservatives. yet, liberals have been looking you in the eye for years and telling you that they want bipartisan consensus with conservatives.

that said, it's often useful to take a step back and question motives. this post was probably meant as a divide and conquer tactic - it's probably meant to pit leftists against liberals, and then let the liberals come out as the champions of family values, in order to create a greater appeal to the right. this is consistent with everything else that the liberals are doing right now to try and take over the right by pushing the conservatives out of the spectrum by adopting conservative positions.

i would actually like to see this debate happen, but only on realistic terms - and the reality is that the liberals are trying to dump feminism on to the ndp in order to claim the mantle of family values from the conservatives, in line with their demographic strategy to shift the country to the right by bringing in more religious people. and, we need to collectively clue into this and reject it in the strongest possible terms.