Wednesday, March 8, 2017

this is the debate you should be having, but won't have.

you could always scour it for points and tactically insert them in order to try and steer the debate towards the fundamental problem, which is that markets cannot deliver healthcare efficiently due to the nature of the product, itself. the rest of the world is aware of this....

i'm not going to get involved in a debate between trumpcare and obamacare. they both suck. and, i'm not going to lend rhetorical support to groups standing up for obamacare, either.

at the end of the day, i don't expect that trump's healthcare plan will be much more than a glossy tweak over the existing one, because the existing one is basically what the republicans always wanted in the first place. the media narrative is going to seek to divide people along partisan lines, and exaggerate minor differences in order to do so. lots of people will fall for it. and, mainstream democrats will, in the end, push down the line that the party supports obamacare....

just get out. the party is actively attempting to manipulate you into supporting a policy you know is shit. you shouldn't fall for this. and you shouldn't settle for it...

if the democrats surprise me, so be it. but, if they keep pushing obamacare, then this ought to be where they meet their end.