Wednesday, March 8, 2017

feminism is about abolishing the hetero-patriarchy and replacing it with a system that does not implement a systemic bias. but, you wouldn't expect a yoga teacher to promote abolishing would expect a yoga teacher to uphold outdated concepts of the traditional family. this co-option of liberalism by forces that want a return to traditionalism (i.e. conservatives) has been sneaking up on us for years, you've just been in denial about it because you want liberals to be the anti-thesis of conservatives. yet, liberals have been looking you in the eye for years and telling you that they want bipartisan consensus with conservatives.

that said, it's often useful to take a step back and question motives. this post was probably meant as a divide and conquer tactic - it's probably meant to pit leftists against liberals, and then let the liberals come out as the champions of family values, in order to create a greater appeal to the right. this is consistent with everything else that the liberals are doing right now to try and take over the right by pushing the conservatives out of the spectrum by adopting conservative positions.

i would actually like to see this debate happen, but only on realistic terms - and the reality is that the liberals are trying to dump feminism on to the ndp in order to claim the mantle of family values from the conservatives, in line with their demographic strategy to shift the country to the right by bringing in more religious people. and, we need to collectively clue into this and reject it in the strongest possible terms.