Friday, October 2, 2020

ok, so i don't know if this refusal to broadcast posts to my email archive is unique to me or not, but that's a workaround.

1) post the link like this:
h t t p s : / / w w w . n c b i . n l m . n i h . g o v / p m c / a r t i c l e s / P M C 3 6 6 4 9 1 3 /

....that is, with spaces in between the letters, so the script doesn't know it's a hyperlink.

2) edit the post so it's correct, after.

that way, you can get your email archive more or less in tact.
i mean, it's not going to kill a million people. it won't even kill 500,000.

it's just not lethal enough.
but, yes - deaths and cases are decreasing in the united states, it's a clear downward trend, and has been for a while. it's slow, but it's clear, and there's not a lot of reason to think the decline is going to speed up - but also not a lot of reason to think it'll flip over. intentionally or not, the policy in the united states was for one, big tsunami.

the harsh reality is that there's only so many people that can die with a virus that has a low death rate, and they're getting to the point of maximum carnage. it's a simple calculation. they're almost there.
you can only do so much, before you have to conclude that if people won't help themselves then they're going to have to deal with the consequences of it.

you can lead a horse to water....
"but, they want to be self-sufficient. they want to do it themselves."

yeah, well they can dig their own graves, then.


old people are stubborn, i get it. but, there's a point where you can't walk on your own anymore where it's time to figure out that you're too vulnerable to go outside right now and need to let somebody else take charge.

mask or no mask, with the lifestyle that trump was living, it was going to be a matter of time.
when i went for flax & juice this morning, there were people with walkers stumbling around the store, and i just said to myself "this is stupid". the stores even have dedicated time slots for them, and they're out there in normal hours walking around like it's nothing.

do you think it's going to make a difference if people wear masks around these people? they're going to keel over in an hour, if they get as much of a whiff of this.

they should be at home, with people bringing them food, not shopping at the store. and, i'm at the point where i can no longer be bothered, if they're going to be that fucking stupid.
i'm not sure i'd want to be in a military hospital right now, if i was donald trump. veteran health care isn't exactly first rate. is that the coverage he's stuck with, in that job?

listen - there's no question this could kill this man, easily. and quickly. i said that this morning. and, he clearly wasn't taking this seriously, and clearly ought to have been. i said that, too.

i've been very adamant from the very start for the need to protect the elderly - i have never suggested otherwise. this is not a space that is skeptical about the effects of the virus, or not exactly; what this is is a covid-realism space. i'm trying to cut through the hype and the bullshit and get at what's actually real, what the science actually says.

and, what the science says is that a piece of shit mask will not save you. to me, that means i won't wear one (and i wore a scarf this morning because it was cold, and may wear one again when it's cold - that's normality, not something extraneous).

so, it's actually incredibly insulting to suggest that a man in his risk category merely had to wear a mask to protect himself. no, you fucking idiots - this guy is in the highest risk category there is. a little flimsy, piece of shit mask wasn't going to save him from anything. and, if you think that all your highly vulnerable grandparents or great-grandparents need is a $.30 mask from walmart before you can send your own kids to give them a hug, you need to pull your head out of your ass.

when i say the masks don't work (well, i'm not saying it - it's the science), there's actually two consequences of this, and they do not contradict each other:

1) if you're in a low risk category, there's not a lot of use in wearing one. it's just pointless.
2) if you're in a high risk category, you should not be relying on them to protect you. that's folly - you'll be dead in no time.

so, i don't want to hear another fucking word about how trump wouldn't have contracted this if he'd only worn a mask - that is bullshit, and it's irresponsible to broadcast it. the mask does nothing. given his risk category, he should have been whisked underground into the white house bunker months ago and forced to communicate solely via satellite.
this was going to be a different post, but i have to step back.

i contacted bulk barn about the nutritional yeast, and they gave me slightly different answers than was at the usda site - and, in truth, largely for the better. i need to update that first, before i look at tweaking the other items.

i weighed a tsp of this stuff and it's about 3-4 g on the scale, which is more than i penciled in. so, the potency of this stuff is actually more than i thought, for everything except the pesky b5, which i wasn't getting anything from this, anyways (and actually went down by removing the breakfast replacement). the b12, in particular, is very high - enough that i hardly need to concern myself with supplemental protein sources. well....let me double check that...this b12 is "not from animal sources". and, i may still find myself concerned about heme-iron - i'm not actually sure.

i initially multiplied the amount by 3/16 to get 3 g, but that seems to be overkill and i've reduced it to 2/16 for both meals, which loses nothing.

i'm also replacing the breakfast essentials with the nutritional yeast, while i'm at it. but, that opens up an interesting question - if the breakfast essentials is just fortified powdered milk, can i not just add fortified powdered milk?

1) it would have to be non-fat at these volumes or it's a non-starter.
2) fortified milk seems to be low in b1, broadly. i'd need to add 180+ g of it, everything else equal, which would introduce huge amounts of lactose and roughly 600 calories. yikes.
3) it's even lower in b3, and i'd need 300 g for that. so, that's over a 1000 calories, just in dried milk. 

the answer, then, is "no.". well, unless i can find super fortified powdered milk, which i'll keep an eye out for, i guess. but, they'd call that "breakfast replacement" and boost the price. right? it's kind of a shame, because i could otherwise use it as a major source of b5 and a major source of choline, as well. as it is, that's something to think about regarding plugging that b5 hole - maybe i could add a pinch of powdered milk.

the soy powder is more or less the same issue, and may provide more or less the same value.

lastly, i've added a line to the top that says raison d'etre, which is why this item exists in the diet. this will help me prune it down a little, which is coming. that yeast is powerful shit, so i don't need empty calories...

i've gone to town with a few things - i'm not making up vitamins but rather filling things in. i mean, there's all these "missing vitamin names". what were they, exactly? it also gives me an excuse to work in a few things like choline that are hard to otherwise define as they are essential in some amount but not technically vitamins.

note that these numbers are scavenged and should be interpreted approximately. that's partly why i'm aiming to overshoot on most of it.

fruit bowl
pasta salad bowl
fried eggs
136 g
200 g
75 g
250 ml
200 ml
55 g
2 tsp
sum red
175 g
100 g
60 g
72 g
10 g
(for e)
sum fried
30 g
2 tbsp
(37 g)
sum brew
sum total
b vit
vit c
vit e
vit a
vit d
v b7
vit a

b vit b3

vit c
vit a
vit e
b vit  vit a
vit a 6:3 rat taste
6:3 rat
b vit
vit a
b vit
vit a
vit a
vit d
vit e
6:3 rat - -

(fat sol)
4 6 1 10 13 0 15 0 49
103 30 241 0 - 0 375
21 15 10 0 - - 46
0 4
6 9 1 8 5 103 20 6 158 6 84 1 3 11 - 103208 6 .5 0 10.5 - - 17 8 3 11 394
b2 [g, j]
12 15 1 25 10 96 24 1 184 8 41 13 2 2 - 96 162 42 6.5 0 3 - - 51.5 32 10 42 439.5
10 17 1 10 1 43 36 1 119
8 66 0 4 6 - 43 127
1 0 0 6.5 - - 7.5
8 4 12
3.26 - 0.3 19.3 0.9735 - - - - 27.825 4 - - - - - - 3.36 - 0 4.27 - - - - - - -
10 28 1 15 5 019 1 79 5 8.5 2.5 2 1 - 0 19 21 1 0 5 - - 27 20 4 24 149
50 26 2 6 1 88 25 2 200 24 7 2.5 5 3.5
88130 12 1 0 3.5 - - 16.5 0 2 2 348.5
b7 [h]
35 mcg)
20 - ? 30 1 0 86 - 137 16.5 1 3 12 8 - 0 40.5 65 1.5 13 3 - - 82.5 ? 12 12 272

20 - 102 25 5 - - - 152 99.75 70.27 - - - - - - 6.3 - 16  50 - - - - - - -
[m, b11, r]
folic acid
14 41 6 6 1 23 34 2 127 19 71 3 3 3 - 23 122 18 1.5 0 5 - - 24.5 4 2 6 279.5
~0 - ~0 >0 ~0 - - - 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b12 [t]
0 0 0 50 20 1250 0 195 0 0 8.5 0 0 20+ 125 133.5 33 4 0 0 - - 37 0 20 20 385.5
orotic acid
~0 - ~0 ~0 20 - - - 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
~0 - ~0 ~0 2 - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
~0 - ~0 0? ~0 - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 5 1 11 5 - - 1 27 2 2.5 2 1 - - - 7.5 68 1 0 2 - - 71 3 4.5 7.5 113
b20* [aka I]
~0 - ~0 ~0 5 - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c 40 33 117 4 0 0 25 ~0 219 350 0 0 7 0 - 0 357 0 0 0 0 - 100+ 100+ 0 0 0 676+
(fat sol)
0 0 0 45 0 0 6 0 51 0 0 2 0 0 20+ 0 2 12 1 30 0 - - 43 0 18 18 114
(fat sol)
2 21 10 0 2 0 36 0 71 13 1 1 2 7 30+ 0 24 9 .5 20 1.5 - 30+ 31 0 0 0 126
0.1252 3.396 0.187 1.5 .300 0 1.2 .296 7.0042 .0738 .540 .3462 .0828 2.87  - 0 3.9128 3.23 .1731 1.5 .5 - - 5.4031 ~0 .8 .8 17.12
0.0734 .221 0.0319 0.2 .200 0 0.2 1.14 2.0663.041 .024 .219 .0014 .93 - 0 1.2154 .228 .1095 .5 .75 - - 1.5875 ~0 .12 .12 4.99
- - - - - - - - 3.39- - - - - 2:1 - 3.22 - - - - - - 3.40 - - - 3.43
(fat sol)
2 53 38 5 0 0 - - 98 10 1 1 12 0 - 0 24 9 .5 10 .5 - - 20 0 2 2 144
q10 (mg)
0.272 - 0.0375 .625 .0308 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3.536 - 2.025 .063 .2101 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
~0 - ~0.375 ~0 ~0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* not really.

complete requirements

fat soluble:
- a: 120% of pre-formed + 300% of convertible, total daily. 30% + pre-formed per meal.
- d: 30% + per meal, 120% total
- e: 30% + per meal, 120% total
- k: should not exceed 100%/meal 

water soluble (bs & c):
- 300+% total w/ 100% for each meal

incomplete requirements legend:
>300% without meeting 100%/meal
+75<=100% each meal    [=+200%<=300% total]
+50<=75% each meal   [=+100<=200% total] 
<=50% each meal    [<100% total]

specific brands used:
- so nice vanilla soy milk
- chapman's black cherry ice cream
- bulk barn nutritional yeast
- vector cereal

- black diamond brand medium cheddar cheese
- selection brand pasta [metro/food basics]
- bulk barn nutritional yeast

- irrestibles brand olive canola oil
- dempster's whole grain double flax bread
- black diamond brand medium cheddar cheese

- natura chocolate soy milk
- no specific brand or type of coffee

diet options:


1) fruit bowl:
- rosehips (if locatable)  <------------ a, b2, b3, b5, e

2) pasta salad bowl:
- 100 g cooked pasta
- one large red pepper
- one large chopped carrot
- 60 g chopped medium cheddar cheese [12 slices]
- 10 g hulled hemp seeds
- yogurt dressing or canola oil caesar dressing
- 1 tsp nutritional yeast
- glass of pasta water 
- tomatoes
- flax seeds (ground!) (probably not) 
- spirulina 
- tahini  
- macademia nuts 
- croutons
- tomato powder 
- caesar dressing (very little b1, 35% e?, some a)
- one tbsp of imitation bacon bits (isoflavones, maybe_
- 5 g chopped crickets [5 crickets]  [b12]
- indoor farmed fish? <----b5, b12
- shittake mushrooms <------b5
- lemon (probably for phytonutrients) 
- garlic cloves (probably for phytonutrients)
- oregano & pepper (probably for phytonutrients)
- kalamata olives (probably not necessary for e) 
- microwaved/chopped broccoli (probably not, due to k and I3C)  <----but, b5
- broccoli leaves or kale or dandelion leaves? (probably not, due to I3C and k) 
- red clover (if locatable or foragable, for phytoestrogens)
- alfafa?

- need 65-85% b5, 50-70% b12

3) eggs:
- 2 jumbo fried eggs
- 1 slice of whole wheat bread (including the germ!) with flax
- 2 tbsp olive oil margarine
- 30 g sliced medium cheddar cheese [6 slices]
- salami (45 g) (25% b1, 8% b2, 12% b3, 5% b5, 11.5% b6, 0% b9, 20% b12)
- rice (100 g) (60% b1, 2% b2, 35% b3, 4% b5, 6% b6, 69% b9)
- soy meat (100% b1, 50-70% b2, 100% b3, 15% b5, 60% b6, 45% b9, 90% b12)
- indoor grown salmon? (50 g) (15% b1, 15% b2, 55% b3, 15% b5, 20% b6, 150% b12) <------can't find
- mushroom sauce (some supplemental b2,/b3/b6, substantive b5)
- + apple juice? (1 cup) (100% c)
- carrot juice (1 cup) (18% b1, 8% b2
- orange juice (1 cup) (15% b1, 4% b2, 5% b3, 5% b5, 5% b6, 19% b9, 207% c, added e?)
- cranberry juice (unsweetened. need added c, has e)
- tomato juice (likewise)

- need (85 b1, 50 b2, 95 b3, 75 b5, 85 b6, 75 b9, 65 b12)


the list of everything i need to get.

added are green

13 vitamins:
1) A
2) B1 (thiamine)
3) B2 (riboflavin)
4) B3 (niacin)
5) B5 (pantothenic acid)
6) B6 (pyridoxine)

7) B7 (biotin)
8) B9 (folic acid)
9) B12 (cyano-cobolamin)
10)  C
11) D
12) E
13) K

15 amino acids:
1) histidine
2) isoleucine
3) leucine
4) lysine
5) methionine
6) phenylalanine
7) threonine
8) tryptophan
9) valine
10) arginine
11) cysteine
12) glycine
13) glutamine
14) proline
15) tyrosine
+ measure 6 non-essential

4 fatty acids:
1) linoleic acid
2) ala
3) dha
4) epa

23 minerals:
1) calcium
2) phosphorus
3) potassium
4) sulfur
5) sodium
6) chlorine
7) magnesium
8) iron
9) zinc
10) copper
11) manganese
12) iodine
13) selenium
14) molybdenum
15) chromium
16) fluoride
17) bromine
18) cobalt
19) tin
20) vanadium
21) silicon
22) boron
23) nickel
24) lead?

carotenoids (not including pro-vitamin a)
1) lutein
2) zeaxanthin
3) lycopene
4) phytofluene
5) phytoene
6) astaxanthin
7) capsanthin
8) canthaxanthin
9) cryptoxanthin

1) chlorophyll a
2) chlorophyll b

other molecules required for proper metabolic functions:
1) choline (cannot synthesize properly)
2) coQ10

3) lipoic acid
4) glutathione precursors
5) ergothioneine  (cannot synthesize)   <-----mushrooms
6) pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) (cannot synthesize)   <-----kiwis
7) queuine  (cannot synthesize)    <-----cheese [made in stomach by bacteria]

8) taurine (cannot synthesize properly) <----cheese
9) betaine (more than a choline precursor?)

i'm more concerned about diabetes than weight gain, so...
the glycemic index is:
running total...

i don't need many different types, i just need some. i'm not worrying about this.

& water

also, let's measure flavonoids:

1) pelargonidin
2) delphinidin
3) cyanidin
4) malvinidin
5) peonidin
6) petunidin
7) rosinidin

1) isorhamnetin
2) kaempferol
3) myricetin
4) quercetin
5) fisetin
6) kaempferide

1) luteolin
2) apigenin
3) techtochrysin
4) baicalein (to avoid!)
5) norwogonin
6) wogonin
7) nobiletin

1) eriodictyol
2) hesperetin
3) naringenin
4) hesperidin
5) isosakuranetin
6) pinocembrin
7) sterubin

1) daidzein
2) genistein
3) glycitein
4) biochanin A
5) formononetin

i should try to measure some further phytoestrogens:
1) matairesinol
2) secoisolariciresinol
3) pinoresinol
4) lariciresinol
5) coumestrol

& finally, let's also measure:
1) saponins
2) ursolic acid (& precursors)
3) cafestol
4) resveratrol
5) ellagic acid
6) coumarin
7) tyrosol
8) hydroxytyrosol
9) oleocanthal
10) oleuropein
11) gingerol
12) phytic acid

so, the bit of avocado i salvaged from the rotten one really just adopted the taste of the vanilla soy milk, once immersed in it.

so, this seems like it's potentially fine - so long as i remember to put the flax seeds in.

also, the flax seeds are so cheap that i went up to a tablespoon. there's a big update coming, but it's going to come in little pieces...
yes, i've had guacamole - i have a rough idea of what i've gotten myself into.
so, the one that seemed a little dark was indeed rotten, so my intuition on that point was at least right. i took a chance on one that was a little darker than the rest, and it was like trying to peel a green banana - i just couldn't separate the fruit from the skin. i think i get it, now. i tried to microwave it, but it didn't work.

so, the rotten one was rotten, and the experiment is probably ruined, although i'm going to leave it out and see what happens. does it ripen or just go rotten?

i bought 18 avocados for $6.00, so there's still 16 left to try, and i've got one of three containers ripening, with the other two still in the fridge.

so, it's back to two kiwis for today, at least.
so, i have no idea about avocados.

i avoided the darker ones, thinking they were rotten; now, i have a pile of unripe avocados. and, i put them in tupperware containers, concerned they were going to darken.

it seems like i'm going to need to wait for these to darken up a bit before i eat them, and that i should probably actually leave them out so they can.

there's one that looks almost ripe. i'm going to try it...
there's a full grocery run in progress in windsor...

i got my ground flax seeds, though - and some apple juice. for now. ground flax is pretty cheap, relative to hemp hearts or nutritional yeast - $3.00 for an amount that will probably last 2-3 months.

there were 0 cigarettes bummed when i was out on wednesday, which gets me to two weeks of total cold turkey, after scaling back to almost nothing in mid-august (which was necessary after catching myself falling back into it). i wanted to do some cleaning when i got in, but the smell from upstairs is currently pretty awful. 

i expect this round of cold turkey to be similar to the one that set in from mid-2018 to mid-2019, which was ten months; i have no expectation, at this point, to hit any shows until the spring and, as such, do not expect any intoxicant use, at all.

i still haven't touched that 40 of vodka. since march. but, that was never a problem for me. more interesting to note is that i haven't touched those edibles yet - and will soon, i think. i wanted to completely clear it, first, and had penciled in the beginning of october...

remember: the purpose of the edibles, from my perspective, is to entirely eliminate casual tobacco usage (i quit habitual use in 2016 and was still dragging around occasional or social use, which i'm trying to stamp out permanently). i just need to see how it feels first. if it feels fine, the smoking is permanently over, forever - no exceptions.

so, i'm going to try to get a few loads of laundry in and go from there. is the smell going to recede? if so, i can start doing some fall cleaning. if not, we've got a serious problem on our hands and i'm going to have to think outside of the box to try to fix it.
if biden represents everything i hate, pence represents my deepest fears.

what would be even better is if it wipes them both out, and throws the whole thing into disarray.
actually, if i was donald trump - a 75 year old, largely sedentary obese man with heart conditions and, apparently, diabetes - then i would probably wear a mask.

but, more to the point, as i wouldn't trust the mask to protect me from something that is a legitimate danger to me, i wouldn't be cavorting around with younger people. i wouldn't even go to the grocery store. if i had kids, i'd tell them to stay the fuck away from me. i would be locked into a bunker, right now.

and, this is what i've advocated from the start - the elderly, and those with specific conditions, need to be protected.

so, the idiots will say "look. he didn't wear a mask, and he got sick.". but, what the science says is that he got sick because he wasn't distancing, and the mask wouldn't have saved him, regardless. he shouldn't have been campaigning, he shouldn't have been travelling in helicopters with younger people and he shouldn't have even been holding meetings face-to-face with advisors.

but, i'm not in donald trump's risk factor - so i don't need to take the same precautions that he should have.

i realize that this could very well kill him, and rather quickly. and, while mike pence scares the hell out of me, i'm not any more excited about voting for biden.

but, i may have to endorse biden to block pence, in the end - that's a different game, altogether.
yeah....i'm having difficulty justifying spending 100x as much on these breakfast replacements when i could just add a tsp of nutritional yeast instead.

they're both powders; one is a powder of flakes of deactivated yeast full of tons of b vitamins, and the other is powdered milk that is fortified at half the potency, across the board - with the exception of c (which i can fix by adding berries, at a fraction of the sugar) and b12 (which i can fix by turning up the soy milk a tad, also at a fraction of the sugar). that, and they're both low on b5.

ok, i'm going to fix that. i mean, i'll eat what i bought, but it's only a few days. so, there's one more tweak left for the breakfast...
(i would go back to the strawberries for c because the avocados are too high in k to have two kiwis and an avocado at the same time.)
if i'm really weirded out about the sugar in this breakfast thing, and don't like the price either, something else i could do is double the soy milk, and go back to the strawberries for c.

but, i mean.....there's roughly as much sugar in a 710 ml bottle of mountain dew as there is in the entire bowl. 

what i'm missing is objective guidelines, and i actually don't suspect it'll be too bad.

let me double check in the morning that i even bought the right thing, first.
so, i didn't get a chance to try my new breakfast yesterday morning, as i didn't finish crunching numbers around it. i wanted to finalize it, first. that's something i'll need to do this morning. the only thing i need to pick up is some ground flaxseed. i'm going to be in the bulk barn regularly, it seems....

instead, the first thing i'm going to try is the new pasta bowl, which now has carrots instead of tomatoes. i got some hemp hearts & yeast in yesterday, and you could really barely notice the taste.

in fact, i don't mind the taste of deactivated yeast at all - it just tastes like bread. i fear it would be too much for the fruit bowl, but it's just fine for the pasta bowl. that will be my task this morning - figure out how to fix up that pasta bowl.

as it turns out, i think i'm ok with the e, although i need to research the different forms of e to double check. & i think i'm even ok with d, too, although i was able to find some yogourt with added d (and none with added e). i took note of those and will research them.

i'm still left with that b5 deficit and don't really have a good idea. but, now is also the time to answer the question - am i throwing a cricket in there, or not?

otherwise, my major concern is finding a dressing with a decent 6:3 balance.

let me get my carrots chopped first, and i'll tell you that the self site didn't have the weight very accurate. i went looking for big carrots, under the perception they were each 70-75 g. rather, these carrots are 200 g! so, i'm going to have to cut them in half. i wish that doubling carrot consumption would help somehow, but it won't...