Friday, October 2, 2020

so, the one that seemed a little dark was indeed rotten, so my intuition on that point was at least right. i took a chance on one that was a little darker than the rest, and it was like trying to peel a green banana - i just couldn't separate the fruit from the skin. i think i get it, now. i tried to microwave it, but it didn't work.

so, the rotten one was rotten, and the experiment is probably ruined, although i'm going to leave it out and see what happens. does it ripen or just go rotten?

i bought 18 avocados for $6.00, so there's still 16 left to try, and i've got one of three containers ripening, with the other two still in the fridge.

so, it's back to two kiwis for today, at least.