Saturday, May 19, 2018

"& they'd shut me away...

...but i'd be alright"

the music that this pothead downstairs is listening to is the kind of thing that the kids that used to push me around in high school listened to.

i need to get out of here.
something the conservatives learned in 2011 was that the only way to get a majority for the conservatives in the 905 is to boost ndp support in key ridings at the expense of the liberals - that is, they have no choice but to try and split the vote.

the conservatives cannot win here without splitting the vote.

now, in that particular election, it was kind of what had to happen. there was no excuse to vote for ignatieff. if that was what the liberals were going to run, you had an obligation to vote ndp. there's no lesser evil calculation in voting for ignatieff over harper; the lesser evil may have even been harper. i'm not aware of harper condoning torture. ever. and, it seems unlikely and out of character; i'd be surprised to hear it, frankly.

we all knew the conservatives would win, but you had to do it, because the liberal leader was a war criminal waiting to happen.

in this particular election, that logic does not hold. wynne is about as far left as liberals come; she's maybe even an anachronism in that sense, as the other provincial liberal parties exist firmly on the center-right, nowadays.

regardless, it's easy to understand what the tory media is doing, in pushing for the ndp: it's trying to split the vote to open up ridings they wouldn't otherwise have a chance in. there is no other way for them to win.

now, don't misunderstand me: i'm not suggesting that the liberals are in good shape, here. the liberals are certainly on the brink of catastrophe. but, they've been on this precipice for months, and we don't seem to want to push them off.

i've pointing out forever, now, that wynne's big problem is on her left. but, this movement to the ndp is not happening. the polls just don't uphold the idea that liberals are moving to the ndp; what liberal voters are actually telling pollsters is that they don't know what to do.

so, we remain in this holding pattern, with the conservatives running in the mid to high 30s (which is no doubt inflated...) and the ndp run in the mid to low 20s, but the liberal base unwilling to make a choice.

as mentioned previously: if these voters decide to stay home, in the end, the liberals will be decimated by voter apathy, produced by a media intent on destroying them. this will be manufactured dissent.

but, i don't see any reason to think they're going to move to the ndp now, when they haven't yet, either.

if, in the end, the liberals can keep their base in toronto, then not a lot of seats are going to change hands - even if the numbers in front of us fluctuate wildly.

we're not seeing a groundswell of ndp support. i actually wish we were. but we're not.

what we're seeing is liberal party voters turn inwards, due to being beaten down by a hostile media that has convinced it that it's leader is incompetent. a sad truth, as she is anything but.

liberals have failed at controlling the message. but, the other parties have failed to capitalize on it, with the tories running an obvious buffoon and the dippers running a sleazy used car salesperson with minimal believability.

again: the media wants to split the vote. but, the electorate is hesitant to follow. and it's consequently still anybody's election to win.
the new mainstreet poll is the same as the previous one, relative to the margin of error.

the headlines are bunk: there's no narrowing of any gap, there's just stasis.

but, the clock is ticking. everybody is running out of time to prevent a conservative minority that's unlikely to pass a budget, if it's even allowed to form a government.

i had migraines for months after this, but i haven't had a single one since i moved.

i just want to tie two things together. i was convinced that this space was under the influence of some kind of magnetic interference, and it was fucking with my headphones making it impossible to mix; aphasia is thought to be the result of a wave of energy running through your brain, and disrupting certain functions. are these consequences of the same thing?

and, if so, was i being attacked for demonstrating that clinton was rigging the primary?

it's a strange thing to film your life, and piece together the oddities after the fact.

but, i keep pointing out that if this is what is happening then it is utterly foolish; the best way to deal with me was always to ignore me. if i just could have been mixing over this period, none of this would have happened. and, i might be done period 3.
so, should i be celebrating victoria day here in canada?


listen, i don't really have much to say about the queen one way or the other. about the only ritual i have attached to this day is posting the sex pistols classic somewhere or other. no future for you.

but, that is widespread, here. nobody much cares about the royal family, outside of very old tories, so old that they're starting to disappear.

the general idea on the "2-4 weekend" is that you get a case of beer - they come in cases of 24 - and go find a cottage somewhere to get drunk at. this is the canadian tradition. you're supposed to spend it arguing about hockey, too - and transitioning into the summer. but, it's frankly not really my idea of a good time. i'm not going to pretend i have access to such a cottage, but i probably wouldn't go, if i did.

if there were open air festivals around here, i might go to one. but, the victoria day weekend is actually a strangely insular thing - we interpret it as a family event, rather than a public one. it's about those cottages. as such, the bars here are actually likely to be fairly empty. the city doesn't pick up on victoria day; it actually shuts down.

on top of that, there's a local "art party" taking place that has occupied the interests of much of the local scene. that's where a lot of the city is going to be. but, i'm not generally into drinking in alleys, either - or at least not before 3:00 am. there will be a dj set, but it's more about sitting around and talking. i get that a lot of people would actually prefer that, but it's not my thing.

i checked the local venues and there's nothing much going on to get excited about.

so, i'm not going to just stay here for the sake of it. it's a fading imperial holiday that we mostly just use as an excuse to get drunk.

however, if the rain clears out late, it's possible i could just hit up phog - if i decide to go anywhere at all.