Monday, June 22, 2015

Sydney K
is there a reason they're not married?

Jay Pathak
It's quite simple to avoid "DIVORCE SETTLEMENT MONEY"

if that's the reason, it's not thought through well - common law sets in after a few years, and comes with the same liabilities as marriage. if there's a desire to get married, and concern on that level, it would be better to do it and sign a pre-nub.

in fact, i'd expect she'd have a very strong claim for unjust enrichment, considering she's an integral part of these videos. i've read cases where common law "wives" get large settlements just for taking care of the kids - which is fair, in some way, but isn't directly related to the income source. from what i've seen, she's very well entitled to at least a third of the profits he's getting from the videos. at this point, a pre-nub might not even make sense, as she's surely entitled to a portion of it, anyways.

man, i just got holla'd at by what looked to me to be 12 year-old boys. had to repress the urge to weggie and dunk them...

well, what else do you do? little brats.

it's distressing, though. maybe i ought to be thinking about weggying and dunking their fathers.