Tuesday, August 2, 2016

01-08-2016: stagnation, followed by realizing the need to pivot

tracks worked on in this vlog:

i'd rather recycle it.

shouldn't this be one of his biggest legacies? something he's jumping all over? he's delegating it...does he want this job?

it's very weird. a lot of times he seems like he doesn't want to govern.

mr. prime minister. you're the person that's supposed to govern. that means picking supreme court justices. and, you're supposed to pick the person that most accurately uphold and reflects your partisan agenda.

i don't understand where he's coming from. some kind of dark age buddhist "wisdom", or something?

i mean, what's really going on here? was picking a court justice interfering with his canoe time, or what?

i voted for the liberals. i want them to replace every judge with a liberal. i want them to replace the conservative judges with liberals. i want them to replace the liberal judges with even more liberal judges, and the extremely liberal judges with exceedingly liberal judges. i want the court to have exactly zero conservative justices on it. that's why i voted for the liberals. what's the use in having an election, when the liberals appoint conservative judges?

could you imagine hillary clinton making george w. bush the head of a committee to determine the next supreme court nominee?

wait. don't answer that...

it's absurd.

i'm really not opposed to a committee, but i would expect him to stack the committee with liberals - because the liberals won the election and therefore get to stack the court. that's why we had an election!

the supreme court - ironically - won't let him do this, though. the constitution is pretty clear that the prime minister has to pick the justices.

dale mcrobie
This is unfair to unilingual Canadian! Just because one only speaks one language they should not be penalized!

jessica amber murray
how do you expect a unilingual judge to hear a case in french? this is a common sense requirement.

Michael Chong
first off they do not individually sit as judges for each case,it's a group sitting. Also why not just get language translators. If ambassadors who are sitting at the UN have them why not Canada.?

jessica amber murray
so, the fiscal conservatives want to hire translators instead of just appointing a bilingual judge. curious.

with something like the supreme court, i'd suggest that we don't want translators getting in the way in the interpretation of language. rulings can turn on interpretations. so, i think it's a functional requirement that the court can understand a ruling out of quebec natively, and be able to translate it independently.

jessica amber murray
i voted for a liberal prime minister. so, i want a liberal prime minister to appoint a liberal judge.

Cindy Fordyce
I want a Liberal gov't to appoint the best person who meets the qualifications to be appointed.

Politics is not an Olympic sport and should never be made so.

jessica amber murray
you're incoherent. you say you want a competition over who's "the best", then you say it's not a competition. but, you can't possibly define what "the best person" who has "the best" qualifications even *is*.

all politics is bias. and all law is politics. it's basic critical legal theory.

there is no meritocracy. there's simply a party apparatus. and, you can appoint somebody that upholds your biases or somebody that upholds somebody else's.

when you remove partisanship, you remove democracy.

let me try this another way.

a part of the responsibility of the prime minister is to appoint the supreme court justices. this is a political process, meaning it's a part of the prime minister's mandate. not only is this process obviously unconstitutional, but it's a rejection of one of the prime minister's core job functions: to determine the justice in such a way that reflects the popular will, which is necessarily a partisan process.

the previous election was about wiping the conservatives out of power. where did all this bipartisan or nonpartisan stuff come from? there's no mandate for this.

jessica amber murray
what, exactly, was wrong with a partisan process?

Taylor Sutherland

jessica amber murray
it's a court process. bias is the whole point. i don't even...

if you remove bias, what are they ruling on? corporate expediency? objective truth?

i'm an evangelical atheist and everything, but a part of me kind of wants this to be retribution.

if some sadistic god does exist, however unlikely, i'd like to think it has an altruistic streak that would take a community like this (where virtually everybody is employed by the tar sands industry) out.

if anybody turns to salt, let me know.

jessica amber murray
why does he keep appointing conservatives?

the election results were not ambiguous. it's kind of counter to his mandate to keep stacking all these reform bodies with conservatives.

if we wanted conservatives, we would have voted for them. we voted against them. so, why is he doing this?

Lori Cameron
Did you mean, why does he keep appointing those whom he believes are the best qualified for the given positions?

jessica amber murray
i'm not sure how anybody comes to the conclusion that kim campbell is best qualified for anything, besides a lecture on how to preside over the worst electoral defeat in canadian history.

a supreme court advisory is not a meritocratic position, it's a partisan position. i really don't want a conservative body determining the composition of the next supreme court, and it's frankly downright enraging to see a liberal prime minister put such a thing in motion.

ironically, i don't think that this is constitutional.

Tim Saucier
What disqualifies Kim Campbell from the job, aside from being "Conservative"?

jessica amber murray
considering that we elected an overwhelming liberal majority, i think that's enough.


j reacts to the continued cringey optics in the clinton campaign

please tell me that the campaign didn't release this photo.

first of all, i hope that's a shadow in his crotch.

but, it looks like a still shot from a bollywood film.


"we would like to announce our new strategy to defeat isis: a dance-off!. get on your dancin' shoes, osama. we're gonna prance you back to the dark ages."

where's john fucking travolta when you need him, anyways?

j reacts to the level of discourse we should expect for the remainder of the cycle

you know, this is the thing, right - it gives clinton almost infinite leeway. she seems to want to run her campaign like an evil dead outtake. but, he's possibly worse.

i'm even willing to concede that people will play along with a little good theatre. but, the level of disrespect these dipshits have for voters has reached levels that just can't even be dealt with any more.

satan vs hitler.

maybe you've seen this before, i dunno.


i'm a little more productive today, but i'm still dragging. i just spent a while dropping the relevant vlogs on to the facebook page.

if i actually had any fans, they couldn't complain. it's a lot of content.

i've also closed the door to the other room, which has the effect of both eliminating the air conditioning from my main living space and turning it on in the recording studio. that may actually turn out relatively well, in both ways. but, i haven't really tested it yet.

the tracklisting was finalized and uploaded on the morning of the 31st. i was hoping to get the bureaucracy done yesterday, but it was just a wash. i should get it done by the time i fall asleep, today.

i should get a call from the doctor's today. i'm going to avoid checking email until tomorrow.