Tuesday, August 2, 2016

dale mcrobie
This is unfair to unilingual Canadian! Just because one only speaks one language they should not be penalized!

jessica amber murray
how do you expect a unilingual judge to hear a case in french? this is a common sense requirement.

Michael Chong
first off they do not individually sit as judges for each case,it's a group sitting. Also why not just get language translators. If ambassadors who are sitting at the UN have them why not Canada.?

jessica amber murray
so, the fiscal conservatives want to hire translators instead of just appointing a bilingual judge. curious.

with something like the supreme court, i'd suggest that we don't want translators getting in the way in the interpretation of language. rulings can turn on interpretations. so, i think it's a functional requirement that the court can understand a ruling out of quebec natively, and be able to translate it independently.
