Sunday, January 26, 2020

so, we're doing this one at a time, which means the posts will be stretched out a little. it seems like it's the long way if it's you, but it's really not if it's me.

inri001 has been updated to include the video for inertia, which also added a half a page to the liner notes at the very end. the doc & pdf files just had hyperlinks added, but the html file embedded it. this is consistent with the other media files.

i'm having difficulty focusing, again.

i've got the typos corrected for inri000. this is not a re-release, and barely justifies mentioning it.

the pdfs - there's 8 - are all downloaded and they look proper, but i'll have to rigorously run through them before i move on.

let's get the seven existing packages updated, first.
so, there was a shutdown on thursday morning, and i spent the day thursday finishing up the archiving from the desktop, and then uploaded everything thursday night and into friday morning. i reimaged the machine, got some fruit and passed out and slept until friday afternoon when i intended to start fresh and get a good session in, to finish everything up for sunday night....

there actually wasn't any reason to turn the modem on, as i didn't intend to connect from that laptop, and i had plenty of work to do offline. i was hoping to get everything updated, and turn the modem on when i was done. i had some concerns that they may have been using the chromebook as a relay, and i don't know how linux networking works, really, at all, so i felt there was little i could do to react to it. so, i shut it down partly to save electricity and partly to keep the fuckers out while i was working.

unfortunately, friday was really a waste. i simply couldn't focus, and i don't actually think it was pot, or at least not until later in the night. it actually felt like i was on mushrooms, and i don't have any good explanation for that at all. but, if you've ever tried reading on can''s impossible.....

i took a shower and made some coffee around 4:00, but i passed out not longer after. it was just a bust....

i was up in the afternoon, and i actually got a lot more done, before the machine went down again around 22:00. i have updates for inri000, inri001, inri003, inri016 & inri027-inri029, and i'm also going to be doing a first liner note release for inri002 by the end of the night. i was most of the way done inri002 when the machine went out...

this is a situation that caused me some serious pause. all evidence suggested that i was being shut down remotely by a server that was trying to deploy something, but the situation seemed to belie that - not only had i not connected this machine to the internet at all, but no machine in the apartment had been connected, and the modem was actually turned off.

if i was being shutdown remotely, it would have to be via a wireless connection that i didn't understand. there was only one networking device in the entire apartment - my wireless keyboard, a bluetooth device with a range of a hundred metres, at most.

in fact, i noticed on saturday night that my wireless keyboard was connecting as a composite device, indicating that it was accepting signals from more than just the keyboard.

i also noticed on friday night that i was able to activate windows without connecting to the internet - an obvious absurdity. but, it would indicate a backdoor connection.

further, my wireless keyboard is manufactured by microsoft.

you can see what i'm putting together with this.

i have three ps/2 keyboards, and a half dozen connectors the other way, but no way to connect a keyboard to a laptop via usb without using wireless, just right now. i'd have to get out to the factory direct, and i did resolve to do so, but i wanted to get this done first. next week...

i then accidentally booted into the laptop's hard drive using the desktop's motherboard, and i knew at that point that i had to test it - i could use the ps/2 keyboard on the desktop, and if there's something else going on in the laptop, i have no expectation that they've gotten to the desktop. not yet...

if the pc crashes the same way in the end, i'm going to have to try to swap out the hard drives. i've been resisting this because it isn't rational, but short of the operating system expiring, the hard drive would be the only remaining shared component. if the same thing happens, it has to be the drive....

but, if the pc stays up for the next week, i'm going to need to buy a usb keyboard, i guess. we can't have wireless keyboards in canada, i guess - the cops will use them to hack into your computer and shut you down. the true north strong and free, huh. so long as you don't think for yourself, i guess...

you are free to shut up and be a good slave.

you are free to do what you're told....

tellingly, i've been unable to activate, indicating there's no backdoor. and, i've been getting weird error messages informing me that i'm disconnected from the remote server.

in the long run, i'm clearly going to need to wipe this down. but, it's not going to help if they just capture the machine again.

it's one thing to have these paranoid observations. it's another to have them confirm themselves. it's still another for the confirmations to build up.

it really, honestly seems like somebody is slaving my windows box to a domain server via the bluetooth in my wireless keyboard - a shortwave radio with a very short range connection, so short range that that person would basically need to be directly upstairs.....

i crashed from about 5:00-11:00, and finished up inri002 this afternoon. here she comes....
but, first...

no, justin. juan guaido is not the interim president of anything.

at this point, he's actually just a random dude from venezuela, and nothing more. and, by meeting with him, the canadian government is broadcasting that it's going to be actively supporting the violent overthrow of the venezuelan government.

the second in line is the vice president, delcy rodriguez.

juan guaido holds no elected office at all.
i'm on the chromebook....

what happened?

well, to start with, i just noticed that my local archiving is working again, which is a good thing. i think it might be suggestive of a pullback in surveillance, actually. you'd think it's a matter of time before they pull their heads out of their asses...

i'm concerned about missing email, though. what else didn't get through over the last year or so?

i've actually had an eventful weekend. and, there's stuff on it's way up to bandcamp soon.

re: court stuff - i got a factum from the windsor police that i haven't read yet, and i'll need to call the divisional court in the morning, because they left a message. this is actually all going according to plans.

but, let's start with a narrative of the weekend, because i think i'm coming to some very unsettling and very startling conclusions.
the political orientation of third-world governments matters.

i will stand up for nominally leftist states, whatever their failings, in ways i won't stand up for juntas or theocracies.

is justin trudeau referring to juan guaido as the "interim president of venezuela"?

is he ignorant, or is he stupid? it's not clear.

the media is referring to him as an opposition leader, which is at least mildly accurate.

i'd call him the self-appointed, autocratic leader of a failed coup, myself. and, i'm very, very uncomfortable about the prime minister meeting with him.
don't ask me why i was thinking of this yesterday, but there was a kid in my class for a few years named emma lester

i'm not joking. i don't remember bugging her, really, but you can imagine how brutal that must have been, to go through middle school with a name like that.

it makes you wonder: were her parents sadistic freaks, or just completely oblivious buffoons? out of all the things you can name a miss lester, you'd think you'd avoid that particular name, of emma. 

if they had a son would they name him moe? just to make sure he didn't get too entitled? fuck.

some people...
no. the media narrative around sanders' "momentum", as usual, is disconnected from the facts, and what i care about is the facts, the truth. i'm not trying to mess with you, i just want an empirical breakdown...

he's running exactly where he was in july, before warren pissed on his parade. but, the damage is already done, now.

so, at best you could argue that he's regained the ground he lost over the fall. but, this is a swing that is barely discernible from a reasonable margin of error. his numbers are really not defined by waning interest and rising momentum but by a large amount of stability - biden is running pretty smoothly at 30-35, and sanders is running just as smoothly at 20-25.

warren is noticeably down. but, it's bloomberg that seems to be the beneficiary.

i'm somewhat surprised that buttigieg made exactly the same error as sanders, but i'm not surprised that it's had more or less exactly the same outcome. i was expecting him to come down a little. but, bloomberg is just as old as biden & sanders, and he does still remain the most likely beneficiary of a collapse in the gerontocracy, should he hold on for long enough. again: bloomberg seems to be hurting him a little.

what i will say is that if the party wants to run 37 centrists into may, that is going to certainly help sanders out quite a bit. the question is whether that's likely or not, and it isn't - as soon as some people start dropping, these numbers are going to coalesce in a way that kills his chances. 

so, there is no momentum. there is only stasis. it's all hype.