Monday, February 20, 2017

i've been looking for an online set like this from this period for years. finally...

i wonder what else is out there, waiting to come up.

this was a fantastic tour - mammatus, 2007. opening for the (totally boring) acid mothers temple.

see, i disagree with this: these are the refugees we should accept. these are the ones that made the impossible trek from who knows where, through unheard of challenges, in order to stand on free ground. and, you want to send them back after that kind of journey? after that character building exercise? what's fucking wrong with you?

the country doesn't need more unskilled labour, but it could benefit from that kind of character.

these are the ones we should let stay.
it didn't work so well.

but, it didn't work so well in america, either.

yes: the russians beat you to abolishing slavery. so sorry that you don't know that.