Friday, November 22, 2019

i think the issues regarding one of the three cases are dealt with, at least, for now.

i got the paperwork for the landlord & tenant board case, which has given me a hearing date of feb 5, 2020. given that i will have paid my rent on feb 1st, and he'll still have last month's for march, it is very unlikely that the court would order me to evacuate any time before may 1st. that said, i make no request in my case to end the lease. so, he will need to file for that. if he does, that discussion will no doubt come up, in context. if he doesn't, and the issue stays mostly resolved, then i'll certainly withdraw - but i'll wait a long time before i do.

i have filed a t2 for repairs, and not a t6 for harassment. is the issue fixed? it's not clear. it's better, surely, but i'll need to wait for the weather to warm up to really know. but, we can update the file if he's going to come in here like that.

so, he's going to want to be very careful about doing things like entering the unit illegally. i can't find any evidence of any kind of tampering or anything (yet.), but the reality is that the electrical is enough to suggest that the unit was entered into. and, i will be keeping a closer eye on this - can i find a pattern of electrical spikes when i'm not home?

in fact, i noticed something like this a few months ago, but wasn't as sure. this time, i turned everything off to make a point - that spike must be from an illegal entry. i will be keeping a closer eye on the electrical and will catch further break-ins.

what's he doing in here? i've had some creepy feelings.

but, i'll remind you that i've wondered for a while if the guy is actually a cop. he appears to have no source of income, and yet goes away on expensive trips - with cars and kids, so these aren't my hobo trips across to detroit, he's staying somewhere, and he's feeding multiple mouths. - several times a month. further, there seems to be people up there, even when there's no car in the driveway. and, while i can't prove it, i'm sure that somebody - maybe a specific officer - is smoking up there.

i'll remind you that i filed a judicial review against the oiprd on tuesday afternoon, and had to put the windsor police on the paperwork. did they pay me a visit on tuesday night? is that what happened?

it would be consistent.

and, there is no legal excuse for this, at all. it would simply uphold my claim that i'm being harassed by the cops.

i still don't know if he filed, but, if he didn't, he has until the end of the year to do it. i filed immediately in order to be sure he wouldn't get the hearing first. he has until january 30th to file his own case. it won't be until close to then that i make any attempt to cancel my own...

so, it's not the best idea to confront him immediately about the illegal entry. i'm better off waiting this out, to see if i can build a pattern.

i will still need to call on monday morning, and periodically afterwards, to see if anything's in, yet. but, that's in motion....
so, what have i done since i got back on wednesday afternoon?

it might be my own fault this time, but i've barely been able to stay awake - i slept all night wednesday (which was needed), then essentially all day thursday and now most of the day friday (from very small amounts of pot).

the pot is gone. and, i actually want to do laundry this weekend.

i did figure out yesterday that the po box i got on tuesday is no longer in service. so, i am going to need to file the initial order again on monday. and, i will take note of the costs to the board, in the matter - $52 for searches and $43 for bus tickets. these expenses would have been unnecessary if the court had ordered the cops to provide the address (which is what it's going to do anyways.), so i feel i'm entitled to at least ask for them.

i am also going to need to prepare some documents that i will need to serve to the parties (despite the fact that they already have all of them), and then mail to the board in toronto. i won't be mailing this until after the first, but i want to have a solid handle on it by monday.

and, i'll need to call the landlord and tenant board on monday as well, if the documents i'm seeking aren't already in my box.

so, i didn't get much out of my half gram - it just knocked me out. i was hoping i could get through the reviews and other loose ends with it, but it just didn't work out that way. i got absolutely nothing done at all. do i at least feel caught up on sleep? no - i'm still tired. so, i'm trying to wake myself up by eating a lot of fruit and drinking a lot of soy, and will be able to make a big pot of coffee after 19:00.

so, i blew a few days and wish i hadn't, but so be it. perhaps more importantly, i'm learning to stay away from government's just a totally boring complete sedative, in terms of what it actually does. it doesn't feel like pot....

what about the energy use?

well, this is tuesday, which makes sense, although it means that the background fan is running at a lot more than i'd like it to. i guess the fluctuations are from the fridge, meaning the fan is still running at 65W, minimum, even on the low setting. i was hoping for 40-45W. so, i'm halving my savings. *shrug*. so be it. i still need it on...

you'll note that there's a spike at around 23:00 - odd considering that i was in toronto, at the time, and even odder considering the following graph, which is for wednesday:

so, there's a spike in the electrical between 23:00 on tuesday night and 1:00 on wednesday morning. i have not experienced previous spikes of this sort related to the fridges - those spikes can be seen in these charts, and are the fluctuations on the order of 0.02 or so.

rather, 0.17 would be in line with the amount generated by somebody turning all of the lights on at the same time.

this is pretty strong evidence that somebody was in here, and i'll need to put it aside for later.

for the afternoon, as mentioned, i'm just nursing myself a little. the focus for the night is going to be on cleaning - and looking for signs of illegal entry. i want to finish these reviews and put together loose ends in terms of blog posts. then, the focus to start the weekend (at least) is going to be on getting those three legal issues in order for monday morning. and, then i have those liner notes to finish....

it's only two days lost, it's not the end of the world. but, it's frustrating that the product they're selling is not what they're advertising - government pot doesn't get you high, it just makes you tired.
so, i tried to get some high thc / low cbd marijuana when i was in toronto to prevent me from falling asleep when i smoked it.

this pot is remarkably dry - it's more comparable to the basil or oregano in your cupboard than it is to any kind of high quality bud. but, my plan didn't work very well.

i had about a half a gram left.

so, i rolled a small joint at 7:30 yesterday morning, and i napped from it for most of the morning. i tried to smoke another one at about 15:30, and slept until after midnight. i smoked the last little bit this morning at around 3:00 and am just waking up now.

so, a sixth of a gram of this pot knocks me out for six-ten hours at a time. i have a low tolerance, and i know that cbd makes me tired, but i'm not inexperienced with marijuana - i smoked my first joint in 1996. right now, i feel less like i've smoked a half a gram of pot and more like i swallowed a bottle of lorazepam.

i kind of saw this coming, though. what they did in ontario was essentially to allow the medicinal business to sell recreational product. and, i've been clear on the point - the idea that marijuana is some kind of medicine is retarded, it's purely a recreational drug. but, what that means is that the strains you can buy in the store were mostly designed for couch potatoes and lifers, and all they're really going to do is make you take a nap.

the reality is that it's shitty pot for sale here in canada.

...and i hope that the pot in detroit is a little better, when they open the stores.
so, a bit of a polling update....

this is pretty much the catastrophe that seemed obvious when sanders decided to run directly against biden in the south - biden is still going to win the south by huge margins, while a younger centrist is apparently going to win the north by huge margins. sanders got greedy, and lost everything.

buttigieg is essentially carrying through with the only possible winning strategy against biden, while sanders is clinging to what was clearly a losing strategy, from the start.

so, you might find that sanders is doing ok in national polls, and i don't dispute the point with any zeal, but the fact that his campaign is pushing national polls in the november before an iowa primary is a sign of desperation, on his behalf. why isn't he pushing polls in any actual states? because he's losing everywhere. national polls are all he's got. he could finish second in every single state, and then what? take it to the convention and argue that you're consistently second-place, and deserve a consolation prize? likewise, if warren doesn't start showing us where she's going to actually win, it's time that people start telling her to go home.

the story on the fake left appears to be that not only are they not in each others' lanes, but they've both hit support ceilings. classic prisoner's dilemma. again: they had a winning strategy of co-operation, but they picked a losing strategy of competition. when firms compete against each other, they both lose. that's basic economics.

the narrative is "ok, but buttigieg has 0% support in the black states", but that suggests that the black states were ever actually in play, and, of course they weren't. biden has plurality black support, which nobody else has in any other demographic, and if somebody is going to cut into that, it's not going to be bernie sanders. you're going to need a black candidate to do that, and booker is too educated for them to relate to him.

so, you have to sweep the north to win. and, the only person in a position to do that right now, however tenuously, is actually buttigieg. sanders has alienated too many people, and warren can only fool a fraction of the pool with her phony rhetoric. buttigieg's surge may not be real, but it hasn't demonstrated a ceiling, yet.

that would mean that, realistically, the fight right now is between buttigieg and biden, but that buttigieg has a very difficult path. as mentioned, he will have to put up numbers in the north that essentially mirror biden's numbers in the south - he'll need to be getting 60-70% of white voters in these states. there's little evidence he's doing nearly that well, but if somebody is going to pull off the only strategy that there is, he's the only one doing it right...

it's a long shot, though. even if he can't do it, and he probably can't, buttigieg may be positioning himself as an impossible-to-ignore vp candidate, because if that's how this works out - if buttigieg ends up with clear wins in states like michigan and pennsylvania and minnesota and wisconsin - then biden is going to have little other choice. he will need those states to win.

can that change? sure. i don't suspect that buttigieg will survive a serious policy berating. i'm not sure that people really know what they're claiming they'll vote for. most of his support in the north does still appear to be coming from sanders, who is running fourth in the north right now by some polling estimates, and i pointed to the queer sympathy vote, but he may be enjoying some kind of default transitional state, as people rule out the other candidates.

if they've ruled out biden, and they've ruled out sanders, and they've ruled out warren, they might sit with "buttigieg. i guess." for a few weeks. who do they vote for, in the end? nobody knows, yet.

but, if measured voting intention translates into real votes, and the vote is tomorrow, you're looking at a biden/buttigeg ticket, as biden scrambles to find a white running mate that can help him win in wisconsin.