Tuesday, March 28, 2017

actually, i'd kind of rather them not have data, as they're not going to do anything positive with it.

let them fire shots in the dark. maybe they'll take a few of their own out.

more broadly speaking, this actually demonstrates how stupid the administration is. it's exactly the kind of thing that people are going to look at in five years and derive a blowback out of. when applied more generally and broadly, it's exactly the attitude that will either take the administration down, or take the country down with it.

as a queer person, my fears of government oppression are in the realm of eugenics. that requires data - big data. and, if the government doesn't have that data, it's going to be limited in what it can do to stomp us out.

again, though: i'm not celebrating this is as moderate. i'm just pointing out that their stupidity is likely to work in our favour and that, at the end of the day, the preferable outcome is for the government and the media to drop the issue altogether and just leave us alone.

when i was between drug store hormones in the mid 00s, i experimented a lot with these "natural phytoestrogens". i was just intending to maintain a broad kind of girlishness until i could get back to the transition.

i eventually settled upon this concoction, and i actually kept taking it when i was on hormones, until they discontinued the product.

i was in the drug store looking for niacinamide and i started thinking about it. i'd like to find a replacement, i think. i kind of just forgot about it.

they didn't have the type of b3 i wanted. they had the cyclic version, which i wasn't expecting and didn't research. or they had b complexes, which i thought about and decided against.

i got some coal, though...

if i end up in a health food store again soon, i'm going to see if i can find something.

i always found that the herbs were useful less for secondary characteristics and more for skin & hair. the intent was to maintain a youthful girlishness, and i have to say it worked.

so, i'm picking up today where i left off on the....18th? 22nd?

i needed a break on the 18th. and the budget was released on the 22nd. and i guess i got lost overnight, woke up on the afternoon of the 24th and then went to a concert on the night of the 24th. i didn't get home until the morning of the 25th, and then slept the day off. i finished reading the budget over the 26th and 27th, then spent the bulk of the day dealing with the air quality down here and researching the safety of vitamin b3 supplements.

we got a nasty cold snap some time last week, and the sudden drop in temperature in the basement flushed all the pollution from the smokers upstairs down to the bottom floor. it's really absolutely disgusting, and it's probably going to take weeks if not months to air out.

i didn't initially grasp how bad it is, and thought i could just push it out by cranking up the heat. i've turned the heat up and down, and i just can't have the heat down - the pollution just overwhelms every time i try it. so, i don't even know when i'll be able to turn the heat down, but probably not until the temperature turns over to summery weather. i'm not going to give it another chance, as it gets worse every time i do.

i guess i assumed that the pollution would lift on it's own, but it's not going to. i need to find a way to actually scrub it out, in addition to leaving the heat on to push it out.

i started with some vinegar last night, and am going to have to get some charcoal tomorrow. i need ways to actual capture the volatiles.

it's disgusting. truly. even when i smoked, i smoked outside. you have to be truly revolting to actually choose to smoke in an enclosed place. it's truly disgusting; there's no other way to describe it. the law should be forcing these people to change, not protecting their "rights" to poison me. but, this is the world we live in - the state exists to protect every kind of piece of shit you could imagine, and that's exactly what these people are and exactly what is happening.

the other part of the day was spent looking into the b3, and i posted a bit of it here. what i really need to go out and get today a few days before the end of the month is bananas, because the store didn't have good options when i was there last week. i honestly think this is worth playing with, but also that i'm probably too young to see any effects. still. let's see what they've got...

1) bananas.
2) vitamin b3.
3) charcoal.

and, i'm actually not going to get anything done at the moment. i'm going to go wash my face. i'll be back in a few hours.
A)  TOXICITY: A minimum toxic dose has not been established.
    1)  After ingesting 11,000 mg of niacin within a 12-hour
        period, a 56-year-old man developed severe, persistent
        hypotension (BP 58/40 mmHg) in the absence of cutaneous
        flushing. Following supportive therapy, he recovered
    2)  A 16-year-old girl developed epigastric discomfort and
        rash after taking 330 mg of niacin daily (more than 25
        times the recommended daily allowance for a teenager).
        Symptoms resolved upon discontinuation of therapy.
    3)  Two teenagers developed hepatotoxicity and acidosis
        after ingestion of 5 and 6 g of sustained-release niacin
        over a 48-hour period.
i think that what is more concerning to me is that b3 is often used to reduce bad cholesterol, and my bad cholesterol is already kind of dangerously low. i know: this isn't even a first world problem, because the first world is so overwhelmingly obese. but, if i shut my ldl off altogether, i will literally melt into a puddle of goop in front of you. we need cell membranes.

while we're on this topic, when are we going to bioengineer ourselves a proper fucking cell wall, anyways? that's a wall i'd enslave a million mexicans for. no, this is typical - the republicans are always decades behind the curve.

i want a cell wall, dammit.

and, i want to photosynthesize, too. how's that for a plan to abolish capitalism? fuck your wage slavery - i have chloroplasts, now. you're fucked. freedom is inevitable.


if i take it, i'll take it at reasonable doses with the intent of giving my cells a bit of a boost and not as a fiend trying to chase immortality and take myself back thirty years. but, it's nice to know that even 11 g of the shit probably won't kill you.

there's a suggested adult dose at the bottom:

 Initial: 500 mg orally once daily at bedtime for 4 weeks,
       then 1000 mg at bedtime for 4 weeks; titrate by
       tolerability and efficacy but no faster than 500 mg every
       4 weeks; usual maintenance dose, 1000 to 2000 mg once
       daily at bedtime; MAX 2000 mg/day. 
if there's a bottle at the store for a reasonable price, i'll probably grab it. what's the worst thing that could happen?

i'm not going to start popping pills until i weight the risks. relax.

most of the studies i've seen suggest that b3 is protective against type I. and, this chinese research team placed the curious claim that we live in a world of over-nutrition in it's abstract. i've been told repeatedly that the food we eat sucks, and that we don't get enough vitamins. but, maybe the politburo rejects this.

i'm going to take this one skeptically. but, it's there.

i'm probably not old enough for it to make much of a difference, but what's the harm in taking extra b3?


wait. careful...

you can overdose on some of these pathways. make sure you do enough research.

but, if you're trying to boost your NAD+, there's actually several ways to do it.
