Tuesday, October 31, 2023

netanyahu should absolutely step down, as he's clearly last gen.

his replacement, kromangugle should be sworn in as soon as possible.
i actually heard somebody praying this morning, and i am in utter bafflement and do not how to react to the existence of such abject stupidity at such a late calendar date.

i'm befuddled. truly.

i need some very wealthy person to donate me a small sum on the order of a few million dollars, perhaps via the paypal donation on the side of the page. like, now. before they do it again.

what the fuck.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

i'm not exactly a spiderman guru, but i was a passive fan and i know that, in the spiderman universe, there were always various alter-spideys, like venom. the number of spiderman wannabes grew to a large number, i believe.

i may spawn an evil twin while my hair remains short. it's growing.

i may have already.

i don't like this, but i appear to be powerless to stop it.

the real deathtokoalas currently has ear length hair that is dyed a bright red and can currently not be seen outside her apartment, which she is fighting over with some aggressive dykes that want to steal her electronics. you haven't seen the real deathtokoalas anywhere at all in quite a while.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

israel may not be following international law right now, but law is about the implication of force, and i think they are justified in ignoring the rules for the moment.

gaza has elected hamas repeatedly. they had to expect this, eventually. they got what they voted for.
let me try this.

i am an evangelical atheist - i want to convince you that there is no god and that religion is damaging to society and should be abandoned and destroyed. but, these are the religious groups that i would be ost likely to show sympathy to, in order:

1. buddhists. buddhism should have been the only religion to survive the 20th century.
2. hindus & other polytheists, like european pagans. this is cultural, not intellectual.
3. animists, like native americans and central asians. animism is silly, but it has a helpful worldview relative to the harmful jewish model. i'd rather teach our kids that animals have spirits than that god put them on the earth for our use.
4. jews. dumb.
5. christians. dumber.
6. muslims. dumberer.

Friday, October 27, 2023

this is the sneaky trick that olivia chow and doug ford have schemed up together, but it's not really their idea.

tolls are a bad idea because we pay taxes and that is what paying taxes is for. no advanced, functioning society relies on tolls as a source of revenue. if we need more revenue to build and maintain roads, we should raise taxes; conversely, if we want to tale a giant leap bacwkards and decide to rely on tolls, we should eliminate that portion of the tax bill.

in fact, they're not even going to spend the toll money on roads, they're going to use it to pay for salaries and other preventable causes for cost overruns at queen's park. it's an abuse of power. property is theft.

toronto's a big city. it should have some control over it's big roads. 

the employees of the city of toronto make too much money and should see an enforced pay cut.

this is why i am very skeptical about the ndp. this is somewhat milder than rae or romanow or dexter, but she's essentially selling off public assets to pay staff, as though she's been an imf double agent the whole time, and that's the kind of thing they always do. they act like the most corrupt neo-liberals out there when you actually elect them, without exception.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

this is a catastrophically idiotic decision.

(the irony is that at the same time that the government is going to the brink forcing google and facebook to pay journalists, sites that have been free for years are putting up paywalls. i expect the cbc will remain free. it may be hard to find private sector media in canada, so let's all blog more.)

i don't agree with either of them.

a blanket ban on vaccine mandates would be a terrible policy as covid was likely a dry run for an actually serious pandemic that kills people that aren't already almost dead. yet,vaccine mandates, as they were applied, were a drastic over-reaction to the actual threat.

what is required is a better mechanism to determine when a virus is dangerous. theresa tam prove herself a politician, as did many of the other doctors involved. a truly independent mechanism that excludes political decision makers is what is required.

if we can agree that the government overreacted and that protocols need to be changed, polievre's prescription is an absurd overreaction that is worse than the disease, itself.

my position from the start was that the data doesn't support vaccine mandates and the politicians acted hysterically; the data might have pointed elsewhere, if the virus was different.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

it's easy to stand in canada and call for a ceasefire in the middle east. who would disagree with you?

what conditions do they propose hamas meet to attain such a ceasefire? they don't attach any at all, because they're not serious voices.

due to what has happened, a condition for a ceasefire in the region needs to be the complete liquidation of hamas as an organized entity. i'm on the side of those arguing for search and destroy as a pre-requisite, because it is plausible, with them isolated and cut off in a small region, the way they are. hamas can be destroyed and therefore should be.

the destruction of hamas will be damaging to the citizens of the region. hamas should have thought that through. in fact, it did, and non-serious calls for a conditionless ceasefire are exactly what the intended response was. these people are irrational nihilists.

israel is entitled to some time to level as much of the infrastructure as it can level. like others, i would call on israel to be as careful as it can be, but it is difficult to place that in context. calls for ceasefires and for withdrawals need to wait until hamas is annihilated, first.

i generally argue that israel needs to be proportionate. i haven't changed my position. but, a proportionate response to such a massacre is a frightening barrage, indeed. they have a ways to go still before they've reached the fury and wrath they're justified to inflict on a group that has forfeited it's right to exist.

this is a situation where a call to smite one's enemies is justifiable, and i support israel's goal to smite hamas, as an enemy.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

i don't know who attacked the hospital. i know the nato narrative is that it was iran and this narrative really has little do with israel; maybe it really was factually iran and maybe it was factually israel, but what trudeau was supposed to have said is that it was iran.

the whole point of this attack by hamas was to generate a response. i agree that israel needs to be told not to overreact, but it has a right to respond, and this is a propaganda war at it's core. the idea that it was iran consequently does make sense.

my concern is that trudeau didn't get the memo. again.

who is responsible for this mistake - is trudeau not reading his notes, or is he not getting them?


so, a bunch of upper class white kids in canada are declaring their solidarity against settler-colonialism in israel.

it's more comical than it is offensive.

in response, i hope that the palestinian student union releases a statement of solidarity with indigenous canadians against the settler-colonial apartheid state of so-called canada.

and, yes, canada practiced apartheid; we rounded them up and put them in nature reserves, like they were animals.

they should run a referendum on accepting or amending the statement. it's sophomoric, but these are kids; it's not harassment, it's just one-sided. they don't speak for the student body, which is going to be more self-aware than that.

the student union has a function and it is not to comment on foreign conflicts. it should not be producing any statements that are outside of it's mandate without conducting a plebiscite, first.

i do not expect that albertans will be so shortsighted as to vote to leave the cpp.

that's truly crazy talk.

this is not a serious issue.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

as cousins to the pagan traditions that made europe great before and after the temporary catastrophe of christianization, i actually think that buddhists and hindus have more to offer canada than other ethnic groups. hindus and buddhists are more likely to assimilate into western culture than muslims or sikhs and are a preferable source of immigration to canada for that reason.

i'm once again not aligned with the fake leftism on display by the trudeau government, which has a strange obsession with islam, which is the most regressive, most right-wing and most conservative religion on the table. it indicates that this government is mostly concerned with dominance and control.

any real secular left would see buddhists (more so than hindus) as allies and muslims as enemies.

Friday, October 20, 2023

i don't want my music on spotify.

bandcamp is convenient, but it's been built at our own peril. independent artists should have control over their means of production. you want your own site and should have not relied on bandcamp in the first place.

i'm using a blog to mirror my bandcamp page and am enjoying the increase in customizability. i was going to use youtube to host 128 kbps streams but i've since realized that it is trivially easy to steal music from bandcamp in low quality and am going to update the existing inri000 page with html5 streams pointing to a google drive share, instead. that google drive share will be a complete library, in low quality, that will be free. this is the real world.

do something like this now before they pull the rug out from under you.


i am neither going to disable my adblocker nor am i going to pay for youtube premium. 

i am going to stop using youtube.

trying to pay people by sending them ad revenue is not an acceptable business model and i will not support it.

another issue: i have html5 autoplay blocked because i don't want videos to automatically play when i load a page. it's distracting and annoying, especially if i'm listening to something in the background, as i often am.  that is also now apparently disabled.  if your youtube page is going to insist on automatically playing videos when i load your page, i won't go to your youtube site at all. rather, youtube will get skipped in the search results because i'll know that youtube has that annoying behaviour that i don't like and can't turn off; i'll go to something like bandcamp when i search for a page because it doesn't autoplay, instead.

you'll note that this is what actually killed myspace, the annoying scripts that you couldn't fucking turn off.

youtube needs to understand that it cannot force people to watch the ads if they don't want to watch them and it's just harming itself by trying to. i'm not going to actually watch the ads. i'll hit the mute button, i'll open up another tab, i'll wait with my mouse over the skip button, etc. then, you'll ask me about the ad i supposedly just watched and i won't even remember what it was because i was intentionally not paying attention. that's no exaggeration; i try very hard to not watch the ads and i really don't remember them for that reason.

really, it's the people paying to have their ads forced on people that are wasting their money. (1) if people don't want to watch the ad, forcing them to watch it is negative advertising but (2) mostly, people are like me, and actually do everything they can to not watch the ads, even if youtube tries to force it. companies are buying false promises from youtube and wasting their money.

further, some new adblocking software will appear shortly and the adblockers will continue to evolve so long as youtube tries to block them. this is just a failed a business model - grasp it, adjust to it and move on.

as a musician and artist, i do not have ads on any of my art, i never will and i am even morally opposed to participating in the business model underlying it. it is morally wrong to force somebody to watch an ad before they can listen to a song, as the individual does not explicitly consent to being brainwashed by corporate propaganda; they click play intending to listen to art, not intending to be brainwashed by capitalist garbage. i use youtube as a way to advertise my bandcamp site, not as a means of revenue generation. youtube has never sent me a check. the business model i support is the bandcamp model. however, i would prefer a guaranteed income model to a market transaction model; artists should not have to sell a product in order to survive, they should have a right to exist. government subsidies are the preferred solution.

i actually even have images blocked on my chromebook.

you simply can't force people to do things if they don't want to. youtube is going to lose this fight. it should give up before it does.

actually, it seems like there's some bad news with bandcap:

it's easy to guess that the next step is that they're going to license everything, and i don't consent to that.

i'm going to have to take everything off bandcamp. unfortunately.

there's a link to inri records at the side. that will take over bandcamp's function.

to be clear: what songtradr obviously wants to do is take bandcamp artists and put them on sites like spotify, for a fee. this will bleed the bandcamp model. i do not want my music on spotify. i'm consequently removing it from bandcamp.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

biden's strange pre-occupation with israel is actually reflective of him being out of touch, and symptomatic of why he is vulnerable to losing the next election.

most americans are not at all interested in the distant, foreign conflict in israel that has nothing to do with them in any way. the counter-examples are jews and right-wing christians, neither of which are swing demographics. biden appears to be trying to appeal to reagan democrats, which are all dead.

nor is israel a strategic asset in a post-petroleum world, which we are on the brink of. when you take the oil off the table, israel becomes a troublesome annoyance that should be abandoned.

biden should spend less time concerning himself with what is happening in israel and more time talking about the economy.

america is the empire. in the middle east, the empire has always ruled via divide et impera; divide and conquer. it is ancient imperial strategy in the region to set the barbarians off against each other, to minimize the threat they pose to the empire's control.

we needed some way to keep the dirty arab barbarians holed up in the desert and building a military base in israel was an effective tactic to bottle them in. then, we tricked them into sending us all their money, and they fell for it because they're dirty barbarians. so long as the arabs were busy fighting the jews and willing to spend all their oil money in the west, they posed the empire much less of a threat. this tactic to neutralize inherent arab barbarism is a fundamental part of the post-war order.

now, this has frayed over the years, certainly, but the basic dynamic of divide et impera remains in place. however, it is a tactic that needs to be revisited with the end of the petroleum era.

first, the substantive threat that arabs have long posed to the west will cease to be of concern for the foreseeable future with the end of the petroleum era, as they return to religious ignorance and cultural backwardsness. we can hope for a french revolution style uprising in the middle east, but it doesn't appear to be imminent. historically, the region has been a backwater and all logic implies that it will once again devolve back to one when the oil goes away, as the region has repeatedly gone through phases of de-evolution over the centuries that have resulted in massive depopulation and widespread deurbanization. climate change will also make much of the region uninhabitable, which is a type of retributive justice. second, controlling the middle east itself becomes less important when the oil is removed as an energy source, which undoes the value of israel as a strategic western bulwark against arab expansion.

this doesn't end the game so much as it changes it; there are new resources that will need to be controlled and new regions that will need to be dominated. another reflection of biden's strategic ineptness is the fact that the most strategic region in the future will actually be the resource-rich region of afghanistan.

the days of israel's strategic importance to imperial hegemony and dominance are severely numbered. america needs leadership that is looking forwards, not leadership that is stuck in the past.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

i've posted pleas here before. this is very serious and i very seriously need some intervention by an enlightened benefactor.

i know this site is read by powerful and wealthy people and i need somebody to step in and write me a check for a small amount, on the order of 2 to 5 million dollars. this is imperative. i am going to disappear if i can't find a way out of the situation i'm in.

at the start of the year, my house was purchased by what turned out to be some massive losers from toronto that wanted to have sex with me. i turned them down for the sole reason that they were unattractive. these ugly, unattractive women may tell you another story - they appear to be pathological liars - but the truth is that i rejected them, and i rejected them because they were gross. amongst the reasons they were gross is that they showed up here smoking crystal meth and listening to death metal and seemed confused as to why i wasn't interested in it.

i'm not into hanging out with ugly crack whore dykes. sorry.

in response, they started injecting me with testosterone when i was sleeping because they wanted to make me horny so i'd be more interested in fucking them. this is their level of pathetic disgustingness.

while there have been signals and rising levels of evidence pointing towards it, i convinced myself that this was actually real about three weeks ago and barricaded the door shut. since then, i've been feeling and getting better, but now they're trying to aggressively evict me because i won't put out. i'm trying to get them charged with conversion therapy, which is a crime in canada, but that will be difficult.

the simple fact is that they've moved a bunch of gross people in here. the owners are gross. the tenants are gross. i wouldn't touch any of these gross people with a ten foot pole. they're all on hard drugs, they're all smoking cigarettes and they're all full of diseases. they've got something like 20 kids running around between them. it's become a white trash shithole, here. i need out; i can't live here.

however, i can't get out and trying to engineer or negotiate an exit on favourable terms might be impossible.

i may be able to hold them off for several months and i may be able to figure something out but my life is going to change and this site is going to disappear if i can't get out of here on positive terms and seriously rebuild somewhere else. i need a grant in order to get out of this white trash shithole, to salvage my life, to salvage my art and to restart.

this should be looked at like an artist's grant. the money will be spent on building the kind of safe, clean and isolated surroundings that i need to be creative. i've been finding this very difficult for the last several years due to events that are largely out of my control.

you can best contact me at the email address on the side of the page, at the link that says 'contact'. that email address also accepts funds and is connected to the paypal donation link higher in the list.

Monday, October 16, 2023

i have ptsd, and i couldn't imagine why anybody would think that ecstasy pills would be any sort of useful treatment. it rather speaks to the purpose of modern psychiatry, which is just to get people addicted to drugs they can be sold and then convince them that feeling high is equivalent to being happy.

while i might enjoy mdma in a party setting, it would almost certainly trigger me into an episode in a controlled or clinical setting. that is a bad trip waiting to happen; the premise that it would be some kind of treatment is absurd.

destroying hamas is not like destroying isis. isis operated in a remote desert location; hamas is well understood by israeli intelligence, to the point that there is a longstanding conspiracy theory that hamas is an arm of mossad.

- israel can declare hamas illegal and break up every meeting of hamas members
- israel can destroy every building owned or used by hamas
- israel can kill or arrest every known member, employee or sympathizer of hamas, in gaza or the west bank

this could not have been done to isis because the logistics and intelligence were non-existent and not possible to construct given their remote location in the distant wilderness.

i am not soft on terrorism, and what we have here is a terrorist group. clearly. they should be thoroughly obliterated, wiped off the earth and erased from history. i don't question this or introduce caveats.

i will remind israel that they have a history of indiscriminate bombing and should take note to avoid targeting civilians. i don't expect that reminder to be responded to. that does not change israel's justified prerogative in eliminating hamas.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

sometimes, words are placed together in ways that negate the meaning of them and produce a concept that is incoherent. "religious rights" are one example of this, as a a"religious right" is exclusively used to assert an absence of rights over a victim of the religion's rules. "property rights" are also an abuse of language, as they are used to steal property from others; property is impossible. rights are not properly used as tools to oppress others with, but are properly used to restrict power or authority in situations where there is an imbalance of power. a right is an idea enacted by society that power must be used responsibly, and not to oppress others with.

"parental rights" are another such contradiction in terms.

the parents have no standing in the matter. this is an issue that exists between the students and their peers and it is solely at the discretion of the child whether they want to invite their parents to participate in their lives or not. 

parents have legal responsibilities; parents do not have rights. that is an abuse of language and distortion of the theory of rights. the language should be altered to reflect the fact that what we're talking about is taking the right of discretion away from transgendered children.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

when people like myself talk about disproportionate israeli responses, what they mean is leveling city blocks with b52s in response for firecrackers going off and scaring school children, and that is not much of a caricature.

you want to tell israel not to over-react, but the fact is that this is different. i grasp that hamas thinks it's retaliating for however many years of indiscriminate bombing, but what did it expect the response to be? remember that dumb kid that picked a fight with the bully and got his nose broken?

what hamas has done is take away the generic response, which is severely harming their own cause. hamas clearly broadcast that it intends to drive israel into the sea and will if it can; a proportionate response would now be to completely obliterate hamas. there's nothing disproportionate about an attack designed to permanently dismantle hamas, at this point.

i would support a wholesale liquidation of hamas as an organization, and i hope this is what they end up doing rather than aimlessly punishing civilians. if they can capture the leadership alive and try them, all the better, but just killing everybody who's ever made a decision for hamas in the last ten years would be a proportionate response and difficult to criticize.

israel has total superiority in all theatres and over all potential conflict points. they can and should ensure that hamas ceases to exist, but they should be careful to avoid aimlessly killing civilians.
has israel considered mass conversion as a solution to the demographic problem?

that is the historical solution. 

the dna testing is crystal clear that the palestinians are converted hebrews. is converting them back that crazy?

seen this one?


Friday, October 13, 2023

palestine was not the name given to the region by invading arabs in the 7th century, nor was it a name known in antiquity, but was rather the name that the romans gave to the region after they attempted to carry out a genocide of the jews, as the final act in the destruction of carthage. it was the carthaginians - a people who spoke a language very similar to ancient hebrew, called themselves canaanites and colonized much of northern africa and southern spain - that ate babies before the jews did. this is lost to mainstream history, but many of the anti-semitic tropes are actually as old as the punic wars and much of the scorn heaped upon the jews by the romans was due to them being carthaginians in all but name.

it always baffles me to find out that nobody knows that palestine and philistine are the same word. that's right, there is evidence of palestinians in ancient judea, but they were not arabs, they were the outsiders known as philistines.

the bible is hardly a scholarly source for history, but it does provide a little bit of information about the palestinians, namely that they were much taller than the hebrews and were acknowledged by all as being from beyond the sea. it's otherwise not clear who they were, based on that paltry source.

egyptian sources connect the philistines/palestinians with a group of invaders during an event called the bronze age collapse, which egypt survived but which left most of the civilized world in ruins. a group of invaders, called the sea peoples, sailed in from the north and attacked egypt; egypt defeated these sea peoples and settled them in the levant. this is the origin of the philistines in the middle east, of which we take the name palestine, via the romans.

we know today that these sea peoples were a confederation of indo-european speaking peoples that included halstatt celts and dorian greeks and would have behaved almost identically to later viking raiders. this was about 3500 years before present, before rome and even mostly before greece, as we know it.

it follows that the philistines were actually a group of very early viking raiders and that they almost certainly spoke a dialect of greek. this is the origin of the ethnic term palestinian, but it does not accurately describe the origin of modern palestinians.

the romans changed the name of the province and some people surely left but the evidence strongly suggests genetic continuity, which means that the jews actually converted to (monophysite) christianity after the destruction of the temple before slowly converting to islam in a process that is called arabization. today, they call themselves arabs and muslims; the truth is that they are twice colonized jews.

when you understand that, it makes the whole conflict into a surreal joke. this is not an ethnic conflict at all, it's really strictly sectarian.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

- can actually move forwards instead of backwards by using search, and should do that. so, stop archiving backwards, for now.

- once typing machine is setup, can refocus on music journal moving forwards.

- note that when doing liner note updates in the future the focus should be strictly on the music journal. the writing will be repurposed for the 2013---> period.

discography updates

- inri054 - add vocals to final mix
- inri055 - add vocals to final mix
- inri056 - add vocals to final mix
- inri058 - add samples to final mix w 5th disc. there are further outtakes to use, i think. tetris mix?

can do now:
- inri065 - update youtube file to include download only track

inri084 needs trep update
inri085 needs vocal updates

- change bandcamp format to listing by alephs, which each track being a legacy cd and being available as a per track download. this will allow an aleph download at bandcamp, which is preferable.

- collect user manuals. page with all of my gear, user manuals and instructions regarding how to service or optimize it - call it jessica's studio.

- initial function of politics site was to aggregate links. google history can be converted to that purpose.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

it's up to voters to evaluate whether her statements reflect their positions, and this is something we have to come to terms with - if canada is to have a large muslim population, it must have political representation, even if the secular left spends all of it's time condemning it.

her job is to represent her constituents, not to tow the party line.

there's been some concern in the canadian press recently about canada being left out or left behind in international agreements, and the trudeau pmo has reacted characteristically childishly in reaction, most recently by picking a fight with india because they didn't want to sign a bilateral trade agreement, in parallel with what the american press calls the "quad". canada seemed to think that the us pulling out of the tpp was political, rather than strategic, as though the united states is actually a democracy, or something. the fact that the two parties always act in lockstep on "free trade" because it's actually run by the state department and the cia didn't seem to click. the truth is that trudeau didn't get the memo.

now, in addition to the quad in east asia (which excludes canada, because it tried to carry on with the tpp without the united states), we have the quint in europe. there's a parallel in strategy, here; instead of asserting us hegemony through inclusion, america's new strategy is to hone in on key allies (japan/australia/india and uk/germany/france/italy) that it feels are reliable and have something to offer it. this may have happened under trump, but the united states doesn't dither or flip flop on it's tactics due to politics, they remain consistent despite changes in power. i'd expect something similar in africa.

canada's not invited. have we been left out or left behind?

no; we've been declared irrelevant because we tried to be too independent. they've consequently sent us back to the kids table; we're a colony, we're a client state. 

the shift in policy that occurred with the nafta 2.0 is that we're not special anymore, we're to be treated like mexico. this is a total shift in policy, and it makes sense. why are we special?

read the monroe doctrine.

(edit: this was re-edited today because somebody vandalized the initial post that is still in my archives to make it make trudeau less dumb. the point was to make trudeau look dumb because he is dumb. i'll need to rewrite this, but i also may be able to find the initial post.)

sept 22, 2015


trudeau: hello?
obama: i'd just like to call to congratulate you on winning the election.
trudeau: thanks.
obama: you got the memo, right?
trudeau: what?
obama: the memo.
trudeau: what memo?
obama: the memo. on empire.
trudeau: i...don't.....
obama: well, about those f-35s. i don't want to have to do it, but if you won't buy them, i'll have to sic newt gingrich on you.
trudeau: what?
obama: newt. we'll release the newt.
trudeau: i....don't...
obama: boy, you need to understand what empire is. we're the empire. you're the client. you got that?
trudeau: i was raised to believe that canada is a middle power.
obama: they had you hanging out with castro, didn't they? middle power? don't give me that shit. don't you start thinking you can talk to the russians without us, either. we're the empire. you ain't no empire. and, because we're the empire, that means you buy our stuff. we make it. you buy it. that's empire.
trudeau: i think...
obama: ...i think you'd better stop thinking and start listening. you're getting the memo.
trudeau: what?
obama: the memo. on empire. i'm not going to release newt on ya yet, i'm not that heartless.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

the last thing i was doing in this space was a walkthrough on how to set up a raspberry pi, but it has been edited so terribly over and over again that i'm no longer interested in posting it here.

i was also editing a post at the deathtokoalas site about choosing music for exercising, which is what i'm mostly using the pi for, but it's a lost cause.

i'm going to continue writing and save it locally for my own purposes, but i won't be able to share it due to the persistent and overwhelming vandalism. sorry.

the future of this site is uncertain, but it is likely that anything posted here in the future will be written linearly and posted in pdf format.

i am still in the process of archiving data from this site into large html files; while i'm going to still want somewhere to post comments on news articles, a lot of what as been posted here over the last several years would be better stored in linearly composed documents and isolated into topical documents, rather than combined into one giant stream of thought and that is how it will be reorganized when i rebuild it in the other direction. i'm dismantling this due to exasperation with the vandalism that won't stop but the end result should be better and more focused writing.

i'm currently writing a document on how i set up my pi that will end up as a 100-200 page book. that's a better outcome than 500 posts to a blog that keeps getting vandalized by the state.

i was quick to criticize the format of social media as backwards, but i got trapped in it. i'm pulling myself out. slowly.

i want to try to remove one month from this site per day. i'm currently removing july, 2021, and have removed everything backwards to that point.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

israel frequently deserves to be criticized for it's application of overwhelming force in a scenario where it has a disproportionate power imbalance. it often behaves irresponsibly. that doesn't change the fact that hamas is a terrorist group and that it's tactics deserve condemnation.

i don't generally take a side in the palestine-israel conflict and i will frequently point out that what we call "palestianians" are actually the islamized descendants of the ancient hebrews, who weren't scattered across the sea like it says in the fairy tales but actually just stayed where they were and converted to islam. the palestinians are the jews. in fact, they were largely converted to christianity during roman times before they were converted to islam. the irony in the arab muslim narrative is that the absence of jews in israel was a consequence of the lack of actual religious tolerance by rulers in the arab part of the middle east, compared to spain or eastern europe or iran.

i think that trying to find power sharing solutions for these religious groups is a waste of time and that it would be a better idea to just bulldoze all of the ancient religious shrines and tell them all to move on. we'd be better off burying the abrahamic religion than keeping it going by preserving it in museums. it's caused us far more harm than good.

i neither stand with israel nor do i stand with palestine, i stand with the secular left that wants to build a society that isn't segregated via divisions defined by ethnic nationalism. there should be a singular democratic state in the region where everybody has equal rights under the law, regardless of their religion or ethnicity.

Friday, October 6, 2023

that's the second time this month that they tried to throw a party in the back yard and shut it down before midnight because nobody showed up.

those guys are pothead losers. they don't have any friends.

i don't have any friends either, but i don't want any actual friends because i'm everybody's friend, for ten minutes, when we meet. actual friendship is impossible in capitalism. everybody's out to exploit each other.

being friends for ten minutes is preferable when you realize what existing in capitalism is really about.

it follows that the bulk of existence in late capitalism is better spent alone, and friendships should be created and dissolved on contact; it's better to hang out in a bar, and treat strangers like they're your friends, for as long as it takes for the conversation to run it's course and get up and leave.

it's still pretty lame to keep throwing parties and keep cancelling them because nobody is ever there.
price controls is halfway there.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

to the unwanted editor,

your vandalism will be removed and all of the time you spent harassing me will simply be deleted.

you have wasted the last several years of your life.

the editing is consistently awful, both in terms of style (which i care about) and also in terms of grammar (which i don't care about). i can't understand what has made this person think they're any good at editing writing. this person needs an editor, themself, to edit for style and also to correct their grammar. i'm utterly baffled.

i've been meaning to focus my writing into more developed ideas for quite a while. i'm moving everything completely offline, but it's more as a reaction to the lesbians (who i think first found me online) than to the vandal. i'd rather withdraw from the world for a while and hermit.

Monday, October 2, 2023

temp october 1, 2 repost

sunday, october 1, 2023

i did not endorse joe biden, i endorsed the green party.

i have no idea at all why anybody would argue that biden is in any way less terrible than trump. in fact, i found biden's foreign policy more troubling than trump's during the election, and i think he's proven those concerns founded. one of the few issues where biden looked better on paper was abortion, but he appointed pro-life judges and argued that you should elect somebody else if you want to block the court.

i have no interest in spending even five minutes arguing that biden is a better choice than trump on any issue at all. he's not.

this is in truth the least consequential election since 2012. the candidates are indistinguishable, and that's what biden has proven in his time in office - he's exactly the same as trump, except maybe worse on foreign policy.

one of the louder, if perhaps ungrounded, fears about trump was that he was going to start a giant war. i didn't project that outcome, and he didn't. i did think that biden was going to start a giant war, and he actually did.

monday, october 2, 2023

for the first time since may, nobody showed up here this weekend. the couple of people still here tried to have a party but nobody showed up and they left to go somewhere else instead.

the people freaking me out were casing the unit because they wanted to move into the basement, which is where i live. my tactic has been to wait them out, under the expectation that they'd eventually find somewhere else and leave me alone.

the situation remains beyond fragile, but the non-appearance this weekend is a very positive signal that they may have moved on.